I did not like to give


Hello, I am Hassan. I live in Tehran and I am an only son. I am now nineteen years old. This memory goes back to when I was fourteen years old. A fourteen-year-old boy, I found out that I have a cousin who is three years older than me. My name is Ali. My mother used to go to work because it was summer. I was sitting alone in the house when I knocked on the door, I opened the door, I was a little surprised, but I said to myself, I must be bored, he came home and we talked a little, and then he gave me a CD that was with him I turned it on and saw sex, and since I had not seen a porn movie until then, I was a little bit fascinated and a little bit excited and of course I was scared. He was shouting and told me to hit him. I objected, but he started rubbing K. I was a child too, I did not have a good intellect and I had a good feeling, and the reason was that I did not get stuck in it and let Kirmo bring it. After a few minutes, he said, "Come and hit me." He said, "Suck me." I objected, but he was satisfied. Everyone knows that satisfying a child who does not know how to start well is easy. He used to repeat this work, but he did not do it until a few months later, when we were supposed to go home and stay overnight. I went to his room to sleep, but we did not sleep at all until the morning. Then he brought cream and said around and started rubbing my hole and then Kirshu put it in. My hole did not go in at all. Maybe I should say for an hour, I was in a lot of pain. I was in pain for a few days, he did it a few more times that day, but it was not fun for me at all and it only hurt, now that I am a couple Van, we grew up, we do not face each other, what did we do? Bye bye

Date: July 8, 2019

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