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Regardless of the blood ties they have with each other or the religious do's and don'ts. That's why I had sex with my sister, who was very beautiful.

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We had sex with Sepideh a few months ago

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The thought of getting married, of course, I also agreed with Iran Sex

I want to tell you about my sex relationship with my sister Mehri, which happened to Sepideh almost XNUMX months after my sex. Mehri is now XNUMX years old and she got married at her university last year. She was a very beautiful and sexy girl. He does not die when we are together at home and he walks in front of me or when he comes out of the bathroom, I was really aroused with just a towel around him. But he was my sister. Gone. Until one day I saw his diary in their blood and I took it and took it with me. What did he do and was he friends with Kia? It's a pity to me that Dadashmeh had the same thoughts and that he was happy to be inspired by Dadash Jigramo, and if I were not his sister, I would not have allowed anyone else to eat my grandfather's body like marble, and these words. I was looking for a way to do something. XNUMX-XNUMX days after picking up my diary, he called me and said, "Brother, I have a card." Or. It was around noon when he came. And he was saying in a tongueless way that he did not see my office lost that day when we were bleeding. I said in advance why my hand. That day I wanted to write something. I finished writing. Some of the pages were interesting to me. I could not stop myself. I picked them up and read them. I opened my desk drawer and gave it to him. He said with a red face that was both embarrassed and angry. ? I told myself that Yahoo blushed and came to say something. Then I went to him and passed him. I kissed him on the lips. That my sister is such a fan of me. He did not know what to say. What did he mean? What did he say, brother? I have a meeting, no one's bothering me. I locked the door and went to Mehri. You have a life, I said, it does not matter that you are deluding your life ‌ I am also living my life, David, be with Dadasht ‌ who no doubt is my inspiration like this. And I was rubbing his buttocks and whispering in his ear. And I pressed the worm that had cracked, I kissed the seal and I kissed the worm. After taking a hard look, I looked at his face and took his scarf, which had fallen off his neck and neck due to rubbing it, threw it on the table, put it on his hair and stroked it, and said, "My dear Mehri, my dear, David is like inspiration. With what?" Are they sleeping? Isn't he sleeping? And when he was in pain, he mischievously grabbed me by the head, saying, "Wild savage." I took off my pants and said, "You have not seen the savage yet." You put your hand on my shirt and said, "Wow, what else is this?" I'm telling you how dirty and idiotic the idiot is, you know what you mean by that. Are you arranging me here? I said yes, now can you or me be carefree and stay for the next time? He said, "I put on my clothes again and went out of the room and told the secretary ‌ and the rest of the staff to go home today. It was XNUMX o'clock and everyone welcomed me. XNUMX minutes later I closed the unit and went to the leather sofa. He was in my room, even though he was naked, and I waited for a few minutes, staring at his limbs like a mermaid, and I could not believe what I saw. What is it? And what did my sister do? I was almost satisfied with the way I was walking with her cream. In short, I said, "Come, Mehri, come and see, I'm doing better, or Davood said, 'Come, my dear, let me see if I'm more cuddly or inspired.' Ummmmmmmmm he used to say like this and eat my cock, caress my body and eat my cock, and I, who no longer knew how I was doing, and oh, oh, oh, he was loud, he rubbed my cock with his hand and said, I said, "Yes, my honey, eat it in the north. Just lick my cheeks." He said, "My love's eyes." چنگ انداخته بودم به موهاش و سرشو گرفته بودم تو دستم و تو دهان مهری تلمبه میزدم کیرمو.