All my sexes


I love my wife very much
But even the thought of sex confuses me
Sometimes I take a shower in the bathroom with my shorts on
(Because wet shorts become heavy and put pressure on the penis and the act of masturbation becomes very enjoyable)
Anyway, I'm pouring milk and shower
And I'm lucky to play love with anyone I love
(After thirty years and a half that I am satisfied, I came to the conclusion that it is very enjoyable to do this with shorts and under the shower by rubbing with milk.
But with my wife, I do not even reach one thousandth of this pleasure
When I sleep at night, I play love with whoever you think
With my niece
With my sister
With old men
With my son
With my office colleague
Enjoy with anyone
So that I can sleep with pleasure
And to bear the presence of my wife by my side
My niece and nephew no longer sleep in our house because
Midnight of Kiromo (according to my wife, it is more like Duduleh to Kir)
I show them to them
I rubbed a barbell on the soles of my sister's feet, which were lying on my feet
Who quickly pulled his foot
It's a lot of fun to show Kir to someone else
Now I do this work in taxis and buses
It is strange that women fall asleep
And look under the eye
Of course, some also turn bright
That I too quickly gather myself
I am sure that one day I will raise my eyebrows and my self-esteem with this work
Maybe I should drink a joint
Although I show a little cream, I get water
And all my shorts and clothes are dirty
Woe to the day when my pants are white
Then everyone will understand what I am
Most of my life has been flirting with this and that
Sometimes I even go to the student park to find someone to pick me up and take me away.
Twice I took two men over the age of fifty home to visit my wife
But they could not do anything
They are worse than me.
It was only 20 years ago my niece
The night had come to my sister's house
I was there too, I woke up in the morning to go to work
I took a look in my sister's room
I saw him asleep
I wanted to see if I could see a clot
But she was not naked
I do not know what happened to hit me once
I went to the room
I will see my sister's armpit
He woke up
He arched himself
But he did not say anything about what you are doing here
She was wearing a thin skirt
I put my hand on her skirt
I pulled up his shorts
I ate his shorts
I pulled my hand down twice
This time her skirt did not come down
It was only my hand that gently ate my sister Ron
I realized what I was doing
If we were alone at home, I'm sure I would go to the end
But the fear of the sister-in-law, the sister-in-law, and the others caused one not to see us
Let me get up once and not continue
I still miss those moments
I did not regret why I was scared and did not enjoy what I was doing so much.
But my second niece
Always sacrifice charity
But she has never been as upset as her first niece
Everyone talks, sends me sexy jokes and SMS, and so do I.
But so far I have not been able to take a lip or touch it
I would love to see my wife have sex with someone else
I want without understanding
In the moment that someone is giving me to be at home and hear his voice
He was having a sexy chat once
He thought I was asleep
Believe me, I was so excited about his work
I came without touching my back
How often does my son come and wrestle with me?
I also put him to sleep and rub him on his back
It makes so much noise that I let go
Of course, whenever he comes, I will do it
I will not step forward myself
I'm sure if one day we are home alone
And remember me
If I am not ashamed
I will do it
Because I think she does not hate having sex with me, but she is ashamed
Sometimes he goes and hugs his mother, so he may be a little satisfied
My wife describes my son's body and says how soft and thick
I like to secretly see the sex of two of them
Of course, my wife's single boyfriend during two years (77 and 78)
Many times, someone has beaten me and fucked me
When I found out about this, I complained about it many times
In 83, she became friends with her current boyfriend in a chat
Which continues to this day
My wife's last boyfriend has done it hundreds and many times over the years
Even the curtain has been torn. Apparently, I could not have torn my wife's curtain in the last sixteen years, but my wife's boyfriend has succeeded in doing this important thing.

Date: February 3, 2018

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