Thought and planning in the situation of our beloved Al-Kir


The first chapter in love, passion and drunkenness, and boy, know that I have brought this chapter from it, so that you know that love for the pen and love for the pen is another end, so know that the pen is the instrument of love and do it a lot. I have a hangover for a hundred nights. Where is the wine house? I have the right instrument. I heard a bit from Obaid about the hardships of the times. In terms of length and diameter, whoever knows that Kir's drive to someone is the one who guides everyone, because it's the case that all people are addicted to meeting and joining him. Nasheed said, "I killed it, and when I had a hard time with a girl in her absence, you saw me when she was in the company of friends." I brought the principle in sexual intercourse of love and the quality of the reed is resurrection and the quantity of the length and diameter of these. It is not for him if he caresses the orphan's head, which is another end of masturbating, and I will talk about it in another chapter, which is not the article now. 8 7 9 84 8 9 81 9 8 1 9 88 8 7 9 84 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 9 81 8 8 7 8 9 88 8 7 9 84 8 9 8 2 8 8 2 9 86 8 7 8 7 9 84 9 Continued by Kir Ibn

Date: November 30, 2018

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