Rape of Muhammad


Hello to all my friends, my real name is Mehdi and this story is related to my friend Mohammad. I apologize and tell you the rest of the story in the language of Mohammad, as I quoted it to you. I woke up and played with children's games. I woke up every day with indescribable vivacity and I was immersed in the game until nightfall. A pleasant caress woke me up from a sweet sleep Mohammad, my dear, you do not want to spray, why did I wake up from my sweet sleep with the caress of my mother, under the pretext of resuming children's games, unaware of the fate of my nightmare? He wanted me to buy him some unfiltered Homay cigarettes and take him to my place of work. Mohammad Maman Pashoo. Go for Baba. Take a cigarette from it forever. I got on my bicycle with my mom's eyes and hurriedly got up in the hope of Sandys and the cake that my father always gave me, and left the house. John's son, where can you help me from this neighborhood? I do not know the address here. Yes, sir, for sure, and I wish I had never answered that unknown person. It continued until suddenly it reached a place I was not familiar with at all. The young man hit me against the wall with his power and put his hand on my pants and I could not resist whatever I wanted, and suddenly what should not have happened happened with my power on the ground. He ran and put his penis in my mouth, even though my face was red and blue from the intensity of fear, pain and sorrow that had been poured on my head, but he continued to work until he ejaculated, he collected himself and I When he was exhausted, he left me and I asked him out of pain and suffering. Now what should I do?From the intensity of the pain that had been inflicted on me and the pride and character that had been shattered, I was screaming at the only refuge I knew, that is, I took refuge in my father and told him the story. But this cake and Sandys did not always taste like cakes and Sandys. You know, everything seemed to be tasteless. I did not want to play. I did not want anything.

Date: August 26, 2018

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