Forced Lez with sister


I'm Mahsa. I'm 16 years old. They call me Saddam. I have a sister. She'm 17 years old. Her name is Parya. I'm jealous of him, but I love him very much, but he's his morals وه
I really like him, I accept everything he says
I do not have a boyfriend, I am not from him at all, but a boy next door to me, an actor (I can not say his identity…), offered me a friend. I also like cinema and acting. We used to play SMS until one day my sister read the SMS. I had gone to the cinema with my friend, but I had forgotten to take my phone (I was so horrified). He realized that I was friends with him. / When I saw my phone in my hand and saw that he said he was not afraid of Saddam
She was wearing make-up and I was talking to her. I said to her: I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
I made a mistake last time
+ Shut up, you idiot, don't play movies for me (I was really crying out of fear)
(I fell to the ground and kicked hard when there was no house. My mom and dad, my sister was a guest. I told Alki that I was taking an exam.
He said: Anything I want?
+ Okay, so get naked
+ Kerry? I say get naked!
I quickly took off my shirt, I only had a bra, and he told me to bring my bra and pants.
I said: Why? He said: I want to be with you, otherwise I will go and tell everyone that you have a boyfriend.
I, too, who had beaten me, had already told me about a homosexual incident with his sister's class قب before… I did not think it would come to me at all
I was going crazy and said: I can not do it yourself
He started to undress. I lost all my hair. I undressed myself. I didn't know anything. I was confused and I fell on the bed. I ate all over my body. Then he went to my lips. I was up until I came to get up, my hair pushed hard on the bed, I had to be motionless so that I could not move, then he said to me: Kasmo Bliss (I was dying out of embarrassment) I said: No, he said: Why? He said: I hated it at first, but then he was very happy
I got up and he slept on the bed.
I was so upset that he went to the bathroom and I sat down and thought whether it was a good thing or not
He came out of the bathroom and told me to go to sleep (I found out he wanted to kiss someone) At first I did not like it but I had to
He started eating someone. I was very happy. I was out of breath. I was raising my head until I was satisfied.
When I was satisfied with what I did, I hated it and promised myself that I would not be close to boys anymore and that I would not let them
But tomorrow everything went back to its first day
When I took my phone back, I deleted all the works, I kept the X number, but from that day on, I reply every time I send an SMS and delete it so that no one understands.
Please, those who read swearing were all real
You do not want me to write again because I have no other choice

Date: March 19, 2018

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