My brother-in-law is a coward


سلام سلام به همه بچه هایی که میان تو شهوانی و خاطرات خودشونو مینویسن به اونایی که داستان رو میخونن ودر آخر بجای ناسزا گفتن تشکر میکنن و اجازه میدن تا نویسنده ادامه بده و داستانهای شهوتناک خودشو بازم بنویسه اسمم عرفانست 3ساله از بهمن جدا شدم چند سالی با هم زندگی کردیم اما خلاصه به دلایل مختلف از هم دل کندیم پس از جدایی پائیز بود هوا ابری و طوفانی جنت آباد میشستیم پیش مادرم و برادرم زندگی خوبی داشتیم هوا بارونی بود یه 206 مغز پسته ای و یه دهنه مغازه تو آریا شهر دارو ندارم بود یه بوتیک و یه فروشنده خانم تو راه داشتم میرفتم بهش سر بزنم گوشیم زنگ خورد الو سلام عرفانه سلام شما حالا مارو نمیشناسی نه نشناختم عرض کردم شما احسانم برادر شوهر سابقت آها احسان تویی خوبی چه خبر چکار میکنی خوبم مرسی کجایی دارم میرم مغازه اووو پس مزاحم نمیشم قربانت کار داشتی آره میخواستم ببینمت منو آره خیره ایشالله آره خیره ساعت 6 بیا میدون ولیعصر سر پاساژ ایرانیان کار داری بگو الان نه بیا اونجا خلاصه رفتم رفتم دیدم آقا با یه سوناتا اومد بوق بوق بوق دیدم داره صدام میکنه رفتم سوار شدم رفت سمت راه آهن داشتیم در مورد خودشو زن و بچه هاش و شوهر سابقم بهمن صحبت میکردیم گفت رفته آلمان و اقامت گرفته گفتم ولش کن اونو کار داشتی گفت دلم واست تنگ شده بود منم گفتم مرسی از اینکه بیادم بودی اگر میتونی منو ببر دم مغازه هم باهم حرف بزنیم هم ماشینم اونجاست گفت اه ه ه ه بی ذوق تعجب کردم با خنده گفتم چرا آخه گفت بابا بریم یه کافی شاپی جایی گفتم کار دارم باید برم گفت نه بریم گفتم اوکی برو رفت به یه کافی شاپ دوتا قهوه سفارش داد خوردیم بعد گفت با تنهایی چه میکینی و منم گفتم بهتر از با داداش تو بودنه خندیدو گفت من چی منم با تعجب گفتم یعنی چی من چی گفت من مثه اون نیستما گفتم درسته تو از اون بدتری ناراحت شد منم خندیدم گفتم ناراحت نشو بابا توام شوخی کردم خلاصه اون روز گذشت و شب رفتم خونه اس داد گفت امروز چطور بود گفتم مثه همیشه یه روز خدا بود دیگه گفت نه با من گفتم خوشحال شدم بعد 3سال دیدمت گفت من دوستتدارم بدون مقدمه من هاج و واج مونده بودم چی بگم دیگه تا صبح جوابشو ندادم و خوابیدم صبح پاشدم دیدم 23 تا اس داده و آخریش این بود که فردا بیا قلهک خونمون با همسرم سر اس دادن به تو دعوامون شده و کارمون به طلاق داره میکشه منم که حالم از اسم طلاق بهم میخورد سریع پاشدم گازشو گرفتم سمت پاسداران قلهک تو راه زنگ زدم بهش گفت فقط بیا زووووووووود رفتم خونشونو بلد بودم زنگ زدم در باز شد رفتم بالا درو باز کرد گفت بیا تو رفتم گفنم سوسن کجاست گفت بشین نشستم رفت با یه ظرف میوه اومد تو پذیرایی گفتم سوسن کجااااااااااست گفت دروغ گفتم بابا دوست داشتم بیای اینجا ادامه حرف دیشب رو بزنیم کفتم بس کن احسان من بازیچه دست تو و داداشت نیستم احمق شروع کرد به چرت گفتن من دوستتدارم عاشقتم از اولم من میخواستمت بعد که رفتم تو فکر که چرا منه احمق تا اینجام اومدم دیدم کنارم نشسته دستمو داره فشار میده گوسفند بیشعور یدغعه شعور کرد به حرف سکسی زدن تو فکرای خودم بودم دیدم داره با دست گردنمو میماله همین که اومدم پاشم گفت عرفانه فقط یکبار گفتم آشغال عوضی تو زن داری من هرزه نیستم که گفت میدونم تا اینجا اومدی بزار من به آرزوم برسم دیدم داره لخت میشه داد زدم بی ناموس لخت نشو زشته بدتر داشت حشری تر میشد منو کشید انداخت وسط اتاق بدنم بی حس شده بود از استرس و ترس التماس کردم اما بدتر میکرد همون وسط پذیرایی شروع کرد لبامو خورد کثافت انگار تا حالا لب نخورده بود تو همین حین داشت کسمو با دستش فشار میداد منم هیچ راهی نداشتم جز التماس کردن آروم در گوشش گفتم کثافت الان زنت میادا گفت نترس با دوستاش رفتن تیراژه تا غروبم نمیان با شنیدن این حرفش یکم شل شدم تو لب گرفتن ناخودآگاه باهاش راه اومدم رفت سراغ سینه هام مالید و مالید لباسامو از تنم دراورد و از گردنم شروع کرد به مالیدن داشتم تحریک میشدم صدای اوووف اوووفم داشت بلند میشد کل بدنمو لیسید رفت سراغ کسم وقتی دید خیسه حال کرد گفت پس توام داری حال میکنی گفتم بخورش دیگه بخوررررر گفت چی بازم بگووو گفتم جون مامانت بخوووووور مثل سگ داشت لیس میزد انقد لیسید تا آبم که مثه همیشه با فشار میومد پاشید رو صورتش بدجور خورده بود تو پرش پاکم کردو کیشو اورد جلو صورتم براش ساگ زدم اما با دندون خلاصه کیرش که 12 سانتم نبودو کشید رو سینم شکمم تا رسوند به کسم وقتی کرد تو کسم فکر نمیکردم انقد درد داشته باشه البته فقط اولشا بعد که تلمبه میزد داشتم حال میکردم حرفاش داشت دیونم میکرد دیگه فجیه دادم در اومده