
Sex in a public place and in a car with a super insect


I was 17 years old at the time, it was a sexy movie, I did not think at all at that time

Going out and I did not have my girlfriend in my head, I was on a sexy computer and PS 24 hours a day, our blood 3

There is a king's class whose middle floor was empty for a while after a year

Decided from home that Connie would rent the second floor after a while, finally renting a house for this

Our young house was found to be a family of 3 girls 1

He was a boy and their father had an 18-wheeled nipple, which was unfortunate, he was always on the road.

Even now, I do not know where Kos is, but from morning to evening at home

It was not possible to go, that boy was also a soldier who would never go home because I did not go out at all and did not talk to anyone about sex stories.

I was a little shy, a few days later I had sex with Iran

As I was walking in the yard, I saw one of the girls in the yard. I went to the yard with a thousand misfortunes. 1ماه گذشته بود که یکی از دخترا همون سپیده از طرف در دومی در ما رو زد چون ظهر بود شک کرم که این موقع کی میتونه باشه رفتم سراغ آیفون دیدم بله یکی از اونا اورده که اجاره خونه رو بده من رفتم پایین و گرفتم تو این چند ماهی که گذشته بود فقط دو بار دیده بودمشون چند ماهی گذشت و که تابستون بود که ما هم کم کم با هم رفت و امد داشتیم من میتونستم باهشون راحت حرف بزنمرداد ماه بود که کسی خونه ما نبود من هم قرص سیپروهپتادین می خوردم که زیاد گشنم بشه و زیاد غذا بخورم اثر غرص زده بود به سرم و خواب داشت دیونم میکرد ننم و بابام رفته بودن تهران منم که حس تنها موندن رو نداشتم و نارحت بودم که یهو شنیدم یکی از حیاط داره صدام میزنه پارسا چند باری صدام زد منم که اصلاً حوصله نداشتم که الان میرم میگه بیا این کامپیوتر ما مشکل داره با هزار بدبختی رفتم بالکن دیدم سپیده هست که میگه بیا من کلید ندارم موندم تو حیاط گفتم خوب من چیکار کنم گفت بیا یه جور درو باز کنم منم گفتم بزن شیشه بشکنه برو تو بالاخره منو کشید پایین رفت 3 و 4 تنه زدم به در حوصله نداشتم گفتم باز نمیشه گفتم بشین اینجا مامانت بیاد گفت مامان رفته دندون پزشکی گفتم پس ابجی هات کجا هستن گفت دودتاشونم رفتن کلاس فیزیک تو دلم گفتم عجب گیری کردیم ها گقتم بیا بریم بالا بشین تا بالاخره یکی بیاد و در رو باز کنه اونم قبول کرد او اومد اینم بگم من تا حال فکر نکرده بودم که با کسی سکس کنم به همین خاطر هم به دختری دقت نمیکردم که ببینم فرم بدنش چطور هست البته فیلم سکس و داستان میخوندماومد بالا و رفت نشست رو مبل منم برا همین که خجالت نکشه اومدم نشستم تو اطاقم بهش گفتم اگه گرمته مانتو رو در بیار پشت سرم وایستاده بود گفت چیکار میکنی گفتم هیچی سایت ها رو میگردم امد نشست کنارم بهم گفت نت ارزشی نداره همه سایت ها فیلتره چون من که خواب زده بود به سرم دوقرونیم نیفتاد که این منظورش چی هست یه چند لحظه ی گذشته بود که دستم خورد به گوشیم از رو میز افتاد زمین من که خم شدم از جلو پاهاش گوشیم رو بردارم یه بوی جالبی از تنش می یومد وقتی سرم رو بلند کردم برای اولین بار سینه ها یه دختر از نزدیک با دقت نگاه کردم باور کنید به قدری ژل زده بو که لباش که از صد متری میگفن بیا منو بخور سینه های بزرگی داشت یهو به فکرم زد که بهش بگم من فیلتر شکن دارم ها که یه بار هم ما شانسمون رو امتحان کنیم شاید برا اولین بار با کسی سکس کردمگفتم میخوای بازش کنم دیدم با کمی مکس گفت حالا زود بود جوابم رو می دادی بدونه این که جوابی بده فیلتر شکن رو باز کردم گفتم کدوم سایت رفتی که فیلتر بود الان بزن میره گفت نمیدونم به زهنم رسید یه سایت والپیپر باز کنم که عکس دخترای نیمه سکس هم توش بود ولی کلاً فیلتر نبود سایت رو باز کردم چند تا از اون عکس ها رو باز کردم گفتم به خاطر همین چرت وپرت ها فیلتر میکنن ها دیدم جوابی نداد یکم بعد گفت نه بابا منم خودم رو زدم به اون راه گفتم میخوای از این باحال تر هاشو بیارم برات فیلتر شکن رو بستم و رفتم عکس سکس براش باز کردم که چند تا دختر بودن من یه لحظه حس کردم که بدن این مثل اتیش داره گرما میده عکس ها رو عوض میکردم اونم چیزی نمیگفت تو دلم ممیگفتم دستم رو بزارم رو رونش ولی جرعت نمیکردم یه عکس باز کردم که یه پسر یه دختر رو میکرد چشمام رو بستم دسم رو انداختم رو پاش اول خودش رو یکم کشید عقب اول ترسیدم بعد دیدم هیچ عکس العملی نکرد بهش گفتم فیلم باحال می خوای باز کنم؟ گفت باشه یه فیله جالب باز کردمدستم رو بردم لای پاهش که احساس کردم یکم خیس هست بهش گفتم از این کارا کردی گفت نمیدونم! I was surprised, I said, "Can you not know?" I saw that he was embarrassed to say, "Yes." My head was jumping. Finally, I hit my brain and fell asleep. I took the bed in my hand and rubbed it and started to eat it. I put on her clothes as I was pulling her clothes, I also pressed her breasts out. It was a little tight, but interestingly, a pink shirt and a bra were the same color as the tension. I remembered for a moment that I had to take off my clothes as well - I forgot that I had taken off my clothes soon, I said you can eat it, he said I hate it, I said you tried it, he said no, but I do not like it, I did not insist anymore, I went behind him and his bra I opened it and saw that he was holding it from the front with his hand so that his breasts could not be seen. I said that something had happened. I did not listen to him and I pulled him away and told him to take off his shirt. He stood up with me. I pulled his shirt from the front.
He proved that the veil had been removed by the doctor. As I was eating, he had closed his eyes and was showing the moans of becoming an insect, which was driving me crazy. I wanted to do something that made him scream. Because there was no effect of a haircut and a razor blade, the first one I saw was his body, I did not feel it was satisfied, 2 minutes passed I put my cream on her pussy, I put a strong pressure on her pussy because my pussy was beautiful, it went hard, but I felt Sepideh jump again. Sepideh said, "Don't move, I'm burning. I pushed her back hard and hard, then she ran away. Sepideh was crying and I was not feeling well. I was eating her nipples and Sepideh too.He said, "Tighten it. I want to squirm again. I was pressing his breasts firmly with my hand. I was also rocking so hard. When he was all gone, my body was eating. He came and I told him that he was coming, what should I do? I can not worry, I told him to go to the bathroom together, he said, okay, in the bathroom, Parsa Kochloo had woken up again, I said, do you want to start from the back again, he said, there is no problem, I opened the water in the bathroom and knocked And (because I had heard in the stories that there is a possibility of blood coming from behind me) I told him not to be afraid, maybe he will bleed, he said okay, there is nothing wrong, I put the tail of the corner hole and closed my eyes, I said it hurts, he said I know In the corner he went to the bottom, in the corner he shouted loudly and said pull out and begged and cried I did not listen to him I took a strong shower from behind him. He was begging me to kill Tor and Jon Sepideh. I was out of the shower. She was crying, but it was as if she was an insect in the middle of her cries. And my cock was moving back and forth in the corner. You kept it soft and warm) We took a shower and I took a lip from it again, but this time I had learned it was better than the last time. We have sex with 2 or 3 snakes, but none of them is interesting for the first time

Date: November 24, 2019
actors: hope howell

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