
XNUMX-year-old Lashi girl from Europe


My friend was our guest. I have a sexy movie about that kid

He and his wife are cute. This memory goes back to the night of the sexy guest that our house invited

On the night of Shah Kass, Ms. Jatun had made empty chicken and fesnjan

It's really great cooking. I live in my father's house and that week my father went with my mother and my student brother.

Being in the north and giving me the house. the night

When did Mehdi come to our house with his wife? When he came inside, Mehdi's character was to be a guest everywhere

Sweets and couscous are another thing that do not come everywhere

He had brought special places with him, then his wife went with her to the room to bring Mantoush.

We do not have his wife came after removing the mantle and Iran sex scarf

Outside, as usual, he had typed and lined up. He himself went to the kitchen to the lady. After coming out, he brought a tray of lady syrup. I spend a lot of time with him. He started to choke and play the flute. When he is somewhere, one does not get upset at all. He laughs. After a few minutes, Mehdi took out his Winston cigarette. He said, "I saw we were coming to your house. I told you to take a pack of cigarettes from where I knew you were smoking Winston." I said, "I will take it." Then he said, "Your father is not here." After a few hours, the women went into the kitchen, busy preparing dinner. Mehdi and I went to the yard in the open air to smoke another cigarette. We were sitting by the pool. God has given me a woman with logic, like your own lady, her aspect is high.

Date: December 17, 2019

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