I was a trance


It was the early spring of 1390, and in the middle of the exams, it had been a few months since my daughters' habits had been disrupted. Only in the eyes of a mentally ill person did he see that from the very first session he had written so many medicine pills that the family thought he was really crazy, damn it, a few months had passed, a few months had passed, everything had changed. Wearing the boy's clothes, according to the test that the stupid doctor had taken from me, my hormone was disturbed, something was suspicious, until I finally got tired and took it to a specialist. He came to me for a few sessions and sat down. He said, "Unfortunately, I have to say that your body has a hormonal and sexual disorder. I mean, your body is reversing your gender and it is changing your nervous system. I was nervous. What does this mean? Why did he not say his words frankly? There was something echoing in my brain

Date: May 24, 2019

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