

Let me say in the beginning that I am Morteza, now a 21-year-old boy and a civil engineering student at Isfahan Azad University. No, I always went to our village during the summer holidays and lived alone with my grandparents for three months. They had two children, one of whom was my father who came to Isfahan and the other my aunt whose husband lives in the holy city of Mashhad.

Honestly, the story of my sex goes back to three years ago, that is, the day I took my entrance exam. At nightfall, I reached the temperature of 8 pm. After greeting my grandparents, I went upstairs to the room. I was connecting my computer when the phone rang. I thought it was my mom. I went downstairs as soon as I saw my grandmother talking to my aunt in the backyard. I was upset by that talk because on the one hand, my loneliness was disturbing me, and on the other hand, my aunt had a daughter, Los Wenner, who was upset with me (of course, it had been three or four years since I had seen her), but there was no way out. He called. I picked up the phone and heard the worst news. My aunt said: Because my husband was not on leave, my husband and I could not come, but Samira (their daughter) wanted to come, so we sent her by bus.

I woke up early the next morning and went to the city with a thousand curses to bring my princess to the terminal. The passengers are getting off. I went to the foot of the bus when suddenly a very beautiful girl got off the bus. It could not be Samira. It was very different from the previous Samira. I stared at her beautiful face for two minutes and I came to myself with her greeting speech. I still could not believe what a girl she had become. As she talked to me, I looked at her thighs and breasts.

When we got home, he quickly took his belongings upstairs and came back with a tight T-shirt and a pair of trousers. I had time. That day was spent talking about things that either I was describing about myself and my family, or Samira was talking about herself and her family, and my grandmother was talking interestingly. Two days passed, but I still had not even managed to drop a simple finger. Although he was joking with me a lot, but I dared to approach him. On the morning of the third day, to take a shower in the bathroom. I went. When I came out of the bathroom, I was just walking up the stairs with the towel I had put on. I heard a song. I realized that Samira had come up and was sitting behind my computer. A thought came to my mind. I knocked and sang the song and my body was completely naked and I got up and raised myself up. I took the towel as fast as I could from all the people. Unconsciously, it was a word that Samira said and she went down quickly. I regretted my work, but one evening Samira apologized and said that she should not go up without my permission;

It was night when a boy from the village came to the house and I weighed him (because the people of our village are getting married soon, they thought Samira was my wife and husband) and invited him to the family's mountain. We came back halfway. When we got home, my grandfather was not happy, so I took him to the hospital and we were there for eleven. When I got home, I quickly went upstairs and fell asleep like a corpse. After playing soft music, I went back to the bed in front of the computer. I was dreaming that Samira came up. Samira, who was joking, put on a song and started dancing unconsciously. After that, he sat down in a corner and started listening to music. After a quarter of an hour, Samirabham said, "Do you want anything in my movie?" Computer and I sat down for a meter. You could see the film, but I looked at the area of ​​her breasts. That's why I went to Samira and after a little Chinese introduction I said: Samira, I was a beautiful girl. I really fell in love with you for a while. Samira, who understood what I meant, said to me: I mean? He laughed and I hugged him like lightning. What a moment it was. First I took a big kiss from his lips. I ate her breasts. Then Samira said get up, now of course I do. I still can not believe it. Samira pulled down her pants and started to suck. I told him but he did not accept. So I forcibly pulled down my pants. I put him to sleep on the back of the duvets and put a pillow under his belly. I swallowed. Although my grandparents do not hear correctly (somewhat deaf), Amasmirami was afraid to shout. I told her that now is the time for me to kiss you. Samira, when she heard this, strongly objected and said that I am a girl. You are not ashamed, you want to cover my virginity veil. There was blood coming from his chest; I got up and cut a large piece of mesh (nylon) that was stuck to the wall. I spread it around the corner of the room and made a white sheet. I did it and put my back on the hole. I wanted to push her, but suddenly Samira pulled herself back and started begging. It started. Then I started pumping. I pumped hard for five minutes until it was watery. I put Samira to sleep on my face and continued to kiss her. I was really tired of sex. So I threw myself in a corner and fell asleep in less than two minutes.

