Giving someone out of money


Part One

He was returning from his place of work near Karaj. He had been driving this long way for about six years. It really takes a lot of patience to find a way to get a card, unless the attractions of that business are so painful and difficult to stay in traffic. The one who is one of the top managers of a big factory loves his job. He had been suffering from eye diseases for some time and could not drive easily. The ophthalmologist had told him that you should drive less at night and sit at the computer too much. But alas, the two inseparable issues of its existence had caused this unhappiness. He was driving to get to work, and his work was tied to a computer. On the other hand, when he returned home at night, as in previous years, he would start his card career and in the middle of the night, in front of the monitor, he would prepare the documents of the companies that were his contractors. He was a profitable businessman, concluding large contracts without having a company office, only because of the good track record and connections he had made for himself in domestic and foreign companies. Of course, he was very regular and enthusiastic in his work and delivered all his projects on time and with excellent quality. His wife was not upset about her overwork and had made all the necessary arrangements for her peace of mind. During the six years that they had returned to Tehran from the industrial city, their living conditions had changed. They were able to buy a house and a car in a year and update all their living items accordingly. My wife continued her education at the free university of many cities so that there would be no academic conflict at home.
Many members of the family have been left to fend for themselves. Where does all this wealth come from?
An account was handed over to each assembly he entered. Not only because of his wealth but also because of the employment of their children, he had introduced one or two people from each family to their respective companies and all of them worked in good positions, this group of families had a lot of respect for such services. Of course, he was not human and he had not just arrived and he did not forget himself in the past and he never took revenge on anyone and he treated his family and acquaintances better than before. He remembers the day he had just gotten married and had to go to one of the industrial towns and live there because of his job. His living conditions were not very modest and they had the right to eat, they used to spend more on daily necessities and he could not even provide a laundry for his wife. This tormented him a lot, only when this torment became so severe that when he came to his father-in-law's house and his relatives around him, he saw how they ate and drank. Many of them even used brass stamps on their rings to sign checks and gave their checks to others to write because they themselves had not even passed out of school.
This case had made him very depressed and he thought to himself why I should study until the age of 24 and get a bachelor's degree.
An event that may have opened a new chapter in his life was an upheaval to try to change his situation that day when he went to Tehran to visit his wife's relatives and after dinner all the family was in their latest model cars. Bern. It was interesting that none of them, not even Baba Mozhdeh, invited them to go with them and gave them the key to water in the garden and be careful not to let thieves enter their house. Mojdeh was more self-controlled and simplified matters, perhaps because this issue had been raised by his own family, he had to be careless, but for Farzad this case was very expensive. He hated them all and turned to resentment. And when he was alone with the good news, he asked: It means that we are so busy and persistent that not even a dry and empty compliment is made from us. The rest of them understand, but why?
Mozhdeh silenced the best method of psychology.
Now those painful and hard days are over and Farzad, along with his kind wife and their only son Sina, have no shortage of life blessings.
The only problem was the distance, that Mojdeh was not willing to move near her employer because of her proximity to her parents's house. Of course, Farzad was not very willing to move because he might change his job. During this time he was satisfied with this way of thinking for six years. But the discomfort of the nerves and the pain in my eyes and back no longer gave me time and I was desperately looking for a solution.
One day he was having lunch at work with his co-worker. One of his colleagues was explaining how he and his friends went to the garden around Karaj yesterday and had alcohol, opium and a wife.
This story of Farzad makes you think, everyone has some kind of money that they use. So why should I? What is the end of all this misery and dog-stealing and amassing wealth? I run and gather and then the heirs sit down and eat and….

second part

The bed was ready to accept this kind of thinking. Some time later, he thought of buying a mobile home in the towns around his workplace, and in the afternoon he would go there to rest and then go home. On the way back, he passed one of the towns and put a brake on every real estate agency he came in and asked about the houses in that Roman neighborhood. It was one of those days when he came out of a company in Tehran and got into a car. He had not yet gone into second gear when a tall, thin woman raised her hand to ride him. He had two children, about five or six years old and two years old. The eldest child was a boy and one was a girl. Farzad braked to the woman for help and took the gear back. When she approached the car, when she saw the driver's handbag on the seat, she realized that they had to sit in the back seat and first put her children in it, then she got in the car. The car started. Farzad did not notice the mysterious looks of the woman who was overturning him from behind. Farzad was in his own mood.
The woman asked, "Are you always so quiet?"
Farzad took a deep look through the mirror at the white and drawn face of the woman and answered with a pause: Dear lady like you, what can I discuss?
- I have never seen you here. You are not from this neighborhood, are you?
- No, but my place of work is close to here.
- What is your job?
- My employee.
- Very public employee Where is the employee?
Farzad, who was tired of the woman's virtues, had to react and said to her: "Are you basically asking so many questions?"
- No, I saw your beautiful beauty.
Farzad took another look and the other one bagged his yogurt and said nothing.
The woman changed the type of question in response to Farzad's reaction and asked: Didn't you tell the truth this time and what did you want for something?
Farzad got up a bit and pulled himself up from his chair so that he could see the woman in the mirror and find out if he was a worker or out of curiosity.
- I came to see a house.
- The rents are high here!
- I wanted to buy. My Home I wanted to take a break from work in the afternoon. Because I work until 7 o'clock in the afternoon.
- Oh, the card is correct, one of my unfortunates should open this door and that door and rent a basement basement. Then one of you wants to buy a house for his afternoon rest. Oh great God, how different you are between people.
Farzad had dried his mouth and the woman's sighs and moans took pity on him and softened the tone of his speech.
The woman shook her head from under the chairs and whispered softly in Farzad's ear: "If you want, I know he can find you a good house, dial your phone number so I can call you."
Farzad took a business card from his pocket
- Come on, this card!
- Who's going all this way, he has a card, oh my God, he also has a mobile phone !!!! Your name is Mr. Farzad Shams…. factory manager !!!!
- What is your real name? … Do it when you call.
- Farzaneh
- The beautiful name reminds me of my elementary school classmates. Real or the name of art?
- No, I'm saying that you were so mean in elementary school that you had a girlfriend, was it mixed? !!! What things !!!!
- How old are you, is this strange to you?
- منننننن …… Twenty-four years, but like a XNUMX-year-old adulteress, no?
- No, what are you talking about, Masha, you are beautiful and fit. Let me see these guys are yours?
- Not the salt that sometimes comes in the alley !!!
- Excuse me, do not dare.
- We, the poor, are the only ones who are happy with our children!
- Oh, what a happy child he is in this country that has no security, no health, no….
Farzaneh jumped in the middle of Farzad's words and said: Excuse me, I am getting off here. I was very happy. When he got off, a cute wink hit Farzad. Farzad fell in love with Top Top. After his marriage, he had not had any contact with any women or girls, and like XNUMX- or XNUMX-year-old boys, his hands began to tremble. With the sound of closing in Farzad, he returned from the world of Heprot, and at once he saw that no one was there, and Farzaneh was hundreds of meters away.
It was a new world ahead of time, while driving he was always thinking about the words and face of the woman.
He got out of the car when the doorbell rang when his cell phone rang. The phone was unknown.
- Hello, please
- Hello, are you still well or have you arrived home?
- You ?
- My wisdom
- Farzaneh ?!!! Excuse me, I do not have a logo.
- Baba, you soon forgot about us, Mr. Shams! In the car, Tehransar….
- Oh! I remember what happened?
- Good news, be here early tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock in the morning. Where you put me. Good bye .
The phone was wet in Farzad's hands, his face was flushed like a lip, and he had eaten a deal. His hand was leaning against the wall in front of the FF, Cena's voice was coming from the FF, he was playing with the car, and the sound of his car was heard قان.

third part

The car went to the parking lot and up the stairs, saying to itself why 7 in the morning…. When the company does not open ?!
He had not yet rung the doorbell when Mozhda opened the door.
- Hello, do not be tired, let me take it to you, you are very tired today, finally talking to a lady is boring.
- What good news do you have?
- Yes, I know what I'm saying. Illusion. You know what I'm saying. Do not walk on it yourself, I have clarified everything behind FF, who is this Farzaneh? Are you new to it ?!
Farzad, until Farzaneh's name became clear, his face turned pale, Farzad was not a liar, and if he lied, it would immediately appear on his face. Mojdeh also knew him well until he saw Farzad's flushed lips and flushed face, fear overcame him and he lost the balance of his soul and started shouting and took refuge in the kitchen.
Farzad did not want to twist his diaper too much, he was changing his clothes, and he was immersed in his own thoughts on how to explain this matter in front of Mojdeh or so-called Moss. His activity increased, he washed the dishes, vacuumed, cleaned the glass, and watered the mud. He went to the kitchen, hugged Mojdeh from behind, kissed her softly on the side of his ear, and whispered: "My wild cat, why are you so upset with yourself, if every child should be a woman?" Mozhdeh moaned and took a deep breath and returned to Farzad's arms as he was, and looked into Farzad's eyes, his weakness, and said, "Tell me the truth, who is he?" Really, isn't another woman's foot in the door ?!
- No, darling, why are you putting so much stress on yourself and me ?!
Then he put his clothes on Mojdeh's lips.
Mojdeh picked up his lips and said: I knew you were from Karanisti, but once my jealousy blossomed, forgive me if I got angry.
- No problem, my beautiful.
Sina also threw herself in the middle and said: Dad, so you don't like me ?!
- Why !!! Son of sugar and honey, I love you as much as a world. Then sit down for three meals and eat a new dinner.
This evening, the previous meals were different, Farzad was thinking about the riddle of tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning, and sometimes he would wait for a spoonful of soup in front of his mouth to open, but his mouth would not open and he would pour the soup on the table. This behavior of Farzad was new and it was a question for Mojdeh and he was informed that something new was happening in his life. He was also thinking and he repeated exactly what Farzad did, Cena Bashirin said in his own language: O Baba! If I were throwing my food on the table, you would shout that your mouth is swollen or your mouth!
Farzad and Mozhdeh both fell asleep.
Farzad: What happened, Daddy?
Sina: Hessie is not in the sky, except that the soup in your mouth is licking the table !!!!
Farzad put his spoon on the table and said: The good news of not hurting your hand was very delicious.
Good news: Did you eat anything?
Farzad: I have no appetite, I'm going to sleep. I have a meeting early in the morning, I have to get up early. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and went to bed.
The good news is that Sina read a book to go to sleep. Then he went to the bedroom and saw that Khorupf Farzad was going to his house. Slowly he went to Farzad's mobile. The numbers that called Farzad about eight and a half o'clock happened.
Farzad woke up early in the morning at 5 o'clock, and Mozhdeh, who was having trouble dreaming, opened his eyes and observed Farzad Rosir's unusual movements. Farzad shaved his beard after the shower and was looking for soft clothes. It is strange that Farzad would not leave without breakfast and without kissing Mojdeh and Sina Pashoo.
But this time Farzad made everyone forget.
Until his appointment, he performed thousands of thought-scripts. It was not yet 7 o'clock when his phone rang. When he looked at his number, he was unfamiliar to me.
Farzad, who had now been addressed by his small name, melted the sugar in his heart and said: Hello Farzaneh, how are you?
- where are you ?!
- I'm getting to the same place yesterday.
- Well, look, I'm there in the alley. When you see me, come behind me.
He stopped listening and did not ask Farzad any questions.
Farzad was confused and did not know what was going on, what he was doing, if he was not going to go home, then why did he go to Farzaneh's house and steal it? One of them was scared. His mind wandered a thousand times, he said to himself, "Do not let this woman be in a bad situation, if that's the case, then I had a serious sex. I have to go to his house soon, maybe the house will be the same, so why should I go to you and د
Now he was standing, his round eyes saw Farzaneh standing next to the telephone booth.
Farzaneh blew Farzad's car into the alley. Farzad also went behind him, but cautiously. Do not pay attention to its surroundings, they have drawn a plan for it. His heart was pounding, he did not know why. I wish his time had passed sooner, his heart was pounding.
He parked the car and went to the house where Farzaneh entered. Something had happened to him, but the thought that the first meeting with a woman would lead to sex was unacceptable to him and he felt dangerous. Suddenly, he drove away and turned pale and closed the door with the sound of moaning, and this sound made Farzad go back to his car, but as soon as he wanted to open the door, whatever the evil voice said, he went straight to that house in that relatively "poor" neighborhood.

