I was washing it and I was satisfied


Hello friends, the story is a gay story. From now on, I will tell you one thing about my body, my flesh is thick, but not fat. It gets crowded. I was naughty after work, but I did not want to do anything. When the subway opened in that station, we were all squeezed. A middle-aged man in his XNUMXs clung to me from behind. You will apologize. But it was as if he was afraid that I would sweep the controversy to ease his mind that okay, whatever you like, do it yourself. I could feel that when we arrived, Sadeghieh got off with me and said, "I don't know if you are a base, but my car is close to taking your blood. I told him, "I can go to my house in the city." He said, "Yes, Baba, you went." In the parking lot of Sadeghieh metro, we got on his Pride and started walking. He took me to the back alley. Rubbing my white and freshly shaved breasts made me skewer myself. Kirsh was about XNUMX inches tall and I was eating. I started licking, my head was not pressed, nothing was rough. I was spitting a lot when I saw that he started spitting and started rubbing my cream with one hand and rubbing my nipple with the other. This makes me crazy, so that in XNUMX seconds my water comes out. I said just rub my breasts with a pair of sets, so gentle, but an insect rubbed my breasts that when I was sucking on it, I felt a warmth in my lower body and Yahoo saw my water splash without touching my cream, as if it had become very scary from this scene At that moment, the juice came into my mouth, he was crazy. I called Mick to empty the water well, the tension was shaking, he took me to the house, but I did not give him the number. I wanted him to stay that way. I hope you liked it.

Date: February 8, 2019

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