In four days, I had sex with Samira five times. I worked with her in all kinds of positions. One morning when I woke up, I went to Samira, who was sleeping next to me. From that day on, I decided to have sex with Basmira one day. The poor thing had dried up. It was the eleventh day that Basmira and I were together when her mother (my aunt) called and told her that it would be better to stay.
اماسميرا بهش گفت نميخواد روستاروترك كنه.بهش مي گفت تازگيها چندتارفيق پيداكردم كه خيلي مهربونند.بعد عمه ساده ام قبول كردودخترشو به من سپرد وگفت كه مواظبش باش.(منم خيلي خوب ازش مواظبت كردم)چون سميرا قرارشد تا هروقت دلش ميخواد اوجا بمونه پس مانياز به تقويت جسماني داشتيم(آخه باشكم خالي كه نميشه سكس داشت)واسه همين روزه بعدعازم شهرشديم وتموم پولي روكه واسه سه ماه گرفته بودم صرف موادمقوي وويتامينهاي مختلف وخريدكاندوم كردم.دوماه وخرده اي باهم بوديم.بيش از سي بارباهم سكس داشتيم.اونقدر جرات پيداكرده بوديم كه چهارپنج بارتو باغ سكس كرديم.جالبتر اينكه چندبارتوسط اهالي روستاواسه مهموني دعوت شديم وچندبارم واسه شب نشيني به خونه دوستامون رفتيم.به غيراز سه روزي كه خواهرم وشوهرش اونجابودند بقيه روزا منو سميرا اتاق بالا تنهابوديم.سميرااونقدركيرمو دوست داشت كه اصلا حاضرنميشد اونوتنهابذاره.همش ياكيرم تودستش بو ياتوكون وكسش.اونروزا گذشت تابالاخره روز اعلام نتايج كنكوررسيد.يه خبرخوب.تونسته بودم رتبه قبولي روبيارم.واسه همين بايد به اصفهان برمي گشتم تافرم انتخاب رشته رو ارسال كنم.جداشدن ازسميراخيلي سخت بودولي چاره اي نبود.دوتايي بارمونو بستيم وباپولي كه قرض گرفتيم با اژانس به شهراومديم وسميرا روبه ترمينال رسوندم وقتي سميراميخواست سواره اتوبوس بشه دستشوگرفتم همينطوركه نگاه بهم ميكرديم هردوچشممان پرازاشك شد،اما اتوبوس ميخواست حركت كنه وسميرا روازمن جداكرد.اونروزمن به خونه اومدموفرداش دفترچه انتخاب رشته ام روپست كردم و…يه چندروزي غمگين كنج خونه نشستم.تابالاخره يه روزعمه ام زنگ زد.اون به مامانم گفت كه به مرتضي بگو،تونميدوني چراسميرا ازوقتي كه ازمسافرت برگشته،ناراحت وعصبانيه.وقتي مامانم بهش گفت كه مرتضي هم چنين حالتي داره،صداي خندههاي عمه ام ازپشت گوشي شنيده ميشد.اون فهميده بودمادوتاعاشق يكديگه شديم.جريان وبه مامانم گفت ومامانم به پدرم.پدرم وقتي قضيه روفهميدهمه چيزروبه عهده خودم گذاشت واينطوربود كه…مامانم روزبعدبه صورت تلفني ازسميراخواستگاري كردو اون وخونواده اش قبول كردند.بعدقرارشدتاتابستان صبركنيم تاسميراپيش دانشگاهي اش تموم بشه وبعد عقد.همه چيزبه راحتي تموم شد.توي اون يه سال منوسميرا به دفعات باتلفن بايكديگه صحبت ميكرديم وازخاطرات گذشته وبرنامه هاي آينده مون يادمي كرديم(يادم رفت بگم همون تابستون من دردانشگاه ازاد اصفهان رشته عمران قبول شده بودم) تااينكه تابستون سال بعدرسيد.يه روزبه خونه عمه ام زنگ زدم وبهش گفتم كه حالاديگه وقتشه.اونايه هفته بعد به اصفهان اومدند ودريك مراسم ساده باحضورتمام اقوام منوسميرابه عقديكديگه دراومديم.دوروزبعدازعقدزمان رفتن خونواده عمه ام رسيد.راستش خيلي مي ترسيدم سميرا روباخودشون ببرند.آخه قرارشد عروسي روبعدازگرفتن ليسانس بگيريم(چون بابايم تاموقع سربازي بالاي شصت سال ميشد معاف بودم)ولي اونروزخونواده عمه ام دخترش روبه منوخونواده ام سپرد وعازم شهرشون شدند.بعدازرفتن اونا مامانم يكي ازاتاقهاي خونه روخالي كرد وبه سميراداد.من ازاين بابت غمي نداشتم.چون پدرومادرم از 6صبح تا6بعدازظهرسركاربودند وماتو اين مدت ميتونستيم باهم سكس داشته باشيم كه مانم اين كاروكرديم.الان كه دوسالي از عقدمون ميگذره چندصدبارباخيال راحت وتوي خونه خودمون باهم سكس داشت وهيچ كسي هم ازقضيه رابطه ماخبردار نشد(فقط يه روزوقتي خواهرم به خونه اومدمنو روكارديدكه بعدش بهم گفت كه چون عقدكرده ايد اشكالي نداره وبهم قول داده كه به مامان وباباچيزي نگه.تازه ازاونروزبه بعدهروقت ميخواد بيادخونه،اول زنگ ميزنه اجازه ميگيره وبعدش مياد)يادم رفت بگم سميراهم سال بعدازعقدمون دررشته كامپيوتردانشگاه اصفهان قبول شد.الان منوسميرا خيلي همديگه رودوست داريم وخيلي دلمون ميخوادهرچه زودترعروسي كنيم!!!آخه سميرا ميگه شب عروسي دستمال خوني ازكجا بياريم تا نشون بديم..

Date: February 16, 2018

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