Fatima and her cowardly friend


Hello, I am Fatemeh, I am 17 years old. This memory belongs to me. A year ago, I was the most beautiful and handsome girl in our neighborhood. Last year, I fell in love with a girl named Faezeh who was sitting in our neighborhood. Faezeh loved me very much and considered me her best friend. Every time she saw me, she started kissing and hugging me. In short, we became very close. One day, I always went to Faezeh's house, like her computer. Every time I went, her mother or mother was bleeding, but this time their blood was empty. I took off my clothes more easily than usual. We took a picture of him. He put his hand on Ron Pamo and started rubbing me. Now you're not being rude to me like this, I've not said anything yet, his lips are stuck to his lips, he've started to eat, I'm sick, I'm kind of like I'm a little lustful, I went to sleep, he took off his clothes himself, and Romo started to take my clothes off. In short, we slept naked in pairs. I pushed her to the other side to put on my clothes, when Yahoo Omid, the same boy came in front of me and said, "How can my lady, my heart be stained, go to bed for such a moment? Now, my guest, I spat in her face. He told Faezeh, "Keep ready, Tamen." Faezeh fell again. Romo grabbed me tightly. I could not do anything, I tried. ک My pussy was soaking wet. My body was hot. I was very horny. I did not do it and he sucked his Arab cock to the bottom. I was also moaning like this. Kirshu took off his bedclothes and we went to sleep.

Date: October 5, 2018

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