Submitted story - sex in adolescence


Hi, the first time I want to write a story… My name is Nazanin, now I have to write ٢٣ I am XNUMX years old. This story has been going on for about XNUMX and a half years. I did not know anything about sex, sex and buttocks. One day I was playing with my friend in the alley when my dad's friend, whom I called Uncle Saddam, said, "Come on, uncle, let's go and buy you some chocolate." Going out. Telling me to take you to our house. My dad's friend had a son named Saman. I said my uncle Saman is there to play with me? He said yes. Uncle said that he's gone to his empty house and he is coming now. I also sat on the ground and leaned on my back. And he said, "I's standing next to him." I said I do not want to because I did not have shorts on my feet, I was not used to wearing shorts. When I came to myself, I saw my pants pulled down. I was very fond of Kushu's pants. At the same time, he was rubbing on Kirshu's pants. I felt hot and wet on my kiss بود It was a very good feeling. I did not say anything, I let go, continue to work because I was enjoying it. He poured white water in the middle of my kiss, wiped my head and arranged my pants. He gave me a thousand tomans and told me not to say anything to anyone.

Date: January 7, 2019

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