The love of the dirtiest and dirtiest girl


Hi, I hope you are well. I want to tell you a real and sad story. The story that made me hate every girl on earth. I am XNUMX-year-old Hossein from Mashhad. I love writing lyrics. I have a good salary for this job and I am not looking for a JF game at all. If you say I do not have a face, thank God I have a face. It all started when I fell in love with a girl and passed her every day. I was just waiting for the green light, which I became friends with a week later. I really forgot. I have a friend whose name is Reza. We were together like his brother (we were).

I'm sorry, I'm following the story. After a month of friendship, we really fell in love. It was so intense that I wanted to go and ask her what could not be better. I went to buy three milk bananas. When I bought it, I came and saw that Mahshid Barza Gol says they hear flowers and everyone laughs. I said is it fun? When I saw that he was silent, I loved Mahshidrood so much that I did not think he was like that at all. In short, after sitting for XNUMX hour, we said goodbye and went to our house. Torah Reza told me that Mahshid Khanum is very beautiful! Baba Dam Togram, how angry you were. I did not like Reza's words and I was upset.

When I got home, I saw Mahshid S. XNUMX hour later. He said that he had found a JF for Reza. I trusted Reza (I wish I did not have one). A week later, I wanted to go to Tehran to buy some equipment for the studio, but when I saw it, Mahshidzang said he wanted to see me. I also gave him the address of the studio, but when I saw him, he came after XNUMX minutes. I told him that there was news. He said no, but there was no news. Went.

After half an hour, Reza called and said, "I heard you want to go to Tehran?" I said, "Who did you hear from?" It was there that I found out that Reza and Mahshid were in a relationship. I said yes, I will come in a week, take care of our lady. He said for sure. Then Reza said if you want to go, give me the keys to the studio. I said why did he say I want to sleep there tonight. I also found out that there is a bowl under the half bowl. The thought of going to Tehran, I turned my head out, I said to myself, tonight is definitely news. Reza never takes my keys. There is definitely a case tonight. It was XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX when I went to the alley next to the studio. I stood up. After XNUMX minutes, I saw Mahshid, his girlfriend. Reza was going to the studio. When I saw that I was crazy, I said to myself, let me catch them in the middle of my work.

After XNUMX minutes, all three of them became naked and Reza started licking Mahshid's body. Somehow I saw Mahshid holding a bag for my friend. His girlfriend used to cheer on them. I will never forget Mahshid. He used to say: "No heater moves from this Hussein. At least you can do it in Reza Joon. I tried it after XNUMX minutes. Sorry if her sex part was short. But after this incident, I did not see any of it as rubbish. That's why I sold it there and at my insistence my family and I went north to my grandmother's place. Nothing is worth anything to me anymore. Thank you for your comment

Date: March 4, 2018

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