بود اونم بیشتر تحریک شده بودو داشت بالا پائین میکرد کیرشو میگفتم بکن احسان بکننننننن جووووووووووووون جرم بده حرومی جیگرم داره حال میاد بکن فداتشم 3ساله تو کفم بکن عمرم خلاصه اونم داشت دیگه نعره میزد که من بازم آبم اومد انقد خیس شده بود کسم که میگفت دیگه حال نمیده من متوجه صدای در شدم میدونستمم احتمال 90 درصد زنشه کشدمش رو خودم گفتم اگه نکنی میرما سریع کیرشو کرد تو کوسمو منم داد و هوار که تحریک بشه میگفتم بکن زن جنده بکن جیگر داشت تلمبه میزد که یدفعه وااااااااااااااااای صدای جیغ یه زن کل اتاق رو برداشت ها ها زنش بود من خونسرد پاشدم لباسامو تنم کردم زنشم بی حال افتاد رو کاناپه و گریه میکرد معلوم نبود بیهوشه یا منم گفتم احسان جان فداتشم حال کردم مرسی زنش منو نمیشناخت چون 1سال بعد طلاقمون باهاش ازدواج کرده بود جراتم نکرده بود بهش بگه زن داداش قبلیشم خلاصه زن بدبخت اونم طلاقشو گرفت و اون کثافتم به سرنوشت داداش احمقش دچار شد خیلی طولانی شد ببخشید عزیزانم فدای همتون دوستتون دارم عرفانه بوس بوس

Date: November 5, 2018

One thought on "My brother-in-law is a coward"

  1. •  Nicknames
    •  Hello
    •  I was 28 years old when a boy was proposed to me for marriage. I had seen the boy several times. He didn't have a face, the objections started immediately. I also rejected the representative C. But I don't know what happened. I met him away from everyone's eyes. To be honest, I liked the way he spoke, his tongue was greasy and soft. Being a little cute and wanting to be friends with a boy made me not understand what we were doing and I answered yes. And God, I wanted him, of course, I had a boyfriend whom I rarely saw due to the distance from work, and he avoided being lonely, of course, I didn't have a full sexual relationship with him, we just hugged each other a few times, and because I was very little, we just flirted and he would start. Once or twice he rubbed me romantically and rubbed himself on me. And since he was past the age of marriage, I said that maybe my love will hear that I am getting married and he will act. Even if he doesn't want to, I will be friends with Asad for a while and eventually it will end. He was two and a half years younger than me, in short, I didn't understand what was going on. We got married and don't let your eyes see a bad day. I fell in love with him completely at the first meeting of his brother. Unlike Asad Akbar, he is very beautiful and tall. He has a round face and four shoulders. And whatever I say, I say little. Unlike Asad, all the girls in his family and abroad love him, even my whole family. Having a veto in all assemblies. His name was Webs. Of course, Asad, my husband, God, I didn't miss him in every way. Of course, my family's behavior also had a strong effect on all these events. Kabar Agha was XNUMX years older than Saad. Of course, I didn't have that type of appearance. If Asad knew about my love story and could do something, he would have given thousands of times as much respect and time to his family as Akbar, but everyone was blind for two reasons, one is the beauty of Akbar, the second is Akbar's wealth, which Asad had none of, sir. Akbar did not spare anything, he did not show mercy to any heavy girl. Of course, I said that everyone would immediately fall for him. But Asad was clean. His employer was in another city and he would come once every few months. He was the manager of a cement factory. When I saw him, I would involuntarily sigh, and I would be lustful for his love again and again, and my hand would take his place, and I would not take my hand off until I was satisfied. It was Akbar who calmed me down. In all my forced sex with Asad, I would close my eyes and feel Akbar in my arms with all my heart, and only then I would understand what sex is. Even when I felt that I was being satisfied, I would put my back to Asad and turn my head away from him. At the moment of satisfaction, I should say my name Akbar, because at that moment I only said the words "my dear" and "my love" out loud.
