The problem of the hymen


Shiva, 24 years old, I first wanted to say something about the comments because I do not know why I can not enter about the loved one who said to chat and tempted me. I have to congratulate his intelligence. It is true that our house is a villa and a single unit, and all of it has protection, except for the windows that open onto our bloody courtyard.

Now that I am telling this story, we got engaged with my dear love and we will get married soon and I am very happy to be a bride, but there is something that is driving me crazy. I even tried to commit suicide or beat my fiancé. He will never ask anyone again. Every time we saw each other, we were satisfied with the love of the game. Until our blood ran out today, I told Soheil to come. If he finds out, I'm not worried. I asked him to bring me a super movie. Soheil rang our blood. I'm a very stressed girl. My hands are shaking. I went and opened it. He lifted me up. Now I was in his arms. Wow, he was very cool. I told him to go crazy. My lower back hurts. Of course, I wanted to stay there. I put him down on the sofa. They should not eat. He said, "I brought you a movie. Let 's see I said no, Soheil, I can't go, I want to see alone. He turned it off and broke the CD so that I would not be alone.

He threw me on the bed, slept next to me, played with my hair and said romantic words. Soheil has not been with any girl except me and he is not. I love him for this special occasion. He knew my weakness well. Saddam had already broken down, but I have a habit. We also undressed his clothes, he rubbed our breasts and ate them, and then he ate Nazmo (Kasmo). Water came from Nazem's lips and lips. He insisted, I said yes, but he said slowly, then Kirshu entered, his eye was in a lot of pain, and he was pressing on me. I grabbed my abdomen with both hands. My body froze. I said, "Is it possible that I have not had a relationship with anyone before?" I said, "Maybe it was higher. He had entered halfway before. He did the same. Suddenly, my tears came and he said, "Why are you crying?" I was angry with him, but he was kinder than these words. Hey, you are waiting for me.

My job was to cry, oh, this was not my right. Only girls can understand me now. Finally, I became friends with him again. He did not want to go at all. We did not have sex for about two years except hugs and lips. Please pray for me. I wish I was a boy and I did not have this concern. If a boy has sex a hundred times, the water will not move, but all kinds of oppression have been done to the girls. I do.

Date: March 24, 2018

One thought on "The problem of the hymen"

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