Part IV

When he reached the courtyard, the house was not more than 50 square meters in total. It had one floor with a basement. He cautiously went down the stairs. The stairs led directly to the only basement room. Farzaneh went to you and Farzad followed her. Farzad almost reached the ceiling of the room. The smell of dampness could be smelled from the basement, and it could be called Farzad from his disheveled face. The room was almost "dark." Farzaneh turned on the light.
- Very welcome Farzad Khan!
- Please, Ms. Farzaneh, I was not satisfied with your trouble.
- What a pity! I did not do anything.
Farzad set foot around him, a small room full of snobbery, from the bed to the TV table on which was a 14-inch black-and-white TV. Farzaneh slept on one back and complimented Farzad to sit on it.
The boy and the girl were sleeping next to each other under a duvet, the boy's saliva was all over his pillow and the girl's legs were protruding from under the duvet, how black his legs were and the yellowness of his skin was hidden from me.
Farzaneh was pouring tea out of the basement, which was covered with a piece of Iranian, there was their kitchen, next to me was a bathroom with a piece of curtain.
Farzaneh entered the tray with a cup of tea in it and placed it in front of Farzad.
Farzad was all over Farzaneh's feet, Farzaneh was very ragged despite her special beauty. Her scarf, which she removed from her thick hair, which was without any model, doubled the beauty of her face. The skin of his face was very smooth and even, his eyes were green and his nose was eagle, he was tall and had a narrow abdomen despite having two pregnancies, and his legs were long and long and thin. This body was twenty. Farzad was thinking to himself, what would happen if a woman wore a stylish dress?
The car market was imagining Farzaneh playing sports in her mind. Farzaneh's voice came to her.
Farzad, I really wanted you to do me a favor, but I will not go under anyone's burden.
- What is Takart?
- Let me take your salt first, then I will tell you my work. He went straight to Farzad's side and threw his hand around Farzad's neck.
Farzad was already hot and went upstairs and called the employer to the bottom. Farzaneh offered to drink tea.
Farzad took the tea and his heart broke, he was still in the pain in his mouth when Farzaneh slipped his hands from the collar of Farzad's shirt to his chest, Farzad Chai jumped in his throat and started coughing. He put the daily tea and sprinkled it to get the lamb out. Farzaneh had already placed herself in front of Farzad and clung to Farzad herself. He turned on himself, and both of them lay down horizontally on the same carpet, which was faded. He repeated this several times and then came back and put a pillow under his stomach and slept and opened his hand on both sides of the hole. And he told Farzad to leave.
Farzad was angry and his saliva was dry. He opened a condom that Farzaneh had given him and put it hard on Kirsh's head. Farzaneh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Farzad got up with three or four movements and emptied the water into the condom. He liked it very much. After a short rest on Farzaneh's hot and happy body, Farzad Pashd wiped himself with a paper towel, put on his clothes and went to the bathroom.
Farzaneh poured another cup of tea to Farzad. Farzad quickly drank that tea and picked up his bag to go,
Farzaneh said: Let's go to Tarbia in the afternoon to see the house. Then he put it on Farzad's lips.
He had not yet reached the end of the yard when a woman opened the door with a key. The woman was old and had two barbarian bread in her hand. That brought me!
The woman hesitantly left Farzad soon, but she was still standing behind her.
Farzad arrived at his office late. During the six years he worked for this company, he has never been so late. Noon Farzaneh called him. He talked on the phone for about 10 minutes. Farzaneh was begging me to leave you very nicely. همين الآن بيااااا. But Farzad did not give his work to these things, maybe now that it has been emptied, it is like this. But at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, he was always present.
Farzaneh was standing with her baby mantle yesterday without a baby. Until Farzad braked, he jumped up and sat down. He slapped Ron Farzad on the palm of his hand and asked: How are you?
Farzad, who was shocked and had a strange feeling that Farzaneh had become a cousin very soon,
- Okay, how are you?
- I'm in my shoes. Really, why did you not ask for everything I asked for?
- Farzaneh, I arrived at work late, I had a job and I could not come again.
- Well, no problem, we'm leaving now.
- No, Farzaneh, let's go and see the house. I'll be back soon, my lady is suspicious!
- What is suspected ?!
- Why did I come to work early this morning?

Farzaneh put her hand on Kirfarzad. Then he said, "Your father, you are right, you will not be able to come later." See, from now on, if you want to be with me, you must come whenever I want, and you must be ready whenever you want. ….OK ? ! …… ..Say accept!
Farzad glanced at Shahlaye Farzaneh's eyes and, with suspicion and hesitation, changed the person who approved it.
Finally, Farzad asked: What was really what you wanted me to do for you?
- I will call you tomorrow at 10 o'clock. You must come to our house and I will explain to you.
- Well now tell me why tomorrow?
- Come tomorrow, I have a job.
Then Kirokhayeh Farzad looked at him.
Farzadao returned to the place and went home….

Part Five

Tarsid, Mojdeh's house, came to him to take his bag from him as usual, and noticed a new smell of Farzad's clothes. To be more sure, he put the bag on the ground and went to hug Farzad under the pretext of kissing him and checked the smell.
- Farzad, where did this pungent smell of women's cologne come from? Who did you ride?
- No, I did not deliver anything to one of my colleagues, his car was broken.
- Which colleague?
- خاخانم غغفاري.
The good news was that he did not put a lot of drill into the poppy, but he had taken some scents and said to himself, "Yes, did you deliver your colleague?" I have to take a shower.
At night, when he was asleep, he had typed the good news and had reached himself and pulled himself aside.
Farzad Khoropfash was in the air, but Mojdeh Babir Rahmi took off his headband and shorts. Now Farzad had fallen asleep and his eyes were open. It was less likely that Farzaneh would do this.
He threw off his shorts, took off my underwear, and started stroking her breasts and sniffing her body to make sure. Because if the smell is from the car, it will not stay on the body anymore. Farzaneh had also turned on the lampshade to see the possible effects of betrayal, such as gas, grip, etc. on her body. When he did not notice anything special, he happily decided to give Farzad a correct account because of his suspicion. After Kirifarzado sighed and bit his chest, he whispered in Farzad's ear so that the heat of his mouth reached Farzad's ear, he said: I want you to tear my foot!
Farzad Cheshash came out of the bowl and said to himself: "For a while, all our hearts did not want a cone or it did not give good news." Today, out of bad luck, I have to freeze my blood once in the middle of the night. In short, once again, a hole hit the vein, but where is this and where is that. He was so tight that when the water came he had to pull it out to pour the water.
Tomorrow he will always go to work. At 10 o'clock, Farzaneh called Farzad's mobile:
- Hello, how are you?
- How are you, Morsi?
- Did you sleep well last night?
- Yes, but in the middle of waking me up to spend.
- Oh my God, one more time ?! It was my share, yesterday I wanted it again but you did not give up. Soon I will die. Just another minute here. Good bye !!
- Hello, why did you cut it? الو… اه ه ه.
At ten o'clock, Farzaneh rang her ear again:
- where are you ?
- In the way
- How much time do you have left?
- 10 minutes
- Didn't I tell you to be here for another 10 minutes.
- I'm coming again.
- So hurry up, goodbye
He parked his car on the alley and walked cautiously toward the house. Meth entered the house last time. There was no news in the yard.
He was lucky that he did not see the landlady, if he did, he would take a juicy kiss from her because he thought so much of his niece.
He quickly threw himself into the basement. He took off his shoes and put them on. He saw Farzaneh's warm embrace. As he was in Farzaneh's arms, he looked around. For example, there was no news about his children.
He asked: Children Kushan?
- I left them at my mother's house
- Course from here?
- Not half an hour away
- How beautiful you are today. What a good smell!
- He sees beautiful eyes. I just went to the bathroom and ate my own.
Farzaneh was wearing a yellow top, her breasts were the size of a lemon, and she was wearing a pair of blue sports shorts. The whole vein was visible. Farzad allowed himself to hug her and lifted her to the ground with her hands under her hips. Farzaneh's thin and delicate lips were placed on Farzad's lips and their eyes were closed. Farzad put him down and said: "Indeed, no one has anything to do with you here."
Farzaneh said: No, Baba, do not be afraid, the children who are in my mother's house, I am a hairdresser.
- Ramin? Who is Ramin?
- My other husband!
- Are you married ?!
- So I have a good dose. One is the same as the antique.
- Look, I was worried, I did not think you were married.
- What showed me that I do not have a husband?
- Oh, very comfortable… Yesterday…
He was upset later and remembered the decision he had made last time. After the dream, he did not look at any left-wing married woman.

Part Six

Farzaneh laughed and while she was wearing her pants, she said: "Oh, now I can not tell you anything in my shoe, then she knelt down and put her forehead on the pillow and put it all on Farhtiar Farzad."
Farzad was terrified up to his eyes and body, and his buttocks were not too fat or thin. How passionate and motivated he was, overwhelmed by the thought that he saw Farzaneh's hands coming from under her belly and rubbing her ribs with her fingers, she immediately took off her pants and knelt down behind Farzaneh. He put on a condom and rubbed it several times to make it slippery.
Farzaneh sighs and moans quickly and pulls her body back so that Kirfarzad takes the helm of the robe to the bottom of her lap. Farzad was on both sides of Farzaneh's buttocks, and accompanied him sharply as he approached. Farzad Basili hit his pelvis a few times. Farzad put his feet in front of him on his shoulders and they bent Rota as far as she could towards Farzaneh's chest and face. With his hand, Kirshu led Tabareh Tosh. Then, with the constant movements of his back, Kirshu would insert directly into Farzaneh's body and bring it out. Farzaneh, despite being under a lot of pressure, showed that she is very well. He screamed loudly and loudly several times and was motionless. She had orgasmed twice. Farzad had reached the end and said that he was coming. Farzaneh went to greet Absh with a long jun and ejaculation took place in Latsk. Farzaneh pulled out a condom in front of Kirfarzad and put Kirfarzad in her mouth and began to suck sharply. Farzad was moaning and the pain was wrapping around his back, but Farzaneh did not give up at all. Farzad lay down and Farzaneh got up and was so upset that Farzad Abesh came again. He poured a few drops of water into his mouth. After that, Kirsh pulled up the water and Banook gathered his tongue and went to the bathroom.
Farzad had closed his eyes, he had fallen asleep, as if he had gone to his aunt's house, he got into bed and slept naked. Farzaneh came back from the bathroom, tightened her clothes, and Farzad's clothes tightened, and told Farzad: "Eat something, then I have a card."
- God bless you.
- No, Dad, I'm not doing you, do not be afraid, I have another job for you…. Then you have to go to Ramin in the barber shop, when his subordinate to open a meeting, talk openly and say that you want to rent a house and so on.
- Farzaneh, I do not want to rent a house, is this nonsense?
He put on his clothes and got up to go outside.
Farzaneh stood in front of him and said, "Farzad, sit down. I want to tell you something." I told you that day that I wanted you to do something for me. Now is the time.
Farzad Banarah said easily: "Look, I still do not know what your plan is in your head?" But I'm ready to do something for you, but please go to the headline as soon as possible.

