Menu Avesta and Deki


Hello, my name is Bahmaneh, nicknamed Bahman Vascazin. I am a student of a mechanic named Jamshid Eshghi. Sir, we threw this, we went to the chalo ourselves, we went to the chalo, we started eating. Jon's son said, "I need to fix it too. I have to go to work." I said, "Oh, Jamshid, don't get itchy." I gave it to Gash and said, "Okay, there is a condition. Instead of spitting, I should burn it with oil." He accepted. The donkey accepted. Don't pump now, who did it? It was half an hour, this uncle He was doing ugly things to me when his juice came and he went to drink tea in the office. After an hour, I felt a severe pain in my heart. I could not stand up. The burning sensation of the penis turns on its own. God, sir, I went to the ambulance and called the ambulance. He said, "I will call you now." As we were leaving, while the terrible pumps were coming in, Yahweh opened the door of the room and one of the girl's entertainers saw this scene and screamed loudly and left the rest of the hospital, including the doctor, the head, and the patient. They all saw you pouring in the room and me and the deck limping in the air and what a situation your donkey had become. He came forward and slapped both of us and told the others to go and inform the police. I am careful here. People are all going to look for ropes, telephones, sticks and clubs. Avesta and the trio of doctors stood in our shop for a while, but at the suggestion of Aws Jamshid, the doctor neglected his job and came to become our student.

Date: November 14, 2018

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