Sex with chicken


Hello, I do not care if you swear or not. Anyway, I am writing my first sex and Weston. Let me say that this is the first time I am writing a story. Now I am healthy and I live in Tehran. And the period of our lust and chirping had just begun. I did not feel sorry for the electricity pole either. One day, when no one was home, I put the chicken in the chicken coop. It had just laid an egg and it wanted to come out. I went to the chicken coop, pulled my pants down, and licked my back with a sharp spit. The hole was hot. Yahoo saw my worm was hot. I looked at my worm. Abi, I got dizzy, I went to wash my hair and bring some sunscreen to wash my eyes. I started doing it again, and after a few minutes, a few drops of water came out. Let's face it, that chicken was also hunted by a cowardly jackal a few weeks later, and apart from a few other feathers, nothing was left of it. I was ashamed the first time I wrote it, but my story was completely real, although Sir Leah Morsi wrote

Date: July 15, 2018

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