صدام که بلند شد فهمید آبم تو راهه لبشو غنچه کرد جلو کیرم و با زبونش میزد سر کیرم و با دستشم کیرمو میمالوند و جیغ میزد آب آب بده که من دیگه نفهمیدم و پاشیدم تو دهنو صورتش وایییییییییییی که چه حالی‌ میداد مثل یه کوه آتش فشان داشتم به خودم میلریزدم و آبمو خالی‌ می‌کردم تو دهنش زبونشو آورد بیرون و آب کیرمو که تو دهانش جمع شده بود نشونم داد و خواست بگه جون که آبم پرید تو گلوش و سرفش گرفت و باخنده قورتش داد و گفت جون عزیزمی چه آبی بود شورررررر داغم بود وای‌ی‌ی‌ی‌ی‌ی‌ی‌ی حال داد پاشو نوبت توئه که کسمو بخوری منم آبم بیاد فعلا,گفتم چشم فدات شم بیا بشین رو دهنم کستو بخورم .و همون جور که نشسته بودم رو کاناپه اومد و سرپا رو کاناپه ایستاد و یه پاشو این ورم و یه پاشو انورم گذاشت و دستشو رو پشتی‌ کاناپه دو طرف سرم گذاشت و کوس هولوشو بهم نشون میداد و میپیچید به خودش و میگفت چطوره جیگرتو بخورم.خوب کوسی دارم.من که اون پستونای به بزرگی‌ و گردی نارگیل مهری و میدیدم بالا سرم و داشتم میملوندم اونارو نتونستم جوابی‌ پیدا کنم که بگم با نیشخند گفت باشه داداشی میدم آنهاراهم بخوری و بمالونی اصلا برام بذار لاش و روش ارضا بشی‌ ولی‌ اول کسم بخور برام چه جوره خوشت میاد؟ کوسش که مثل یه تیکه کتلت پف داشت و بهمون رنگ بود معلوم بود زیاد داده یا داوود حسابی‌ گایدتش ولی‌ مشخص بود که کوس توپ و باحالیه چوچولش هنوز مثل الهام خودم بیرون نزده بود و مثل یه دختر فقط یه چاک لای پاش بود ولی‌ خوب چه چاکی که من جلوی خودمو نمیتونستم نگاه دارم و همینجور زبونمو میمالیدم به کوسش و براش لیس میزدم و حتا زبونمو می‌کردم تو کوسش طوری که با دماغ میرفتم تو کوسش و چوچولشو میمالوندم اونم که حسابی‌ داشت از حال میرفت توری شد که نتونست رو پاهاش وایسه و ولو شد منم برا اینکه حسابی‌ برای مهریمون سنگ تموم بذارم اونو کشیدم رو کاناپه و خودم نشستم زمین لنگشو دادم دستش که بگیره بالا و براش بازم خوردم کسشو واییییییییییی که چه کیفی میکرد خواهرم موهامو چنگ میزد و با جیغ میگفت بخور الان میاد بخور اومد جووووون بخور کسمو آره آره جیغ میزد و لرزه زیادی رو بدنش داشت و همین جور کسشو تو دهنم فشار میداد نگاش کردمو با کیرم مالوندم روش که جیغ زد وای مهران چه داغه سوختم و دستمو گرفت منو کشید رو خودش و کوسش که اینقدر خیس بود که در همون حاله روش دراز کشیدن کیرم سور خورد و رفت تو کوسش که همون لحظه ارضا شد و چنگ انداخت کمرم و جیغ زد ایییییییییی مهران اومد عزیزم اومد جووووون واایییییییییییی توم حسابی‌ خیس شد آخ جون.کیرمو کشیدم بیرون چون تو کوسش واقعا داشت می‌سوختبعد سریع بغلش کردم که آروم بشه مثل کوره داغ بود داغ که نه داشت می‌سوخت.میبوسیدمش و قربونش میرفتم.گفت مهران خیلی‌ حال داد حالا بکن منو یالا.زدم رو لوپای کونش گفتم چشم شما بده من می‌کنم.لبخند شیطونکی زد و گفت: کون می‌خوای بلا؟ گفتم اگه بشه برای پیش غذا که از خنده ریسه رفت.و رو کاناپه بر گشت و برام قمبول کرد گفت بیا کونمو بکن عزیزم.که یدونه زدم رو کونش و گفتم از رو کاناپه پاشه و رو دسته کاناپه با شکمش دراز بکشه که وقتی‌ این کارو کرد کونش رو دسته کاناپه آماده گاییدن شد و چون با شکم رو کاناپه بود پاهاشم زمین نبود و رو هوا آویزون بود یعنی‌ اصلا کاری برای انجام دادن نداشت جز دادن!!رفتم وسط پاهاش و ا ونارو باز کردم و کونشو برانداز می‌کردم کیرمو هول دادم تو کوسش که حسابی‌ خیس شد و کشیدم بیرون و با آب کوسش سوراخ کونشو نرم می‌کردم و توف مینداختم تو کونش و باز می‌کردم تو کوسش و کیر خیسمو می‌کشیدم بیرون و میمالوندم رو سوراخ کونش که مهری میگفت جون تو هم چه کارای بلدیا شیطون این از مدل گایدنت اینم از نرم کردن سوراخم بیخود نیست الهام روز به روز خوشگل تر می‌شه.گفتم دیگه دیگه ما اینیم.گفت خوب توام زود باش دیگه کونم به خارش افتاد بکن گفتم چی‌؟گفت بکن هی‌ می‌گفتم چی‌ اونم میگفت بکن کونمو بکن که یواش یواش سر کیرمو گذاشتم دم سوراخ و هل میدادم تو که صداش تغییر کرد آاایییییی بکن اوووومممممممم وای جر خوردم آااییییییی توف بزن مهران آایییی کشیدم بیرون و بازم براش توف زدم و تکرار کردم چند بار این کرو تکرار کردم که دیگه داشت جا وضع میکرد و مهری هم دیگه داشت با حال ناله میکردم که شروع کردم به تلمبه زدن که دیدم نه داره لذت میبره اونم چه لذتی جیغ‌های از رو شهوتش اتاقو برداشته بود و منم چه تلمبه‌ای میزدم .میزدم رو باسنش می‌گفتم خوبه ؟ در چه حالی‌? He was saying, "Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it not, do not do it, do it, do it, do it, do it not, do it, do it not, do it, do it, do it, do it not He came, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I could not speak, I was just panting. Slowly, when I calmed down, I saw that he was cleaning my back with a damp cloth, and he kissed me. Yeah, I want to see what Kiri is a great way to think of the chest of the lamb.