    • Farzad, I have a very dog ​​life, only you can save me, please help me. Also, our relationship is not secret, you are my uncle from now on and you can come and go in our house.
      Tears flowed from Farzaneh's cheeks. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said: "Let's go out so that I can tell you everything in the car. If you see me, you can help me. Whatever is between us, we forget.
      First, Farzad went out and got in the car, and the car went across the street and waited for Farzaneh to arrive. He rang the bell at the factory and told his secretary that he could not come for another two hours.
      Farzaneh got on board and said: "I'm sorry, you bothered for two days and got a card." Get out of here soon.

    • No, not at all. ”I was annoyed. You worked hard for two days and gave me a situation that no one had given me.

    • Behold Farzad, I got married soon so I went to high school, I got married soon and I did not continue my studies, my parents did not have much definition. Raising five children is not a joke, my father is down and our mother is very lucky.
      I met Baramin on the bus, he was the bus driver, one day I fell asleep on the bus and we reached the end of the line, I was back from school, I had gone to the end of the line but I was still asleep, Ramin woke me up and asked for the address of the station I wanted to get off. I was very scared, I was very far from our house. But Ramin asked me to go ahead and sit in the back seat of the driver. When he returned home, he looked at me a lot on the way, but he could not talk. He dropped me off at the station and did not take my ticket. We saw each other a few times, little by little Ramin fell in love with me, but I did not love him, I just talked to him out of pity and let him go. One day he rang the doorbell and "officially" he proposed to me, Ramin was able to get yes from my parents and I was in the middle of nothing. Because I was the eldest daughter of the house, if I went, the sisters behind me would go too.
      In short, we got married, went for a few days for our honeymoon north of our parents' house.
      The only happy days we had together were a few days of honeymoon. When we returned, we had to make a living, Ramin did not go to his single room anymore, and we decided to live with our parents some time ago. We had two rooms where we all slept together. You whispered, everyone understood. We would go to the bathroom to do it, or if the house was empty for a while, we would mourn and do it three or four times. A few months passed like this until one day when I went shopping, when I came back, I saw that no one was home. It was strange that the house would never be empty. I called my mother, Farideh and other children several times, but there was no sound. I went to the kitchen when I heard a sound like something falling from a bowl…

Part Seven

The sound was from inside the bathroom, I quickly went and turned on the electricity in the bathroom, no matter how hard I pressed it. I knocked on the door and said, "Is anyone in the bathroom?" Mom there ?!
With a pause, my mother replied: Yes, I am wise.
I asked: Why did not you turn on the lamp?
He said: There was no need here.
The answer was a skeptical one, my mother had a lustful eating, and since my father fell from the scaffolding and landed, he can no longer do my mother. I think he is talking to himself again, I left him alone and went to the kitchen, filled a glass of water and sat down. As soon as the glass of water was finished, I remembered that there were many clothes in the bathroom. One of them was very familiar to me. I did not say anything and went to the shoebox at the door, Ramin's shoe was in the shoebox, but it must be in service now. What are you doing here at this time of day?
I was confused by what I thought and I fell in the bathroom right there, I do not know what happened when I regained consciousness with my mother screaming and I jumped on my mother's head and Ramin came out from beside me, both of them were helpless.
I did not understand what happened anymore, I was rubbing my back so much and giving them sugar water. When I was a little better, I had a detailed argument with my mother and we got into an argument. Everyone in the house understood the flow, but my mother did not bite me. Ramin did not come home for three nights, at the end of one day he came by himself and I apologized to him and told him that we should get a house by tomorrow and go here.
Unfortunately, we rented a room inside you for an old woman. This room was cut in half, one part we were sitting in Roma and the other part was the old woman herself. The old woman was an opium addict and from time to time she complimented Ramin to kill him and told him that you are a driver, it is good for you, you will not sleep anymore, and your back will tighten.
I was satisfied that we were separated from my mother's house, but this old woman was addicted to Ramin. His hands and face returned bloody. I was starting to worry. On the other hand, that first night I was pregnant and now my abdomen was so high that I could no longer have sex with Ramin. One day I went for a sonogram and was scheduled to give birth in the hospital. When I returned, I saw a pair of men's shoes next to Ramin's shoes in front of the valley. I did not hear a specific sound, I opened the door and went inside. The scene I saw ruined my mood and caused my water bag to rupture and I fainted there. Later I was taken to the hospital and my son was born.
Farzad asked: Who was in Baramin's house to make him feel bad?
Farzaneh replied: I did not know him, he was a 16, 17 year old boy, Ramin was doing it.
Farzad said in a state of disgust: Ehh, that means he was having sodomy with someone?
- Yes, unfortunately, I had a bad taste, the one who wanted to unite us whenever he wanted, I do not know why he was looking for this kind of filth.
Farzaneh continued to tell the story of her life and said: Farzad Joon, if I had the opportunity again, I would explain the rest to you, but for now, do what I want you to do! I have until the end of the week to get somewhere and my furniture will be dumped in the alley.
Farzad, who had read Farzaneh's life story half-heartedly, was heartbroken and decided to help him, so he promised Farzaneh that he would do whatever he could.
- Farzaneh, tell me, what should I do?
- See you go to Ramin and ask if there is a room for rent on this side? When you became friends with him, the rest of him became a robber.
- Farzaneh, I do not understand. How do you know what will happen if I leave the job to him?
- Farzad, trust me, just do what I say if you want to help me. I know you're doing a great job for me. So, my job is to leave Varamin.
Farzaneh was taken down the alley and the address of Ramin's barber shop was opened. His hairdresser was in a side alley, a tall man with long hair was talking to a young boy, when he saw a Xantia car parked in front of his shop, he quickly passed the boy and started walking around the barber shop, hastening them. He looked very much like a painting and he was addicted.
Farzad drove around the barber shop well and then entered, Ramin quickly greeted him and asked: Did you have something?
- Hello, what can a person in a barber shop do to improve their face!
- Eyes, please sit here!
Farzad took off his coat and sat down on a make-up chair. Ramin was tying the robe around Farzad's neck. There was a clear wave of fear in his eyes.
- How lonely your hairdresser is! Do you have no customer or no time?
- Excuse me, did you come from the union ?!
- Which union?
- Another hairdresser
- No Dad…. So your hands are shaking because of this .. Did you think I wanted to close in your shop ?!
- God, I was leaving Venus. I just opened it here, one day a hundred times different people come to it and ask us to stop eating.
Ramin took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it and complimented Farzad, Farzad shook his hand and then Ramin said: I realized I was wrestling, my ears were broken, so forgive me for smoking this cigarette, I will come to your service.
Then he sat down on the steps of the shop and started packing cigarettes.
He threw his cigarette halfway and walked away. He started styling Farzad's hair.
- Do you live here?
- No, I live in Saveh, Rosa, I come here to work, I am nearby, I am looking for a house to rent so that I can rest there some days or nights.
- By the way, I'm looking for a house, the landlord wants a wife for his son and he wants to take me out.
- So what do you want to do now?
Nothing, God Almighty, we finally get an idea.
- You do not have more than two days, it is true that God is gracious, but you have to make a move.
- We do not have time to move the hearts of the clusters!
- Are you from the north ?!
- Yes, I will sacrifice you, our accent screams from a kilometer away that I am from the north.
There was a silence between the two, the sound of the scissor blades slamming no more, Farzad was waiting for Ramin to make his offer, as Farzaneh had predicted.
Ramin opened the strap and took the mirror behind Farzad.
- What's that cotton on the back of my neck?
- I was ashamed to think about the house, I was nervous, I really found a good villa for rent 300 meters, but it costs a lot of money, do you want to buy it for you? How much money do you have?
- What hurts the 300-meter house? I want a bathroom and a kitchen. Money does not matter.
- ببين آقاي ي ي…
- Farzad Saddam!
- Mr. Farzad, take that house, rent me one of my rooms, we live in one of his rooms and the rest is yours. You can take your car to the yard, the house is very good.
- Did you say how much money he wanted?
- Four million full mortgage
- How much do you rent for the toilet in the house you live in?
- I sit in a basement, rent 20 thousand tomans a month and pay 500 thousand tomans in advance.
Farzad, in order not to doubt Ramin, had to ask him for money in advance and a series of other demands for rent, which Ramin accepted, saying that he would even pay for water, electricity and telephone.
Farzad was very surprised that the story went exactly as Farzaneh had said, he had some doubts about the cases but he did not have a chance to think because Ramin closed the shop and invited Farzad to go home and have a cup of tea and then rent the house and not be late… ..

Episode eight

Getting in the car and going to Ramin's house, Farzad knew him well. Finally, he had eaten some bread and salt in that house, until Ramin's children, who were playing in the yard, jumped next to their father. Had seen.
Ramin said to his son: Amin Baba, why did you not greet Mr. Farzad?
The boy came back and followed the game and did not return to Farzad.
Ramin Yaallah said and went down the stairs, shouted down the basement stairs when he arrived: Farzaneh, where do we have guests?
After Farzad invited him to enter. Farzaneh, who was waiting for us, came to greet Farzad with the clothes that were tense and in the morning for Farzad.
Farzad was whistling his head, Farzaneh in front of Ramin with that situation ?! Awesome! How much they rethink !!
With a few cucumbers in a plate of melamine, welcoming Farzad and introducing Farzad and going to the barber shop to get to the main point and to tell the story of renting a villa house in Farzad's language for Farzad once again.
Farzad was in control of both movements well, lest a bowl be under half a bowl, and he himself had decided to pay close attention. He tried to remember the dark corners of this story by recalling wise memories and quoting those promises. But they did not give him a chance and wanted him to get involved.
Ramin: Look, Mr. Farzad, Farzaneh, if the athletes run home, they will play karate in the eggs ……. He laughed later…
Farzaneh: Ramin, why do you snooze, what are you talking about, what are you talking about?
Ramin: Farzaneh, Mr. Farzad is also an athlete, he wrestles, you can no longer fight in the egg, you have to wrestle with him …… .. he laughed again.
Farzaneh took his hand and kicked him out of the house and said: Go and see the company, come back soon.
Ramin threw down his shoes and went out. Farzaneh went back into the room and sat on Farzad's feet and put his hand around Farzad's neck and put his hand on Farzad's lips and sucked them hard.
Farzad separated from Velerzelbash with fear and said: Where is the company? Ramin is coming now.
- Do not worry for 10 minutes. Thank you very much for accepting… I will make up for it!
- Then he unzipped Farzad's pants and despite Farzad Kirshu's objections, he took them out and put them in his mouth and started sucking. Very soon Kirfarzad straightened up. When it was closed, it could be pulled out anyway. Zippo pulled up and put his coat on. Farzaneh opened the door and Baramamin whispered in the yard and then entered.
- Mr. Afarzad, you are very lucky, the house is still there.
- Am I lucky or you ?! … .. Next, hit three under laughter…
When Ramin arrived, he gave a full explanation to the owner of the business and the owner of the house. Ramin spoke a little northern accent, repeating the subject of Rochendbart. It was clear that the company was not very happy with Ramin and knew him well. He jumped in the middle of his words and said: Mr. Ramin, your previous landlord was not satisfied with you.
Ramin: Look, this Mr. Farzad, my uncle's renting that house, he gives me a room, we have an account, we walk together.

