Life of Muhammad XNUMX


Part XNUMX Hello friends, my memory is not sexy in the beginning, and if you like to follow it, read it. Thank you for taking the time. My name is Mohammad and I am XNUMX years old, XNUMX years old. We realized that the problem with my wife, Maryam, and I were really in love with the child, and this turned our lives upside down. I was still in love with my wife, but she was completely cold with me and depressed. I was still loyal to my wife. God knows what we did not spend, but God wanted us to have children. I am a private company, a procurement manager, and I have a good financial situation. I weigh XNUMX pounds. There was an old man who rushed to the gallows and after that his only daughter took over the management. His name was Sanaz. His height was about XNUMX. I think he was XNUMX. Ms. Sanaz was a married woman with a suitable cover. XNUMX years of masturbating with a beautiful wife is very cruel and gradually intimacyThere were more quarrels between me and Sanaz until we saw each other outside. Sanaz told me that her husband is an unemployed, addicted person and has a sexual problem, which means that Sanaz can not get pregnant. I really had no idea about Sanaz so far. I became and I became the CEO of the company, that is, after I became the CEO, I was in power. In short, we got to a place where we would have lunch together. No matter how much I said, "Come home," he said, "I can not look you in the eye, even though I did not have a problem, and this torment made me wrong, right or wrong." Sanaz Jan, we should not continue this relationship anymore, he said why did I say that I am interested in you and this is not true, we are both married, he said, well, I am interested in you, now I am dependent on you, When there was silence in the house, I looked at him and closed my eyes. The warmth of something on my lips. I felt downstairs, it was so pleasant, this kiss that I did not even open my eyes, I cooperated and kissed her lips for about XNUMX minute without opening my eyes, and the heat of these lips killed me. I opened my eyes and pulled myself back. The corner of my eye slipped and came to my lips without saying goodbye and I went home

Date: March 4, 2019

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