Maiden itch in the library


Hello to all Iranian foams. My story is about two or three months ago. I have been going to the library to study since the beginning of summer. The short mantle, which was covered by Kunshu force and was open from the front, was naked. The ankle was bare. I would come up to myself and say to myself, "Wow, Rooney, wow, a very attractive team, until I reached her, she was open in front of Mantoush. It was, but it was coming to him. I reached his face, my eyes were locked in his eyes. He was staring, he was looking into my eyes, and I felt a good feeling in my heart. It took a few seconds and we paused and when we passed I came back from behind I saw him, he turned around, looked at me, went to the lady's study hall, and I thought to myself, I said to myself, oh, can such a horse come here to study? We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds and passed each other. Every model of mantle she wore made her very attractive. It was as if these clothes were sewn only for her body. Let's start talking to him, and at the end I was saying, oh, you's not in a hurry, why do you want to involve someone else in yourself? Holy, I have a lot of worries in this world, which had taken my whole focus for a month, and because I am not a prostitute and I am not happy with friendship with girls, and I am not a man of promises and ruining the world and the desires of others, I did not go there to get out of his mind. And not to make myself and that poor man miserable, but I wish our egg state was not like this and we are miserable We could have done the right thing, so that when one turns green like this, we can move forward with confidence and hope for the future and talk about our dreams and aspirations. And I do not know that it does not matter to them who the country is and who the party is. May their lives be ruined, may God curse them and their founder, may God reduce the evil of the wealthy people and both of this country, and peace be upon you

Date: March 9, 2019

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