Farzaneh: Mr. Hossein Khani, accept God, may your mercy be upon those children, may I take them, now that our hearts are full of compassion, do not throw stones!
Landlord: I have nothing to say, ma'am, if this gentleman takes care of everything, it's not a word, write, sir! After pointing to the company, the necessary approval was given.
The contract was written and because the house was evacuated, take the key and go home. The house was an alley above where they were now living. An old-fashioned villa on the north floor, with a courtyard that could not fit more than one car, a large living room, a bedroom and a kitchen.
Ramin: Mr. Farzad, we are sitting in this room that opens to the courtyard.
Farzad: No, Mr. Ramin, I am sitting here. The rest is yours. Only close the door that opens into the reception hall.
Ramin was full of joy and hugged Farzad and kissed his paw and said: God willing, I can make up for it.
Farzaneh said happily: Use the kitchen and the bathroom whenever you want! There is also a toilet in the yard. We really do not know how to compensate for your troubles.
Farzad: Well, the only problem is that the current costs of the building are with you and you have to give me some money in advance so that if these costs are not paid, I will deduct that money.
Ramin: What a word, Mr. Farzad, that gentleman was stubborn with us, that these words hit the company. I always paid my rent on time.
Farzaneh: Mr. Farzad, what do you want to do with the money you have done for us? Honestly, we have 500 thousand tomans in the hands of the previous owner of the house.
Farzad saw Farzaneh's lustful looks when he saw her.
Farzad: Okay, but give me a check for the same 500 tomans.
Farzaneh: Oh, Ramin, who does not have a check!
Ramin: There is no problem, I will take it from my friend. But he asked me for a 100 toman check that I had previously asked him to rent for the shop. I do not know what he wants this time?
Farzaneh: Ramin, you closed your mouth for a minute.
Farzad: I do not understand.
Farzaneh: Mr. Farzad, Ramin had asked for a check from his friend for a while because he had asked me to go out with him, but Ramin did not accept.
Farzad: Get someone else! Finally, we need to get to know each other one day, I will return that check later, of course, if there is no problem.
Ramin: I will get a check for you, as if Marouk is not acceptable, Farzaneh.
Farzad: Mr. Ramin, you live in a house in your possession and you live in it. It is not my right to ask you for a guarantee guarantee, why are you upset?
Ramin: I will check your eyes tomorrow. Come this key home until tomorrow when I checked.
Farzad: The key is for you to move the furniture today, here tomorrow I will get a Roman check. Currently, it's getting late, God bless ……

Part IX

Farzad went straight home and did not go to the factory. The lease was leaked to his other documents so that he would not find any good news at any time. Because he has been very skeptical lately and checks all the documents, the list of mobile contacts, the smell of clothes and everything that is related to Farzad.
This time in the house, he tried to behave like before so that the nightmares would disappear. Until I received the good news, he always came to greet him, took his bag and kissed him, when he was relieved that there was no new smell. He brought a glass of orange syrup and handed it to Farzad. He went to Cena's room and hugged her and kissed her a few times.
Sina: Daddy, why are you kissing me so much? !
Farzad: I do not like Daddy, I forgot to kiss him in the morning, now I have made up for it.
Mozhdeh: In the morning, why didn't you rob us and go without breakfast? Were you a guest outside?
Farzad: What are you? !!! …. Oh, oh, you know, I'm not happy!
Mozhdeh: I did not mean that scum, from these scum
Farzad Sina took the day off and took him to Mojdeh's feet and started licking his legs and said: I will be wrong to go to the street's feet until I am so beautiful and well-groomed.
Gospel: You are right, there is a liar !!!
Then double laughing.
That night, Farzad was charging and he was thinking about the days ahead that someone else would catch him for free and clean and he could compensate his deficits whenever he wanted. In fact, he had an immediate hole in his head, and he remembered the cartoon of a pink leopard that had an immediate hole in his head that bothered him. Then his heart sank and he subconsciously said something irrelevant, and when he saw the reactions of the good news, he folded his arms and legs and did not think long and hard.
The next day, Farzad was on his way to the factory when his cell phone rang
- Hello, Farzadi, how are you, my beautiful?
- Hello Farzaneh, are you?
- Yes, so who did you want to be? I have another sleep, I want to eat, I want to eat ……
- Stop it… .. Are you calling from creation so easily ?!
- From my house, my new villa, of course my new friend.
- Who is your friend? !!!
- Dad, I reached orgasm !!! What a dull thrombus!
- Oh, from that point of view,
- Yes, in that sense !!!!
- where are you ?
- On the way, I'm going to the factory
- Turn your head towards me, come here quickly, I want you to be the first person in the new house to open me. Really, your scissors did not slow down last night ?!
- No, fortunately sharp, but now I can not come! I'm going to the factory later. Isn't Ramin really home?
- Not far north, the rest of the furniture of the house is ruined. Come soon! Do not you say no to my words? OK ?! Tell me to cut it بگو .. Say! O God !!!
- باشهههههههه !!!!
- Now you are a good boy, when will you get here ?!
- Another quarter.
- OK Bye .
- Good bye
He arrived at the door, parked the car again and rang the bell without stress. Farzaneh opened the door, hugged each other in the yard, and their hands went to the hall. First, he visited the rooms and the household items could not give the space a look due to its scarcity.
Until Farzad's visit to the rooms was over, Farzaneh poured two teas, put them in a tray and took them. Then he sat in front of Farzad. He stared into Farzad's eyes. It was as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't, he put his head on Farzad's cheeks and cried softly. Farzad was less able to understand how he felt, he was like someone who, after thirty years of exile and displacement, was able to raise money and get a loan and then buy a house.
While his silent cries had hurt Farzad's heart, he sobbed and said: ‌ Thank you… .. Thank you …… Thank you Farzad ..
- Do not cry anymore, be happy, I promise I will not leave you helpless for a moment.
- I do not know if I can repay your efforts or not?
Then he wiped his tears and said: "Oh, I soaked your pants, let me wash them,"
- No, he does not want to, let it dry now. Come sit here, I have a few questions for you.
- About what? !!
- Regarding the story you told me, why did you live with Ramin when he saw that he had done something wrong with another boy ?!
"I did not go to that house anymore, I came back and almost" بودم I was at my mother's house for two months, during this time Ramin's addiction became more severe and because I did not have much freedom in my mother's house, I had to go back to Ramin, I decided to have a new life with my son and son Be, sometimes "I'm with him, take care of the house and the child.
- What did you do then?
- I went to a women's barber shop and got a job. I worked hard at night until morning. I had done so well that my employer took another seat and I was doing the work of strangers and corrupt customers. I made good money, but I spent everything on Ramin materials. Ramin Meth, a child, took a lot of money from me.
- Are you a hairdresser now?
- No, it was very boring, all my nails were broken, my fingers were bruised, but this did not cause me to leave my job, lately the bride has been giving me makeup. However, he would hand it over to me from Aznok Pash until I arrived, he would come to his face and finish the work in his own name, and he would refuse to give me any reward.
- What were you doing for the bride ?! I would like to know.
- I Frenched my fingernails and toenails, then I varnished them, put wax on their toes, and waxed some harems with an electric razor. I was fighting there. It used to be a lot of work for me, but shaving a bride's couscous wool became one of my attractions, and later I enjoyed it, and because I did not get along properly with Ramin, I used to go around a lot with the bride's cousin or other people who came to clean.
- Do not object?
- Not so much. Even one of them was so happy that I saw him twisting himself
- Poor bride, when she went to the groom at night, she must not have wanted to do it anymore.
- But once a woman in a chador came and the other three Tazans were with her and took her away. Respect him. I told him that the shop has not been opened yet, my employer has not come yet, but they said that there is no need for a cardholder, we are your employer. After closing the weight of the tent in the shop, which seemed to be their boss, he asked, "How long do you work here?"
I replied: One year

He asked: In this one year, suspicious people do not come and go in the barber shop?
- Let me see who you are who are asking me this question ?! … Basically.
Once I saw two adulterers grabbing my hands and sticking my head to the wall. I was beaten up. I lost consciousness.

