Mary's mouth is the second person


Maryam had a slim face. At first glance, you said that she was the thinnest girl in the world, but no, her face was not thin. Her body was not shaved. Thin legs, but not fresh. When I was able to reach his body in the room on the green sofas of my friend's house, I saw that I had not just seen the flesh on his bones. Lack of clothes because of her husband's family. Impositions categorized to control life and money. I removed all this from her body. I took her on her slim body, on her marble waist, she unzipped my clothes, I put my lips to her skin, my hand went to find her forearm, I touched her forehead in front of the picture, her fingers, the smell of her mouth, the smell of her face, the smell of her hair, I sleep alone at home so that my body remembers his body. I lift him off my knees In a gentle softness, the clothes fell out of her body. My hand reached her skinny body. Her white hand touched her brown skin. I knew it should be like this. I sat on the sofa with your skin. He was pulling on the wide lips. He was touching his face. Put it in my mouth as it eats. My mouth opens. I want to tear it. It was getting crazier and its thin body was shaking on the ground. I say in her face, you want my cock, she shakes her head sharply, we fall, she eats each other, her breasts are small, she kisses her nipples softly, then she puts her face to her pussy, she kisses her tight pussy, she kisses her hair I get up, her slender body, the darkness of the evening in the living room, like a slippery ghost in a dream, my whole life is a dream, now you are in it too. Via Sahimi Maryam does not understand the body, stands up, stands up, my ass goes, las kun, skinny, white, I cling to her, lips, tongues, forget the language of this conversation, we also dance in the black of the mouth, we exchange mouth odors and wetness Mouths The best part of this mouth Maryam's mouth Your mouths should start to shake little by little, his hands on the wall to enclose it O cowardly, relentless to enter, to be rubbed, just to touch the breasts, to dance in madness, and the cock, which has sunk to the heat of his body, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Posted

Date: October 18, 2018

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