Sexy story submitted Wednesday - October XNUMX, XNUMX: I gave someone to Baba for a prosthesis


Hello, first of all, let me tell you that under all their sexy stories and that the girl writes, of course, I do not care about a boy. And I had surgery on my cheeks and lips, as if I was somehow addicted to cosmetic surgery. The last operation I had was a breast prosthesis, which was opposed to me. Let me do it, I accepted in order to get permission to make my breasts more insect-like, and in any case, by giving it to my teacher, children and my friend's husband, I passed it for two semesters and finally got a prosthesis. I had sex with my doctor. It doesn't matter, it took me a while to get a prosthesis on my head. My mother was used to it. It was useless to remind Leila if anyone would She was able to do something. She was Leila. She was my elementary school friend. She has been having sex with my dad since I was XNUMX years old. And from these words and then I told him to do something, I will give my father a license for a prosthesis and he would issue it. He would laugh and say that nothing was made of me. I have to give it to your father and I no longer had any hope that there would be a way to tell me why you do not give it to him to get a license? I was shocked and said, "What do you say?" I killed him when he told me to step on him, if you killed him, I told him for sure, he said, "Who is the one who does not want to spend all of his daughter's money? I was Leila, I saw that she would not say bad, but mom, what should I do ?!

Date: October 17, 2018

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