Part Ten

They asked me questions again, but I cried because I was not doing anything and I did not know what to say to satisfy them. I cried so much that I got tired. Then Babisim reported the matter to someone else, whose position I knew was higher. On the other hand, he ordered them to take me with them. Until I heard him, the noise got louder, and when they took my hand to take me, I spread myself on the ground to prevent him from taking me. But they barricaded themselves inside a black Volkswagen car that had just opened in front of the barber shop, and quickly reaped the harvest and came to sit next to me. It was dark inside the car and he could not get out because his windows were dark. I heard the shutter of a Roman shop closing. I do not know why my employer did not come, it was too late.
We were all silent, the sound of wireless scratches could not be heard. The violent faces of that adulteress did not frighten me, they did not say a word about my crime, but since I had no doubt that they were police officers, I said to myself, "It must have been a mistake, and after a general apology, they will take me home." This thought calmed me down.
After about an hour, the car stopped and my eyes were closed and I got off the car. Do not light a chair for a few minutes and do not sit on a chair and open your eyes. When my eyes got used to the environment, I saw a man who was fat and fat, a young man, and a woman in a tent in that semi-dark room. The men pretended to be soldiers or intelligence. Because their clothes were not formal, such as being in their house. He wore a white mullah collar shirt with trousers and slippers instead of shoes. I could not recognize their faces much because a direct light shone on my eyes. I could only fathom their beard.
The fat man began to answer the questions I had heard before from a woman in a chador when I told her, "I have already said this." My body began to tremble like a willow. Then a dead man told him to take his picture. It was a photo album full of photos of adultery. Unveiled and unveiled. I watched them for a few minutes, once I saw a picture of Shahla, my employer, and I threw myself in the barber shop.
- Is this Romanology? Take a good look at them.
- I only know this, my employer!
- Sahebkaria Hamdast.?
Surprised and terrified, I asked, "What is your accomplice?" By God, I worked there for a piece of bread. I am married and have two children. I do not know what else he was doing.
The dead man, who had a more orderly appearance, asked: "How could you not notice that the landlord of the house had formed a corruption and deceived the adulterous girl who came there and gave it to other men." He sent the fugitives to Dubai and….
My eyes rolled in surprise and I started crying again. And I called on God and the Prophet to intercede for Saddam. The other day, not having anything to do with me and leaving me in a dark barn that was full of spiders and spiders bothered me. I do not know how many days ago one of the men who interrogated me came to me with that woman in a headscarf and blindfolded me and took me to the same fat man and promised not to leave Tehran.
Then I was left in one of the streets where I do not know where. For a few minutes I was like this, I thought about the situation that had happened to me, what would my children do, and I missed my daughter Athena. وايسادن ومي خوان منو سوارکنن. Having no money, I had to ride in a car driven by a handsome old man. I went ahead and rode and we had not gone more than a few meters when he asked what are you doing here if your denials were over?
I asked: Does my appearance say that?
I looked at myself in the sun mirror, I saw that I was dead, only Rome had not been buried.
In short, my friend understood my problem well, and he took me home. Then he gave me a number and said, "If you have any problems, call me." Today, when you are not having a good day, I do not bother much, but you do not harm being with me.
His name was Reza. Now he lives alone. My condition is normal.
Farzad scored his zeal and in the middle of his speech he jumped and asked: Do you have a relationship with him now ?!
Farzaneh paused and said: "No, I did not." I did not see him again.
He did not dare to lose his house for fear that he would fall asleep several times and take good money from her. He tried to take advantage of her, but apparently wanted her to be alone with him, and if he saw her with someone else, he would kill her. Farzaneh no longer had a place for love and affection. This heart was a place of rich people, not lovers.
Farzaneh Pashd put on a scrap recording tape and said, "Enough, let's dance a little."
Farzad: I do not know how to dance, you dance, I get grace.
Then Farzaneh tied a scarf around her waist and started dancing. Farzad's mouth was dry and he was dancing beautifully. His whole body trembled. The shawl that was tied around his waist made his back movements better. After that tape was finished, Farzaneh took Farzado's hand and raised it. Slowly, pieces of clothing fell to the ground, Farzad's hands were bent from behind his waist, he was slowly going down تر ..

قسمت یازدهم

Farzaneh sat on her knees and put her hand under Farzad Vavana's legs, gently rubbed Malvand with her hand, then brought her tongue close to them and caressed them again. Badastash Kirshu Malvand. Farzad was watching that beautiful scene from above. His voice was hoarse. Farzaneh Kirsh put her head towards her mouth and after slapping her several times, she put it in her mouth and kissed it. Every once in a while, his hand caressed her. Farzaneh moaned and said: Farzad, I can not stand it anymore, let him go.
Then he lay down and left his legs open. Farzad Arum stretched his neck and kissed the neck of the minister and went down. He put his nipples in her mouth and licked it. Farzaneh's moans and twists and turns had caused a blue stream to flow from Farzad. Farzad rubbed the same water on his cheeks and on his clitoris. Farzaneh's movements had accelerated. After rubbing a few times, Farzad slowly lowered his head to his knees, Farzaneh opened her eyes and stopped moving. Farzaneh let go of her hand on both sides of her body, by doing so she wanted to let Farzad know that she wanted to do whatever she wanted with her own scissors. Farzad's pumps started and continued for about a quarter until Farzaneh's body movements changed and she mingled with small screams. Farzaneh reached orgasm very soon. Kirfarzado slowly pulled out of his chest and took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He said to Farzad: "Let me take your mouth."
Farzad Kirshu immediately plunged into his mouth. Farzaneh started sucking and a few minutes later water splashed on her face and she released herself again. Farzad fell beside him and fell asleep.
Farzad fell asleep after a short nap, took a shower, said goodbye to Farzaneh, and went to the factory.
The same card was repeated for several days in a row, some nights he asked for good news from him, but now Farzad is upset about everything. After another week, this flow became normal for him and he did not enjoy it. He did not go as much as he wanted.
It was true that when you reach a kilo of apples, no matter how much you like apples, you eat the first one, and gradually you feel nauseous when you reach the third one.
A week had passed since Ramin went north to return the furniture. Farzad was worried about the check he should be given. Farzad was sorry for what he had done and it might have had bad consequences for him. She had somehow doubted how Farzaneh could deal with this addicted and unemployed husband, how Ramin did not doubt why I had rented this house for them, and many other questions had arisen in her mind, but it was too late, she had no way back, but she had to go back, but she had to leave. So he went to their house one afternoon to get a check. When he opened the door, he first wanted to go to Farzaneh's house, but once he thought that if Ramin was at home, everything might be ruined and honor matters would be dragged in the middle. The yard was opened, the door was opened, and the furniture he had bought for temporary residence was arranged by Farzaneh. He entered the room quietly and behind the door that leads to the hall he listened and waited for a sound to come and recognize the people behind the door, no sound was heard. It was like this for a few minutes until he fell asleep, put his pillow on the pillow, and snorted. He could not get out, he did not think at all that Farzaneh was smart enough to cover the window and overlooking the courtyard so that no one would go out and no one would be seen in the room. He quickly looked around the curtain of the yard, what he saw was not easy to believe, Farzaneh was in the arms of a relatively "young man" with buckwheat hairs, a pair of trousers and a good-looking man, they were saying goodbye to each other, Pass by him and tell him to greet Forough. Yehu Farzaneh Farzado's car blew his tail, emptied the mold, and the term snapped. The window was full of questions. He was watching.
Farzaneh opened the door, entered the room, threw her tent on the floor, threw her hand, and swallowed Farzadolbasho's neck in her mouth. Farzad Badalkhori opened his hand and separated from it. He sat down on the pillow and put his hand on his hair and
He said: I do not know why I ate you, I took you home to solve your problems, but alas, I had not read the show here, I did not know that I opened a few houses by myself.
Farzaneh: Farzad, what are you talking about ?! God, you are wrong! The one you saw, my sister-in-law ده, came to talk to you about what you wanted ……
Farzad did not have time to speak. Look, Farzaneh, be honest with me, I have not scored a goal for you, but I have lost the feeling of being at work and having a crush on me.
Farzaneh went to make a pitcher of syrup, gave Farzadieh a break, and gave myself a chance to write a screenplay.
Farzad's syrup pitcher with a tray and a full glass.
Farzad shook his hand and grabbed the glass.
Farzaneh sat next to Farzad and put her hand around Farzad's neck, which was lowered by Farzad's reaction. Then he said with a fragile anger: "Farzad, you are right. I am a weak person. I will dance with a broken one. Of course, it's not all my fault. Maybe this is my destiny. The Majlis, however, has never said where he is going to work, and he is a guardian, a mysterious man, I am very afraid of him. Dirty person, his case is under me, but what is the use of someone in Khayeh's family, tell him, his story is long, I will tell you next time.
Farzad: No, tell me right now, I do not know what to do. If you are right, your sister-in-law is going crazy, why's a loan, can a house do something for you ?! If you do not walk on the street anymore and you catch a stranger, ask him to come and save you !!!
Farzaneh burst into tears, but hid her face in her hand
Farzad regretted the harsh words he had uttered and quickly apologized to Farzaneh.
Farzaneh Bagrieh: She has asked me many times to do this job, to get a loan with her own guarantee, to live comfortably in the basement of her house, although Ramin accepted it and, God willing, I did not accept it.
Farzad: Why did you not accept that there must have been a special reason ?! it's true?!
Farzaneh paused and said: Farzad, please let us finish this discussion.
Farzad: It is not possible for me to stay in this house for another day without accepting logical reasons! I will not let you out of this house.
Farzaneh: Oh Joon, what better! We are doing well.
Farzad: I'm talking to you in a ridiculous game. We are very angry, if it becomes soft tonight, I will face this issue.
Farzaneh: Very well, I say very well, if you see a bite, I lost it, it was because of you, because the less you know, the better for you… .. Farzad, that dangerous person, he threatened you with death, he has a gun, he is always with him, In Farzad's arms, Farzadhaj was staring at the wall, he asked quietly: What did I do, I saw him for the first time ?! The only one who sang !!!… ..

Part Twelve

Farzaneh said: "When he heard about the transfer of this house to us, he was both shocked and jealous of how someone could not love me so much, when he had offered me all this before, but I did not accept."
The subject goes back to two years ago, would you like me to define it ?!
Farzad: Yes, but do not censor it. I enjoy defining sexy events.
Farzaneh: I was angry with Ramin and at the request of my sister Forough and Hassan, I lived in their house temporarily. In the first days, Hassan loved me very much. I left and did not take it too seriously, I slapped her once or twice until one night my sister came to her in labor and we rushed her to the hospital by her own car. We stayed in the hospital for an hour or two and she told me to go home. I accepted and went to the children's house and slept. I also slept after washing the dishes. He does, I wanted to shout and wake up the children, but I could not do it, I do not know why I gave him the right because he had not been close to Forough for a month or two, I had heard this from Forough, I did not want him to be with me, but I did not like him, I fell asleep on the same principle and wondered how far it would go if I was just about to rub it.
His hot breath was on my face, Laleh was rubbing his ear and under my throat, he slowly put his hand on my shorts and took my hand, after Kelly played with my cunt, he took off my shorts in a way that "I did not think he was so good, I was not very happy. I also did not want it to end, so that he would not doubt that I was awake, I turned on my shoulder, I was more relaxed, he remained motionless for a few moments, his handkerchief started again, he started from the tips of my toes, he reached my buttocks, he felt my first finger Knee, I was so wet that his hand got wet in the hole of his hand until he realized that I had put Kirshu in my hole and I wanted to shake myself that something thick and hot had filled my whole body. Most of you, Lamasab was very hot and thick, I continued to fall asleep, quietly and silently turned me upside down until I felt the juice spill, because it stopped moving and pressed my sides tightly, Kirsh had taken off, but I still felt like I was still there. He cleaned his hair, took off his shorts and left.
He did not leave me overnight. Whenever he wanted, he would put a bunch of banknotes in my wallet, I would read the Roman tatesh myself and I would have to get ready. Three or four days when Forough was in the hospital, he should have treated me twenty times, he was very angry and angry, but he gave me good money. The day I went to the hospital to discharge Forough, when we returned and we arrived near the house, Forough said in surprise: Why Hassan Dam Dareh, who said that I have an administrative mission, I have to go to the city !!!
Anxious, he hugged the child and got out of the car. I was pulling the key out of my bag when the key in my hand locked in the hole. It had created a face, my heart still beards when I remember it.
Farzad: What happened, why don't you continue ?!
Farzaneh, remembering that scene, shed tears in her eyes, then continued: Hassan had brought a woman home. He was paralyzed down, the doctrinal effort was in vain.
Farzad: What happened to your sister ?! What happened to Hassan ?!
Forough was hospitalized for a week, but her child was hospitalized for two months, but Hassan, as if something had happened, took me out one night to eat there. We took the children to my mother's house. He asked me to keep this issue between us and to calm him down and ask him to keep the issue facing someone. Instead, provide me with whatever I want. Ramin even led one of the parliamentarians in front of him. As he wanted, I calmed down Forough and told him that he should understand the situation of a man whose wife was pregnant and had not been there for a while. I do not know what his trust was. During this time, whenever there was an opportunity, Hassan came to me and emptied himself and left, telling me that his sister no longer liked him, and when he was close to her, it was as if he was asleep and had no pleasure in her. I also kill them so that my sister does not divorce me.
Farzad: What an animal… The child is still paralyzed ?!
Farzaneh: Yes, Forough loves him very much and says that I am the cause of his paralysis and I will take care of him for the rest of my life. Many times, despite Hassan's wish, he was taken to Mashhad. He had not recovered, Hassan knows this child is sinister and he even took it once in the bathroom to suffocate him when Forough reached him.
Farzad: What should I do now that he is really threatened with death ?!
Farzaneh: Yes, but do not worry, she does not drink water in my fist without my permission.
Farzad: I see Ramin knows that تو ..
Farzaneh: No, he does not know if he will shed his blood. If he can not, he will kill himself!
Farzad: Ramin, laughing after the coffee… ..
Farzaneh: Yes, Ramin is right, but he is a stubborn person!
Farzad looked at his watch and said: I have to go now, but you did not say where you were during the time I was at home that your voice could not be heard.
Farzaneh Bashram said: Farzad, let it go, don't be late anymore, now your lady doubts!
Farzad: What really happened to the check ?!
Farzaneh: If the world turns upside down, you will not pass by !!! … .Ramin has not come yet, tonight I will send him tomorrow, let him get a check!
Farzad: Why don't you get a check from Hassan?
Farzaneh: I do not want him to take sides, I said that he is very dangerous! You can do something. Don't worry, I'll get a check for you.
Farzadgij and Mang struggled to break a lip from Farzaneh on her way home. Recalling the events that Farzaneh had described to her, I had a strong sense of interest in her family, especially "Cena." Decisions and strategies for dealing with the dangers of this path entered Bodroth in his mind. I did not understand how he got home… ..

