Step into the world of prostitutes


My name is Raha and I was almost XNUMX years old. I came to study at the insistence of my family. Germany was very difficult in the early days. Loneliness and homelessness really put me under pressure. O boyfriend, I was changing and warming myself like this until I came to my senses. I saw a lesson that I did not study. My family was completely blown away. I was in Iran or I had no money, I was a child and I stubbornly decided to stay in this city and I was no longer a nomad. I loved him very soon. I was looking for a job advertisement in a nightclub where I was looking for beautiful girls. The first person I knew was a XNUMX-year-old lawyer who told me very quickly that he would come with me for an hour. You run away for XNUMX Euros that night and I was looking for a normal job for a month until my pocket was empty. I called a lawyer and he took me to a hotel. Although he gave me money, but he insisted that I be satisfied, in short, this is the beginning of prostitution. I have been here for three years now. I no longer need his money.

Date: March 24, 2020

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