
Milf, the dog, puts the insect in his mouth in such a way that you do not say


A woman familiar with Nazanin's name became acquainted with a sexy movie and decided to get married. Nazanin

She was a 23-year-old woman with couscous and great tits (I would not have lied if I said her sexy breasts).

I had a strange feeling when I saw Shah Kass (I was 16 at the time

The third time we saw each other, he told me to give you my number (I had just taken Irancell) and I gave it… Summary of numbering the same and SMS

Sexy guys had been there… for some time

We also gave sexy jokes, sexy jokes, we pushed each other little by little, and I took her single and

Kos also called me for the same reason and said my charge

Prondio, we flirted for half an hour ون Our relationship grew more and more every night at 1-2 o'clock after his phone call with the public ended.

We used to say evil sex little by little

We would play and he would talk about his sex with the public and… (for example, he would say, "I love eating, what ??") and we live here in Shiraz's evil people, and he was from Tehran. In short, one day he was in my room and we were playing Bluetooth. I was sitting on the sofa. I put him on the bed. I did not take a bad scene and days passed 2 months later in one of our SMS I jokingly told the Nazis to eat you, to which he replied not like that the last time I fell in your room, Ruth was very upset with you! I smiled and said when !!! What do you say… I twisted it! One day he told me to hit me and he said you are a child and you can not meet my needs! I got up and said what are you saying ?! He said, "Look, I have a very sexy body, I'm very applauded. I know you want it too, so relax!" I was scared and said I'm sorry and I do not betray the public and .. Then he called for 1 minute and cried and said, "I wanted to see what kind of a boy you are and whether you are different from the others or not." We used to watch their blood and sexy Bluetooth clips, and once when we were in the bathroom, we watched a great movie together, and we stared at each other subconsciously a few times. She wears a tight-fitting stretch shorts with an open T-shirt (in front of the public). I always faded her breasts and buttocks! Her pants were so thin that the color of her shorts could be seen. When he was standing, he was making a noise! ​​I was in a bad mood, something had happened for about 5 years and I had not done anything with him until one day (Saturday 5) when I was bleeding, we were invited to my cousin's house and the public told me to go with Nazanin. I'm coming at the end of the night. I got sick and said I was going to lie down in the first room. My sweetheart told me to go and get two pillows and a blanket so we could take a nap. (I became somehow) I had become a bad insect, but I said to myself, "Daddy is crazy, you fell asleep and I was careless. 3 minutes later, he kicked me again!" This time I was left wondering what to do when Yahoo dared to step on my foot when I saw that he was playing with my feet. I turned to one side and put my hand on the ground (next to my face). I was waiting for the photo to be taken. I was crazy about what kind of lip she had. I had driven him crazy, he was grabbing my back with his fingernails and I was getting more and more frustrated. Seeing the series, the public called the Nazis and said that it was not night Don't come!

Date: October 25, 2019

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