It was more revenge than sex


I am Amir, I am XNUMX years old. The main thing was about XNUMX months ago that I had met a girl. She was a first-degree corpse. But I was having sex with him and he was rubbing his pussy when he said that the perforated people are not just in front of him. A few days later, after that sex, we hit each other. Alki, in order to scare me and bother me, said that I had become pregnant. I had no life. Get rid of this baby's money, give me XNUMX tomans, it was there that Reed had the money for the abortion, as I asked, it was at least XNUMX tomans, if he wants one of his own money, it will be much more than XNUMX tomans, I gave it to him again I saw that it was possible to go back, I was also studying and I was no longer in anyone's phase, I had an entrance exam, I did not answer it until tomorrow When I gave it to him, at XNUMX o'clock, our blood said, "Okay, my blood was always empty from XNUMX to XNUMX empty." The next day, I was also an insect. I took her in my mouth, I went to the upper floor, and soon after I got naked, I forced her down. I told her to eat. She eats like a jerk. He was very upset that water was spilled in his mouth. I always told him to stop, but this time not all of my water was empty in his mouth. The way I was doing it, I remembered how much it bothered me. It was screaming a lot, he wanted to go to the lamb, but I locked it with one of my hands and sprayed it to the bottom.I was pumping in my own corner, and tears came to my eyes, and I was crying. Nizar will be like this, then he would put on his clothes with tears and he would take off the compass. This story is completely true, you can not believe it was written to Kirma

Date: November 5, 2018

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