Date: October 18, 2019
Super foreign movie :Brother آاااایییییییی aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa آاایییییی آاایییییییی yes انهارهم hanging By the way Relationship connections Satisfied sleep Marriage I see Recepion Fell down Fallen Elhamba I was inspired Dropped I threw Dropped انارو There I am Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Ummmmmmmm اووووممممممم اوووووممممممم He stood up I stood up This way So much Inim said اییییییییی بالاحترم Cool cool with smile باسشنو خوورمخوب I lost Subversion Vector I took picking up Removed Come back let it go Greatness Beshangash make you Tell me tell him Maloney He said to me I write Was for Was next I said We will pass I kissed him never mind Bizbony Unintended befall Last year I sprinkled My feet Posten Show Pistons Nesting Arranged About a pump Shouts interesting earnestly Reply Jonquiermo Jooooo Jooooo screams liver Jiggerto Jigramo How Chochulus Chuchulshu Is something what did he say Talk Hesabi the memories His memory I wanted her sister my sister My sister Sister Myself Myself read it Bloody Bloody Gave Dadashgftam my brother my uncle Bro Dadamba I went دارمن Hadimaz We had that University Marine Napkin Again Others Other Dinibrai Behavior Going to his scarf his tongue my tongue جزووووواواااایییییییی Your life My life Jelly sexes Heavy My hole I said Shamqambol شوررررر mischievous Face pink Baby »that My dear said Dear My love Angry Really I understood amazing I am old Sir Employee Karmendaro sofa the girl کردمالبت کردکه کردن ۱۰ make them You did it, he said Drawing Curious Kenny said Crush them Kirmusadam His guide Guide to fuck I left I said My dress his lips I love you to wear We are single Information I'm waiting I said thank you for laughing Manhaun Our love my hair falls down Takes do you see You see I was saying It's twisting We can They are sleeping To sleep wanted I wanna Do you want She eats Eats summary I gave I was saying I was seeing He was saying I was saying I was going I was going, he said ميزدمیواش It burns later I used to kiss him would like to be a midwife I could say was screaming I was doing I would do it I was doing it You killed I was pulling I do ميمش I smile does You can next minute It was passing We were taking I was looking I was saying Milzerid Milrizdam Maymalund We will wash it I love I was rubbing I write I threw Coconut don't be shy You should not Could not I could not Not so much نیدییشکه Did not see do not drink I did not get I could not Does not want I do not want to Did not know I did not know I did not leave Could not I did not know Does not He did not say: caress I wrote sneer each other North East This way I'm a fan Holoshu Emotional Nothing wow وااییییییییییی واییییییی وایییییییییی وایییییییییی ووووویییییییییی please one day My pants

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