Lucky Kerry


Hi, I heard this story from one of the neighborhood kids, it's not mine, but for the sake of it, I told you to write it. They have workers who often stay in the city for ten days due to hard work and come back. In this worker, one of them is single and ironically looks completely egg-shaped and steel. And their city did not go after Eid, after receiving rewards and Eid, and one day he takes a leave from our friend, he says he wants to go and buy clothes from here on out, and he explained it to my friend, he goes to Ariashahr in front of Goldis, which was closed by chance. He was there, waiting for his friend to come and go with him. Meanwhile, a 50, who was a beautiful girl with you, lowered the glass and said, "Where are you going, beautiful gentleman?" It says I'm a girl, it says yes, come here, in short, the girl says I want to go for a walk Next time, I will have lunch and go to the house. This lazy boy also says, "Okay, I will come too." Let's eat and make love and be happy, this one is scared at first and tells the girl I will not come, but once or twice when the girl says I am with you and I do not tell anyone from now on, she is deceived and goes with her to the girl's house. I take a shower and change my clothes and I come and sit here too. Look at the satellite. The boy suspects that they will not put me to sleep. He sits down and walks away with the satellite that reaches the Super Kirshu channel in the square. Next to this boy, until the girl comes out of the bathroom, do not say that the whole thing was that the girl had to go to bed for a friend. In short, the boy begins to forcefully and savagely start making the boy, who, ironically, is as thick as his body, and beats the boy's intestines. But not so big, the boy starts to do the same with his blood and financial ass. He comes and says, "Where have you been?" He explained the case.

Date: May 16, 2019

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