    With all these words, I was a very religious girl, but what should I do? When I was single, I masturbated many times for the love of some handsome boys in the neighborhood, but I never allowed myself to do anything. Complete and frequent request of some people, I was strict
    •  One night when everyone slept in our house, and our house is XNUMX square meters, I was sleeping next to Asad and Akbar, about twenty meters away from me. I wished that Akbar was my husband. He pulls himself towards me and I had my back to Asad and to Akbar and I felt that Akbar was getting closer and I became so lustful that I wanted to avoid losing myself and surrendering. And Akbar's becoming more and more upset the way he pulled his hand. I felt a foot hit my foot once.
    •  Me, who didn't move for ten minutes or so, and didn't talk, I didn't get wet, I felt all my shorts full of water. And I always tried to stay away from my husband in the presence of others and show that the respect of others is obligatory. Without considering the possibility of the others waking up, I jumped on top of Asad with our eyes closed for only half an hour. I licked her bottom, she was beautiful, and for the first time I was rubbing her panties with love and biting her dick. Previously, she had only made a small sack with a thousand pleas, but my answer was no. I even stopped having sex once because she said to take a moment.
     Now I was rubbing it on my panties and I rubbed it so much that it started to water. But I didn't like Kirasadar. One night I asked him to touch me three times, and he did, and at the last moment I turned my back to him, and he was kissing me from behind, and I was looking at Akbar who was facing us. And we didn't know, I was watching while I was awake and I visualized him rubbing my back from the front and Asad also rubbing my back... But if Akbar said sure, I would have told him this. During my single life, except for Muhammad, who is my boyfriend, I did not allow anyone of the opposite sex to even touch me. I did not wear clothes, only once, when I was 15 years old and I had just had my breasts measured, friend. My brother forcibly pinned me to the wall and squeezed my breasts. I only felt pain. He was 20 years older than me. I tried to get away from his hand. He was pushing me madly. He said that if I say no, you will call me to give it to you. For the first time, he forced my hand and he was pushing my hand up and down on his cunt. I just I was crying softly. high He pulled me down so that his underwear got wet and with his other hand he rubbed the middle of my leg so much that when I put my hand on it, I gasped and for the first time I had a cock in my hand, which I hated all boys until I was 19 years old. Remember every time. that. Sometimes I feel very sick. Martike was like an ass. I had heard that he married XNUMX women and all of them divorced because of his big size. On the wedding night, I was waiting for a big dick like him, which got better and it was XNUMX cm
    •  Let me beg for my love. The memory of Akbar and his honor and respect touched my heart so much. that despite having a lot of respect for each other and showing only the love of a brother-in-law, the weight of his brother ruled between us, neither I nor I had the slightest ugly behavior that showed feelings, except that night when it might have been my desire and he didn't move at all, I knew that My love is one sided.
    •  The day he came back from his work in the city, because he had not been there for 5 and a half months, to see his only brother, who loved each other very much, he hurriedly and happily entered our apartment without knocking. I was very happy to see it, like last time when Asad and Kaber hugged and kissed each other and finally. I was shaking hands with him and I liked his loving smile. I went forward to Asad, who didn't want to hug him and kiss him, and then I went forward and shook hands because he was taller than me. My whole being was boiling when he noticed it, and he bent down again and I pulled myself up and we kissed on his left side, then he bent down twice and I pulled myself up and my hand was in his hand, and this time he stitched our lips together instead of our cheek, and he wanted to straighten up, but I Unexpectedly, I pulled myself more, and he opened his lips, and my door closed again. Right in front of my door, where I was forcing my lips to pucker for a few seconds, my lips were opening and licking lovingly on Akbar's lips. For a moment, I felt that my head was facing the way, how easy it is to kiss our lips, when I realized that I locked my hand and grabbed his waist, and he held his hand on my hip and lifted me up. My legs are locked around his waist
    •  Wow, I saw my love eating my lips and I had reached the desire of many years. I jumped down and immediately went to the kitchen and my love Rommel sat down
    •  Asad came, I felt that he was looking at Joe seriously
    •  They left together and when the door was closed, I immediately put my hand inside my shorts and pleasured myself like an angel.
