Get charged


I am a student of mechanics in my hometown, because our blood was in Karaj and it came and went. I had a problem renting a house. Every night I went and drove around. I saw Raf outside, waiting for a fast taxi. I turned on the car. I had sex in the middle of it, he said yes, but it's a condition, I must have bad money, I had not given money to anyone and I will not give it. I ate 2 condom and bought it. I took it up, it was serving, it was very tight, from IDB He was an inexperienced newcomer. In short, he had his own pill. He did not feel at all that I wanted to be satisfied and I did not. Hey, I pumped, it was 1 hour of sex, he protested why it doesn't work, I didn't care about it either, it was 9:1, I was getting satisfied little by little, I saw it was still not enough, hey, I was pumping, I saw it was coming, I kept holding it, I saw that I was really satisfied. I was taking the pill out of his bag quickly, I was taking it with him, he said, "Give me my money now, I gave it to him. Now that I do not have it, give me the card number. You have a charge of 1 thousand tomans. Do not worry that he is always very smart.

Date: June 20, 2018

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