Neighbor female coral


Hi Afshin, I am 25 years old. My memory is related to our neighbor's woman named Marjan, who is about 30 years old and, like most Iranian women, is one of her good features for men. Marjan has a very good face and her body is really big and lovely. She has an addicted husband and a little girl who goes to preschool.

It was about 15 months ago that I was leaving my house at work at 7 o'clock in the morning and there was no one in the alley. I saw that it opened in their yard and he came out with tears in his eyes. I went to the car, put the glass next to it, and said hello, dear Marjan, if you come somewhere, I will take you on the way. While he was trying to hide his tears, he thanked her and said no, thank you, but I insisted a few times, he got on board. How lame I am to borrow from my parents, neither entertainment nor expenses. I pick it up in the morning. Go with this car. He does not pay any attention to me. I do not have a reputation in my family, nor in my neighbor. The only thing I could say was that there is nothing wrong with it. He laughed a little and wiped his tears and did not say anything else. I said where are you going to take you. He said I am going to my mother's house. I said that in order not to be alone in the street, I will not go to work, I will take you home in 12 to 2 hours. He complimented me a lot, but I did not accept. He did not have the money to rent my car, he was just nervous.

In short, that day until noon, we were driving in the street with an Alki machine. I also tried to relax with him. I took him to lunch and had lunch at a restaurant. On the pretext that if you had anything to tell me, I gave him my number and had a 50 toman trawl in my pocket. I gave it to him by force. A few days later, I sent him an SMS joke. After about a month, our SMS increased and our relationship had become SMS friendly.

It took me a while to convince her to go out. Of course, I should also say that I was helping her financially, otherwise she would still have problems with her husband, but she was more afraid of divorce and special displacement than her condition. I had no contact with his body. And I had not even said a word. I put my earphone under it, I tried to stick to the corner, then I pulled my earphone out. I said with a laugh, oh, oh, my ear was pressed. I sat down with such greatness. We hugged and kissed and kissed, but it was still a doubt for the sex in our couple. I loved it very much but I did not know it. ? Eagerly, he asked about my favorite food and said, "I will let you know." Some time later, he called and said that he would not be my guest for lunch tomorrow. I called him happy at noon tomorrow. And what about you? He said, "I left my child at my mother's house. I threw my husband out." I said, "Go to your house." I did not go to work or to my place until my mother understood.

I walked back and walked away. Finally, I went to their blood by force and effort. The smell of green vegetables refreshed me. She was wearing a long skirt with a men's shirt. I did not know how to make an introduction. After lunch, we were sitting together on the sofa. I hugged her without preamble. I told Marjan Joon not to hurt your hand. I kissed her and said thank you for the vegetable. Can you say something else? He said no, Baba, I'm totally ashamed of the financial aid and the trips we go on together. I do not want to say anything to you if you want. Do not defile yourself anymore. I doubted again or I said I told you to forget it. He said okay. He was silent for a few minutes. He said I understood what you wanted to say. I said well what I wanted to say. I must agree to have sex with her. I threw my hand under her skirt and rubbed her pussy. She said, "Wow, what are you doing?" I said I was thinking about sex, not cooking. He said no, no, not at all. I was very surprised. I had given and spent it. Didn't he say that this was your intention from the beginning? I said no, but why today.

Date: March 24, 2018

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