Episode XNUMX

There was no air on that side for three or four days, until he decided to call Ramin's house to see if the check was ready or not ?!
Ramin picked up the phone when Farzado got to know him warmly and described some events that had not taken place for a long time.
Farzad went there that night because he was a guest, but early in the morning he went to the doorbell and rang the doorbell. There was no news for a few minutes. He called again.
Farzadaz said from behind: Mr. Ramin, I am Farzad open the door.
Ramin said nothing more and quickly opened the door. Taferzadodid stretched out his hand and pulled Farzadrozado in his arms and sprayed Dotamach. Then he forcibly invited her to come to you.
Farzad: No, I will not disturb the children, I do not want to wake them up now. If possible, check that it is getting late.
Ramin: Baba Biato, one minute! ب Next, Farzado pulled you.
Farzad had no choice but to enter, he said a few words, but when he arrived, he was sobbing in his mouth. Noise of ringing the alarm. Farzad was terrified, he wanted to come back when Ramin said: "The children wanted sweets because of my new house. Last night, when I told you to come, you lost money. Last night, the children ate and ate ص."

Farzad: To do !?
One of them was a woman, which I did not do, but each of them did it twice. Poor thing is gone now. Why not Shini ?!
Farzad was left to say what to say or how to react, he had already realized his mistake. He knew that Ramin was not having a good day and that he had no choice but to finish his argument wisely and stop this filth.
Farzad: Aren't the ladies children?
Ramin: No, Daddy's house.
Farzad: Mr. Ramin, what happened to this check? Did you say Farzaneh Khanum Miarash?
Ramin: Farzaneh has been looking for this check since yesterday, don't worry! XNUMX. Farzad, I and Farzaneh are at your disposal in every way. If the check is not correct, do whatever you like, but it will be correct! We owe you a lot.
Farzad frowned and said goodbye to Vazramin and said: "I hope he gets a check tonight!"
On the way back, everyone was thinking about Ramin's words and the situation of that house. Was it intentional or something inadvertent because he talks a lot ?!
Farzad returned in the evening and went out without opening the key with the key. He opened the door to a room where the furniture in the room was cluttered. Someone was there but did not pay much attention. He saw the lock inside the hall through the hole, but he could not see the black part that was on the hole. How many times was he coming and going in the room, concentrating on what to do? …. How can he get rid of this weed that he did not have the work and life…. It had been about a quarter of an hour before the phone rang, how many times did no one pick up the phone, that is, no one was home, why… .. Farzaneh picked up the phone and said in a sleepy voice: "Hello… .. you? …… Baramin, do you work ?!" … .. phone… I wake him up now, he sleeps! Goodbye من
- Ramin… Ramin… Pashoo Aidineh says I have a card in my shop!
Ramin paused for a few minutes and replied:
- Hello, you idiot, what are you doing there at noon ?! … .. What time is 6 pm !!! … ..Oh oh my God, how much I slept… .. Dad, I owe it to my landlord to give him a check… .. No, tomorrow he will not be able to serve me and Farzaneh for a check… .. Yes, I sold the carpet from Beigi… .. Nothing He did not want the unfortunate one who is not like you كه.
Farzad saw the opportunity to oil you so that their heads were busy, now that they are impatiently waiting for the check to be given to him, go out and come in again, but call. He hurried out the door quietly and rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, Farzaneh Amin, Farzaneh's son, opened the door until Farzado saw it, turned his back on him without greeting him, and walked inside the house. Farzaneh, who was coming to the door, asked him: Who was Amin ?!
Without saying a word, he shrugged his shoulders and pulled her up and went to his room. Farzaneh came to the yard with the same blood type, that is, a tight top and shorts below her knees. He was still walking in the yard with the leaves of a hairy tree.
Farzaneh greeted him and when he came face to face, Farzaneh heard a loud voice as Ramin, who was still talking on the phone, said: Please, Mr. Farzad, do not compliment me!
Then he winked at Farzad and returned to the hall and Farzad followed him. Ramin did not hang up the phone and asked Aydin to have a ringed phone, then he came to greet Farzad and after a short inquiry he went back to the phone and told Aydin to come there because he has a guest and he can not leave him alone. The phone rang and he sat down on the couch next to Farzad.
Farzad: Congratulations on buying new furniture, home decoration is very different on the first day.
Ramin: These were our tools. In the north, only Farzaneh bought this carpet yesterday, the rest is old.

Farzaneh coming out of the kitchen: Ramin, why did you start! May God bless you, then put a tray of tea and some fruit that could not be eaten on the table.
Farzaneh took a check from Mantoush's pocket and gave it to Farzad.
Ramin: Did we get in trouble? !! اینوووو! We are disgraced, this idiot گي
Farzaneh jumped into his words and did not allow him to move forward. I hope you are satisfied, from now on we will pay for all the house expenses, from water, electricity and gas to our phone. There is no need to be upset.
Farzad: Anyway, I think Elton's condition is much better than the previous house.
Farzaneh: Yes, right, and I, Varamin, do not know how to thank you. Really thank you !!!
Ramin: Yes, one night we will have dinner with the ladies and we will be at your service.
Farzad: Thank you very much. I'm annoyed.
After drinking tea, Farzad burst into tears when the doorbell rang and Ramin went to open the door. Meanwhile, Farzaneh, who knew the voice of the person who had entered the yard well, said: The head of this ritual was found again and he went to the kitchen.
Ramin Bayeh, a young man with a large and tall physique, introduced Farvad to Wono. Aidin's hands were eating Farzado's hands, to look at Aydينn's face, you must "put your hand on Kalat, who did not fall. His jeans around Kirsh were all rotten, from the group of boys who count and move them every minute.
Farzadavidin Seeing each other at all "Not happy" These were indifferent glances that delivered each other. Farzaneh did not come out of the kitchen, but Aydin was all in the kitchen, Farzad realized that while talking, he glanced at the kitchen, but Farzaneh could not be seen from Farzad's point of view. After a few minutes, Farzad left and Farzaneh came at the same time and accompanied Ramin Farzado to the tail.
Farzad turned on the car and said goodbye, entered the highway, had not yet crossed the Karaj highway a lot, and realized that his bag was not. Embarrassed, he turned to the right, a few passing cars with continuous horns cursing and swearing. When he reached the door of the house, he was thinking of ringing the doorbell or unlocking the bag that was left in his room and coming back without disturbing.

Episode XNUMX

He decided to choose the second way, took out his key and opened it slowly, into the yard when he saw big shoes. They were Aydin's shoes, but besides Aydin's shoes, Ramin's shoes were not there either. Farzad had stared at his shoes many times. What kind of shoes was this? They found out that Hashem's back was always asleep and the back of his shoe was stuck to his shoe.
Yes, there was no trace of Mirza Ramin's shoes, that is, it is possible that Ramin was out and Aydin was left alone. Farzad opened his room and entered the room, but he had a strange feeling, maybe out of jealousy, maybe out of stupidity. Hope to hear something, well, let me hear what you heard, what ?! Do you want to condemn Kyo, the thought that he does comes to him once and for all, that Farzad the donkey must repent now, and you have a bad feeling for the card, do you have few rivals? Do you have few enemies? When you go to the factory, a thousand kinds of drowning and sabotage happen, or pay attention to your wife, who has children and housewives from night to morning, and irons your pants and trousers, or even thinks of your little brother, take a shop for him. That can be a handy job and ول. But it's a pity that Farzad's ear hole does not go to his brain and goes straight into his stomach.
Farzad looked at his watch. It was late. It was past 9 o'clock. He picked up his bag and went to the door.
"He came back immediately." All the brooms were checked, he even put a pot under it, but it was short. At one point, he liked his own good mood, he put a satisfactory smile in his coat pocket and his pillow, he was about 20 cm taller on the pot. He adjusted the camera and held out his hand.
Farzad looked around the room, but he did not see anything. He was very upset. He said to himself: So where are these sounds from? If I can hear that whisper, then I have to break the angle near the door. The voices were getting louder, you were thinking, then where are the children? Why are they not making any noise? Why is this house so mysterious ?!
Seeing a moving object on Farzad's mobile screen, he increased his attention more and zoomed in on that area. It was a man's head, which could be seen from behind. He left, but continued his work, only lowering his head and holding his hand motionless, recording the events. Farzaneh's voice grew louder and she realized that she had reached orgasm, there was no place to stay, she had to quickly collect the jar bowl and walk away. When he reached the yard, he looked for Ramin's shoes again, but there was no sign of them. He wanted to wait to see who would come out of the house when he remembered he did not have a shoe to go out with, it was there that he realized his mistake.
His cell phone rang, it was good news, thank God he had not called in the room, he had not thought about it at all.
- Hello dear, I'm coming.
- On the other hand, as if you forgot that you have a wife and a child, I called the factory to tell you that you have been out for a long time, how are you?
- I'm defining the house for you, I can not now.
- What do you mean I can not, something happened ?!
- No, no, I'm coming to tell you, darling, hang up the phone, my lovely.
- OK Bye !
There is no news about Aydin or anyone else coming out, but it was certain that the person who was playing Farzaneh was not Ramin, he wanted to see the movie now, it was a good opportunity, the movie was about 7 minutes, at first he was behind a man but he could not identify who he was. A few minutes later, the man got up and changed his movement.
Aydin's repetitive movements of a large part of Boudoli's film Finally, Farzaneh screamed and turned around and went down there. Undoubtedly, he put his mouth under Aydin's body. For the last few seconds, only the carpet and the TV table could be seen. Farzad once again went to the movie and angrily turned on the car and took a take-off and drove away. He came to the end of the alley and hit the brakes once. He was smoking in the shop, he had to get out of there quickly, and the dirt came up.
On the way home, he was thinking about many things, he did not know what to do with the film he had made?
He threw Aydin's shoes in a trash can on the side of the road.
He must bring a perfect excuse to delay it, his whistles were too much, it was impossible, I just had a meeting to tell the good news, there was traffic, I had gone to buy for an insult, and he put his hat on a lie. Adulterers also have a sixth sense that seeing their husband's face, they understand what it's like today. Because men do not have this sense, they think that such a thing is not possible, but it is true. Those adulterers who do not know about this feeling are the reason why they think that living with this feeling is so normal.
In short, that night was another lie, a new staging that stole my mobile phone and I followed it and the rest of the story…
The next day, at the factory, production problems were raised by the factory manager, Mr. Farzad, the CEO, had asked, and during a one-hour meeting, he was questioned about the reduction in production and the increase in production line stops. Farzad could only say that I had a series of family problems, now they have been solved and he promised that he will solve the problems.
In the one or two months that Farzaneh had been held captive, she had clearly noticed a change in her behavior, she was suffering quickly, she was getting angry quickly, the number of workers she had fired during this period was more than the number who were fired in this factory.
In the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. Even his own face was strange to him. He decided to reduce his contact with this family because an unimaginable accident happens every second. As he was thinking about what happened yesterday, he thought to himself how Ramin could go out with his children and then someone in the house would be fucking his wife. Does it mean that Ramin knows whether Aydin has a relationship with him or not? Maybe Ramin does not know and Farzaneh and Aydin are taking advantage of his absence. Then he answers himself and says that how many times have you not abused Mohsen's absence?!….