    •  That night, when Asad came, I quickly put him to sleep, and this time I started to tell him, what is it, ten years later, you just got married.
    •  I was about to finish my sex when he stopped in the middle of fucking and easily said, "What the fuck?"
    •  We don't have a married husband or bread
    •  I felt that he was doubting when I told him that I remembered Muhammad
    I had told him about the story of my boyfriend Muhammad and his secrets of my displeasure and the story of my brother's cowardly friend. He was so ashamed of me that my brother's skin became stupid and I told him that he and Muhammad hugged me only once and he kissed me. While I wanted to, I pretended that it was not a lie, it had only happened three times
    •  You asked me, did you feel Muhammad who was completely clingy?
    •  He must have remembered that you are in love with a snake and I immediately said that if I don't tell you, it's fine
    •  Of course, Mohammad Americas knows that he cannot reach me
    •  I wanted the lips of Akbar and Setsu, who took my cock, but to be honest, Kirshu had also split, I felt the vizier on my hips.
    I said to Fechri, it was not in my hands to forgive Asad, but I saw that he said, "Tell me about it, I won't be mine. You weren't mine, and Karaz was married, so he just attached to you."
    •  I said, don't worry, Dad, I said the wrong code
    •  But I had to clear his mind when I told him to stop, it's over
    •  When he said, "Oh, don't do it, you pulled his pants clean."
    •  And I said do you want fantasy, so I said yes, otherwise it will be like this
    •  He said, "Okay, yes, this is Mr. Mokhmad. I got up and did all the work in the morning. I like it so much that I burst into tears three times when he said, "This is Mohammad's work."
    •  And who else do you want?
    •  I immediately threw him away and left and didn't talk to him for the next day so that he wouldn't doubt
    •  And a few months later, Asad was in Tehran when he called Akbar to go to him
    •  And I was surprised at first that it is not the only lesson of Val Will who said that you will die in ten hours
    •  And it happened that my love and I met each other in Tojade Abadeh, Tehran
    A few months later, when he had just returned, he thought that Asad was at work early in the morning, when he had just returned, he jumped into the room and told me to jump into my arms, my love, and his eyes fell on Asad, who was sleeping in my arms.
    •  Akbar did not lose himself and repeated to Asad, Dadshak Gol Man.
    •  I felt that he understood
    •  That night while I was visiting Akbar again. My whole body wanted cock. I didn't feel like it was being created. I have to say that my husband Asad's cock is much thicker and longer than Akbar's cock, but his lover's cock is a different thing.
    •  But one night when we had sex, I was a little tired and in the mood for sex. I couldn't say it when it was wet, what is it? Akbar, sir, push me, I'm a fool, I'm wet and wet, and I said, he got up without being satisfied and left, he just said, "If he only killed you for sex, I wouldn't have believed it if I'd seen it with my own eyes. I had a lot of trust for both of you that night." I knew very well that our blood had fallen apart. But I told myself that he didn't want to do anything again, he took refuge in me. I foolishly said, "Thank you, you were in the position you were in and you were safe." I was lost and buried. Not that my brother told me in his heart.
    •  XNUMX-year-old Valan, who has not had sex, does not pay attention to me, only behaves normally in front of my daughter, son, and others, which I can only admire. May God forgive me before I die, the only person in my life, that is, my true lover, Asad Aziz
    •  He didn't attack his brother at all, even after his marriage, I thought he would kill his wife and kill him, but considering that his wife understood that Asad's sex was the one he wanted, he was very sexy because his behavior with all the men in the family was meaningful, the same men who read Akbar or their sisters. Yazenu had only liked them because of their beauty, and Asad only started to like the girls of my family, who were under XNUMX years old, and from their frequent visits with us, I knew who she was, and who was a girl. As if I didn't tell Akbar that. He understood, and from that day on, there was only peace and God was with him wherever he was. I tried not to be alone or to be alone. A few days ago, agents attacked Asad's elder sister's house, and XNUMX men and a young woman, XNUMX of them were their sons-in-law and XNUMX of them were their cousins, who knew Akbar with The type of Zelna was definitely Gayede and the other two were the husbands of their two aunts. That woman was Shahla, a dear lady in the family. She was a greedy and beautiful woman. She was Akbar Agha's wife. She was married to XNUMX Muzd and their sisters were full of pride. Because the wife of Bishraf's brother, Fatima Zahras, and everyone is envious of the beauty and life of her father.

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