Now a finger buddha


Hello, what I want to define is a memory from the era of sexy ignorance. Maxim, as you say, is a mirror to be a lesson for you. In this chance and in this life that this calamity befell us for the sake of mischief, sir, we were 15-16 years old. I went out with my friends. It was out of resentment and hatred towards Chadria, not fun. In short, it was my summer. A girl was standing in a chador, she almost eats her, is she our age, or at least one or two years younger, standing with her head down, and she gathered my black chador, sir, until we saw her, hatred crystallized in us again. I do not care I turned around, I took a full slice, sir, your eyes do not see a bad day. When there was nothing about religion and faith that we were religious and we all knew one by one, let's go. The girl said with a sigh, "Brother, this was my son. He put on a white shirt. God, that is, the shirt he put on. He flew up. He flew up. With the same movement, I was going into a coma, when at the last moment I saw that Mashti was coming straight to give my nose to Gaaaa. Their heads to be safe from this work, but you thought the story to thisBega's face will end, of course not. What can I do to touch Kono Kosh until my mother turned 21 when she was 22. She was a pure woman. She said that she knew something good about you. We have a happy girl, a happy ending for a not so happy memory, that is, a happy writing or

Date: July 8, 2019

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