Episode XNUMX

"Five or six months have passed. During this time, nothing special happened to Farzad Shahdad, and he did not say anything about previous events. He was only worried about the expenses and expenses of the building. When he heard that Ramin was back, he joined the company and worked. Farzad had also met Farzaneh's sisters and sisters, they were much more beautiful than Farzaneh. Every now and then Farzad would turn to Farzaneh
Like the rest of us, he would take a little from that wide reader, but most of the time he would not find it, until one day Farzad went to the door in despair and rang Farzaneh. When he got to the door to find out, Farzad wanted to go to his room, but Farzaneh insisted that he go inside the hall. Farzad did not accept and asked Farzaneh to give him some money there, but Farzaneh said: he is going out and now he is waiting for Forough to remember that he wants to go shopping together.
Farzad was very upset and turned to Farzaneh with a confused face and said: "You see, you know that I have not had Batosex for a long time and whenever I wanted to find you, it is not clear what you are doing."
Farzaneh, while leaning her hand on both sides of her waist, said angrily: "I have a husband, what should I do? I have to ask him, then you will hold me accountable!" …. You gave me a house, thank you very much, I will pay my own expenses, what else do you want, so far you have used me more than the rent here. Farzaneh was more nervous than Farzad had expected. Farzad swallowed another word and did not swallow his saliva, which had dried up. A few seconds later, Farzaneh apologized to Farzad for changing his identity immediately, as if he had done something wrong, with a fake smile. Farzad, who was in Lak, said: "I cheated on you from the beginning because your behavior was very beautiful and talented. I did not know that I was raising a man in Austin." Farzaneh did not give him another chance, she quickly took off her clothes, and she was naked and naked.
Farzad reluctantly and insistently took off his clothes, Farzaneh turned his back on him and asked him to be like a dog, Farzad Bakir rubbed his cock to open it and when the bell rang, Farzad dried it there, Farzaneh gathered himself up and said: Come on, Farzad stood naked in the closet next to the clothes hanging, all the tension was shaking, he was scared, I was a little cold, Farzaneh threw Farzad's clothes and shoes in the closet and quickly put on his clothes and went to open the door, Farzad was in my bedroom Farzaneh It overlooked the courtyard and had a window that opened onto the courtyard. The wall closet was not completely "capped", Farzad was dragging them no matter how much, but he would come back again with a screaming voice, Farzad had recited the Fateha show, hey he was threatening himself that what a swamp I had made for myself, now like a mouse I have to stand in a hole May I be and may God make no one come and honor me.
Farzad was slowly tightening his clothes silently, but he was pulling two of them at one end of his pants, he was stubborn, he wanted to shout until I understood that this woman had thrown him into this day when his eyes suddenly fell out. Forough was arguing with Aydin in the yard with Farzaneh arguing. Aydin's big hands were on Forough's buttocks. Finally, all three of you came, their voices were coming from the hall, Aydin shouted, "Where are the children?" Farzaneh, who was coming to the bedroom, said in a loud voice: Hassan Agha, the children are their mother's house. Make a cup of tea for your husband so that I can change my clothes.
Farzaneh closed the door behind him, then opened the wall closet and said: Farzad, are you alive ?!
Farzad Baser confirmed.
Farzaneh: We will go out in the next quarter. Come out in the next quarter and leave soon because Ramin may come in another hour.
Farzaneh changed her clothes and went out. Farzad's eyes in the darkness of the closet could see all over her what a beautiful body she had, but in what way she was disappearing. He knew very well that he would be there with Forough and Aydin. But unfortunately they had found my lawyer. Farzaneh did not think that Farzad had seen them in the yard. Farzaneh, after putting on her clothes, took a lip from Farzad and went out, until the sound of Forough's moans reached Farzad's ears.
Farzaneh put her index finger in front of her mouth and warned them to calm down, but Aydin did not say that. Farzaneh said loudly, "Why did you not get naked?" Farzaneh's side said: ‌ Well, who am I crying from… Later, he started laughing, his face was not from Farzaneh, he was not angry, Farzaneh was not happy with him, but because he gave good money, he rented it to her, not only himself but also his sister Rokeh Del She was not happy with her husband. But he raises his money and tells his sister that he does not need this money. At the same time, when someone else in his life appears, he wants to take Aydin and replace him with Forough. Take it.
Aydin, after finishing his work and bringing him to orgasm, despite Farzaneh's wish, pulled down Farzaneh's pants, but Farzaneh, who knew what Farzad's condition was now, tried to take them out, but Aydin did not turn to violence because he was still wet. He resorted to force and in a lightning movement he pulled Farzaneh's pants upside down and he slept on the carpet with his face and his cock reached Farzaneh's buttocks. Farzad could hear Farzaneh screams again. دربره.
Now there were no more clothes on Farzaneh's body, Farzaneh's screams had been heard, Forough had come to Aydin's aid and she had grabbed Farzaneh's head and hands so that Aydin could do her job easily, when Aydin violently plunged his entire head into the unopened hole of Farzaneh's butt. Kurd, Farzaneh stopped commanding him and only sobs could be heard.
Farzad was hesitant whether to help him or not.
Farzaneh's cries were over. A few minutes later, Aydin and Forough went out together. When the door was closed, Farzad came out quickly and went into the hall on his own. He was tall but he could not, the intensity of the pressure on his back was too great, his back could not be bent, but he wanted to get away from Farzad's eyes and he did not want to see the ugly view of the water poured on the corner hole from Farzad's eyes. Farzad helped him to take a shower, then packed up his clothes.
Farzaneh did not come from the bathroom, Farzad Taramin did not go!
Farzad: ‌No, I want to spit in the face of this jealous idiot, and tell him that I am aware of all his work, to tell him that I know he is going out so that Aydin can come to his wife more easily….
Farzaneh took her head out of the bathroom, she was pouring water from her hair on the carpet, she was staring at Farzad, Farzad did not continue, Farzaneh begged Farzad not to go and look for trouble for herself. Farzad agreed to go, but asked Farzaneh to go out with him tomorrow afternoon. He wanted to talk to her.

Episode XNUMX

Farzad had noticed Farzaneh's unwillingness to do wrong things, and when his behavior was going through his mind during this acquaintance, he saw how clean and tidy he was. His good manners were one of his outstanding characteristics. Because a man smiles at a woman, he hurries to the ice cream in front of the sun. Men of this period know the meaning of cheerfulness and smiling in Lund and the other side's ruin, maybe their wives are so upset with them now they are thirsty for another adulterous smile. Meanwhile, Farzaneh is very generous, a very strange woman whose money in front of her house is not even 200 thousand tomans, her children leave fruit in front of her guest with the smallest basic facilities for survival, she does not spare anything for the guest, His life is in turmoil, because sometimes he has to go through tension and put it in front of a guest, and it upsets him.
Farzad came to the appointment the next day, but Farzaneh was late. He called his house. Ramin picked up the phone. Nothing special was exchanged. That he is going to wait. A few minutes later, Farzad's cell phone rang, an unfamiliar phone rang, and a woman's voice came from across the phone.
- Hello, Farzad Khan, how are you ?! You do not see us happy ?!
- Excuse me, do I know you ?!
- I know you Roman, I do not know if you know me or not! All I know is that you are very handsome and burly Boro, is it an honor for us to visit you ?!
- See who gave you my number ?!
- A friend, if you come to this address I say, you will see it! …. Tehransar, main boulevard ……. Alley +++ license plate ++ my number also dropped. Goodbye I'm waiting.
- See at least say your name… Hello… Hello. Oh… cut out damn!
A few minutes later, hoping that Farzaneh would remember, he stayed there, but he did not come. He became nervous. He was tired of Farzaneh's hand. For the first step, he decided to lighten this suspicious phone in a light style, see who ?! And why did he give her the address? She definitely wants to be friends with him. He turned the address but did not go forward, called the phone number, it was the same woman and asked: Have you arrived? Oh, I'm seeing you, I're reaping. Come up quickly to the third floor of Unit 10.
Farzad parked the car there, knowing that it could be seen from the window of his house. He hurried to the third floor, climbed the stairs, and despite the fact that it was an elevator, he may have told himself that the later he went, the less dangerous he was and that he could change his mind on the way to the decision. He stood on the unit, until he wanted to call, he opened the door, in the middle of a beautiful lady with crow's hair, Vatpel Mapel invited Farzad to enter. Farzad entered with suspicion, and when he entered, he stood on his left and right.
- What a beautiful house, what a really great decoration! This is your own choice or….
- Do you always eat tea, cousin ?!
- No, this has happened once, on the contrary, I am a shy person, but I stopped watching home decoration and, better said, I became you.
What is your job as an ordinary woman, it is unlikely to do such a thing, also….
- Please sit down!
The lady left and returned with a couple of glasses of whiskey and a can of beer. He put them on the table and sat in front of Farzad. Farzad, when his eyes fell on hers, his heart fell on the top. It had been a long time since he had touched this state. Natural, fleshy and pink lips, light skin, beautiful neck and long, prominent breasts, as if he had a party. Enough, Farzad, if it was a video phone, Basser would have flown to him there, but since he had not seen him, he became a Nazi, now he is out of breath when he sees that beautiful beauty.
- I can ask who you are and where did you get my phone from and why did you invite me here? Also, how did you know that I am a drinker and that whiskey ?!
- I am at your service, I am Mitra, my job as a hairdresser, I was married, I divorced, I got the phone from a friend, you loaded it on your car, you gave it to him because he had a husband, he gave it to me. In fact, I would love to see you according to the definition that my friend gave you.
- I do not remember giving a number to anyone, but now that you have succeeded, we see how similar it is to what you imagined?
- In my opinion, you are much more handsome and fit than my friend's definition, it was very bad taste that did not ask you.
- Do not stick to me anymore. I do not deserve all these definitions.
Mitra poured a glass of whiskey for Farzad and a glass of beer for himself.
Farzad, who had lost his mind, took a sip of whiskey, unaware that there were apparently hidden plans behind it. The second and third couriers pulled him up, he was no longer in a normal state, he had a pleasant drunken state, he stumbled on the sofa in front of Mitra, Mitra was still holding the first glass of beer and was playing with it, he put it down and put it in his pocket. He took Farzado's wallet, put the contents of the bag on the table, it was full of 100 Toman and 50 Toman travels.
- It's all yours, the sacrifice of your eyes!
Then he put his hand on Mitra's breasts, his breasts did not fit in Farzad's hands, touching his breasts, he hit Amberbala, he slept on the sofa and leaned on his chest and wanted to open the bliss buttons. Undress, I'm going to the bedroom, then come there, then Polaro gathered them all and put them in his chest. He went to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Farzad hurriedly took off his clothes, now it was just like the day he was born from his mother, he went behind the bedroom, lowered the handle, but when he did not open it, he tried it several times. I have not taken off my clothes yet, I will open the door in another minute. Farzad ate with Kirsh, who was already stoned, until he opened the door. Farzad unknowingly blew a whistle in surprise and said: My God, where has this nymph been so far? There he lifted Mitra to the bed, licked her nose eagerly from Aznak Pata, bit her conch hole, sucked the edges of her pussy with her teeth, choked her with small bites, she was getting overwhelmed, when she wanted to let Kirshu take her, she grabbed Mitra and pulled her forward. you have ?! You can not do without a condom!
Farzad, who had not thought about it, said, "Can't you have a toilet in the house now without my condom?"
- I am not young enough to have a condom at home, you do one every day, my tools must be perfect.
Farzad had begged but he did not let go, because it was my first time, he did not insist more than that and he drew a picture for himself for the next time, he wanted to lose his new friend so easily and upset him.
- At least come and kiss me because I'm spilling water.
- I'm upset about sacking, I have not sacked yet, if you want me to masturbate.
Farzad had no choice but to agree and finally, after a few minutes, poured the juice into a napkin. He went to the bathroom to wash himself so that the smell of semen would not remain on his body and he would understand the good news.
Farzad came out of the bathroom and went to the living room to put on his clothes, his feet stuck to the ground, he could not move forward, he did not know whether to put his hand in front of him or behind him, Farzaneh was drinking beer on the couch and threw his feet on it. I had my hand on the back of the sofa and my eyes were on Farzad's naked body ……

