Hot sex with an attractive XNUMX-year-old boy


Hello, I want to write my first story and I would be happy for you to comment so that I can write my next stories as well. I am 17 years old and 172 tall and have a white body. They like to have sex with their homosexuals. I also have a lot of charm with tight clothes and girls and I do not want to describe myself, but my face is very, very attractive. Well, it was almost July. I always sat in the car and I sat there until every time I called his name, I was bored and I turned on my bar and saw that someone called it bar. I connected well to him. I started chatting with him, I realized that a 22-year-old boy, when I found out he was 22 years old, I got up, I could not sit anymore, I loved him, I slept in his arms anyway, I was eating my blood, he said I want to see you, he said a green T-shirt I shivered and went to the third row. Wow, when I saw him, I wanted to sit there. We sat down and said hello and where are you baby and these words and then we became silent and I saw that he sent a clear message saying that you are from a state of mind and I was fluttering my wings. I can not describe. We went, he was about 15 cm older than me and he had a beard and it was very attractive, I could not believe that I wanted to have sex with him, we went to the parking lot, I thought, now they have a new car, I saw a Volvo with an old nose, I went to the car, he sat in the driver's seat, and he sent me a message from the student's seat again. He eats my lips with craving. I also started to eat his lips. We kissed him for about 2 minutes and I got old. And I took it off, I thought he had a furry breast, but he had a laser and his skin was tanned, and this made me even crazier. I also took off his pants and saw that his whole body was lasered. Eating my breasts, I was beaten to a chair and ate tightly. We ate each other's breasts and necks for about 5 minutes. He said, "Go to sleep in the cabin." Licking my butt, we were naked again, Kirshu put it on me, and I fell down, the heat was tense, I was burning. The raft was speeding up and it was squeezing my lips. Kunmo was kicking. I felt Kirshu in my body. It was about three or four minutes. My water came and one or two minutes later, the water came and emptied. We got up, if you can comment so that I can write my next stories with the same name

Date: October 23, 2018

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