Sexy wife's cousin XNUMX


Hello, my Javad friends, my wife has an aunt's daughter named Parisa. I always wanted to feel hot in those hot and sexy girls. Don't say that you have to put on your shirt and I always thought I was licking her nipple with both hands and licking it with my tongue, I wanted to lick her pussy carefully and roll my tongue and press her nipple once We had gone together. We arrived in the north earlier. My lady said go, Parisa's help, everyone was up. I went. I said, Ms. Parisa, you do not want help. Ho's chest got up and he came back and his breasts clung to me and his pussy was embarrassed in front of me. I was also stingy. You can do it too, he laughed and said, "Let's go. Ugly, now the rest of us can be found. I saw that the lady came out of the ladies' room and wanted to go to the bathroom. I went to the front and she said, "You are going to the bathroom too." I put it on her face and started rubbing it. I was rubbing her breasts, I took off one of her nipples, I started eating and licking her, I was rubbing her pussy with the other hand, she was very hot, I was licking her ears, I took off her breasts and rubbed her, she could not speak anymore, her hand I took her, we went to the kitchen, I pulled her pants down with her shorts, I started licking her pussy, I was rolling my tongue in her pussy and I was eating the edges of her pussy, she was sighing, she was holding her breath, she was shaking, she shivered once and her pussy poured water I ate everything in my mouth, said Morsi, Mr. Javad, then he knelt in front of my feet. I said, "Ms. Parisa, no, it is not necessary.He pulled my pants and shorts together. The bottom of my back fell like a spring. He took my back out of his mouth and started sucking and eating my testicles. I opened the wall and her legs and pulled my cream from the back into her pussy. She heated it again and her pussy was running. He turned and I got up and sat down in front of my legs. He opened his mouth and his mouth was about to be satisfied. I was about to take it out of his mouth. And he laughed and said that it was great, Morsi, and went to wash his face. This story continues.

Date: August 23, 2018

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