Episode XNUMX

Farzad, after all the events of an hour ago, looked at the dirty plan that had been drawn on him. He put on his clothes without saying a word. His eyes were on the bedroom, but Mitra did not come out. , He saw his car downstairs, in his heart he said a curse to the car.
Farzaneh: You were with me, Mr. Farzad !!
Farzad: No, Farzaneh Khanum, I was with this damn car, the one who brought me here, the one who took me to you, the one who….
Farzaneh: Not the poor thing that is a tool, you can use that good tool or bad. For example, "help someone with it and reach it somewhere without expecting it or lift it and do it."
Farzad: But it was you who raised your hand and wanted to get in this car, but you had some plans in mind, I just came forward to help. You pulled Tomeno this way.
Farzaneh: You are a simple person. The day I witnessed that adventure, I wanted to let you know that people do not have their hearts. Whoever claims, I will bring you his film tomorrow, just as I took your film today.
Farzad trembled when he heard this, blood rushed to his brain and attacked Farzaneh, who cursed and beat her, but Farzaneh withdrew herself and said: "Look at this movie, you are afraid now, Mitram is gone from here, do not bother to find it by yourself." If you overdo it, we will broadcast it in the city.
Farzad: Look, be calm and think logically, what did I do to you, ‌ that you treat me like this ?!
Farzaneh: If a word leaks from what you saw….
Farzad jumped into his words: I also have my film, but not at all.
Farzaneh: ‌What movie do you have of me ?!
Farzad: Let go, do not think too much about him!
Farzaneh: Except for the day you were in the closet, I did not do anything to have a movie with me!
Farzad: That night when Aydin was at your house, and you were at the TV table in the hall, I was in my room, I filmed you from above the glass.
Farzaneh turned pale, but soon gathered herself and rushed to her coat pocket, which had her mobile phone turned on, but did not succeed, and Farzad pushed her towards the couch.
Farzaneh lay down on the couch like a milkmaid and said: Farzad, let 's throw away our turbans and have nothing to do, I'm in your thirties.
Farzad: Now that you have stolen all my money and damaged my property, you have brought my reputation before everyone, my family is suspicious of me, I am losing my job…
Farzaneh: You are wrong. I am not a thief if I am young and you took his hand and threw the crumpled bags and travels into Farzad's face.
Farzad regretted his words and went to Farzaneh for Mali Mali and sat next to him and said: So what are you looking for ?! If you do not want money, then why did you take it first, why do you make a living through corruption?
Farzaneh: Farzad, you are not in my life, see what happened, you saw his example that day, I wanted it to be like that?
My misfortune is due to the supply of magic, which everyone looks at with the eyes of a cousin. I went to a karate class to defend myself and not to fall victim to the lusts of those around me and street men. The carpet seller from whom I got a check for you, I slept under the check for one night, he still says that I have to take my check back for a lot of bad service, I have to give it to Aydin for opium, I have to give it to you for my house, and… .. crying He did not have time. But he came to his senses soon and said: فقط I just cried in front of you, I have not cried in front of any man until now, and today, if you see me here, I was surprised. Did you see today how weak you were against Kos!
If you see that I am Baramin, I live only for the love of one person, I have tried it twenty times in my whole life. That man is mine. I love it .
Farzad: But you betrayed him and had sex with many people!
Farzaneh: True, but I want to repent and only be Baramin. If Ramin could leave, I would stay with my children and go with Reza.
Farzad: Is not this the one who rode you when you were released from prison ?!
Farzaneh: Why her!
Farzad: You said you are not with him anymore ?!
Farzaneh: I wanted to have an account in my palm, to see how much he wants me, but I was far away from him. Honestly, I liked you and I wanted to replace you in my heart, because you are younger than satisfied, but it is very different from you. Excuse me for saying this.
Leave here soon and no problem will be added to your problems. Farzad had nothing to say and left there, got in the car and looked at that window for the last time, Farzaneh was motionless in front of the window… ..

Episode XNUMX

Saeed, Mojdeh's cousin, who had just gotten married, was Farzad's guest with his family. After dinner, Farzad asked Saeed, Saeed's younger brother, who was a student, questions about his studies and university. Shahram, how he was warming up and having a private tutorial and describing that he has a good income, added: One of my students came to the school entrance exam class and asked me Mr. Shams (their family name was also Shams) Mr. Farzad Shams Romanology? My ears are broken and I am stuck.
I answered: Yes, I know, how about that ?!
He said: I rented a house from my father's company and gave it to a vandal woman who has my husband, as if I was with her. …
Farzad could not hear anything anymore, he was just looking at Shahram's lips, which were opening rapidly, the loud and resounding voice of Mozhdeh Farzad returned to that group, Mozhdeh was supporting his husband. , Isn't it Farzad ?! … Farzaaaad? !!!
Farzad: What did you say? . Oh, I do not know what to say, in these seventy million people, it finally happens that I am both a first name and a last name. is not it?!
Shahram, who did not give up the deal because of his simplicity, said: ‌ But he said that he has a white Xantia!
It started in adultery and whispering, but with the mediation of Saeed Qaeleh it ended well, but the mind was not cleansed. And he was assembling everything together to make a documentary and hit him in the face with Farzad.
Saying goodbye to the guest, at one o'clock in the morning, he brought the good news of fire and knocked on Farzad's tent. Remember or another box is wrong.
Early the next morning, Farzad went to the company where the lease had been written, but the company was still not open. كنه.
The sound of the shutter rising shook Farzad's body. Farzad immediately went to the company. After gaining health, the company asked Farzad: Excuse me, are you the one who rented Mr. Hossein Khani's house?
- Yes, you remember well!
As he turned his back on Farzad, he was cleaning the shop windows:
- How can I remember! …… With this quarrel that you and your husband and wife started in this neighborhood, I did not disgrace myself. Last night, I answered them.
- Let me see if what you said was serious or are you kidding ?!
- What a joke I have with you, uncle, if you were not during their work, everyone says you go there too! Show the same car, people may not want to go to Ruth, but they see everything.
- Farboon, let me take your shape, God, I'm hearing from your mouth now, I'm coming out of their father, I will take them out at the same time today, but do not disgrace them and do not cut the foot of the checkpoint in the middle.
- I was going to the police station, but now that you insist that I talk to the landlord in the afternoon, bring your key! If you could not get them out today, I will drop them off at 7 am tomorrow, you know!
Farzad forgot what he wanted to do, he forgot that he wanted to talk to the boy of the company, who was shocked but said I did not see him. With anger in his face, he went to the alley, the alley was very crowded, it was full of small and big people, he parked the car at the end of the alley, got out of the car and blew himself up, Farzad noticed the heavy looks of the locals, Aziz's son, who was there He asked what happened ?!
As the retailer in his hand was playing, he replied: ‌ If you do not know, Farzaneh Jandeh is going to take them out, if you can, you can fix her in the same van! Don't go!
Farzad did not want to miss the opportunity and said: "If I had the opportunity, I would answer you now."
He ran to the car, pulled out the veto, and forced himself out of the crowd, and before reaching the end of the street, he turned in front of a van that had loaded Farzaneh's belongings.
Farzad was overwhelmed with anger, he could have done something for himself or for someone else. Why are you really unaware?
Ramin, who was sitting on the furniture, jumped down and said: Hello, Aq Farzad Gol….
Farzad: ‌Hello, Aliki, you made us a coin for money, then you go to work without coordination with me! Unless we made a promise together, if not for the construction costs and other things, now understand the costs, what a riot you have built…
Farzaneh came down and Farzad pulled aside and said: Farzad, because of Athena, I wanted to call you for the furniture we left on the floor. Last night until morning, there was a fight in the alley…
Farzad: Yes, I know that the place of preparation was prepared against you, and today you gave me the opportunity to take you out.
Farzaneh: Look, here we are, more ugly than this, we will come, follow us to a new house and learn, we will talk later. Then he rode and told Ramin to ride.
My son saw that there was no way to pass behind the alleys behind the alleys of a low-lying neighborhood near Shadabad until he entered a dead end alley where a car was forcibly passing through it.
Farzad, when he was sure that there was a house there that wanted to empty the furniture, returned without saying goodbye, went to the company, closed the account and the books there, and turned the key and delivered. Since he did not have any of the building's debts, he left about 200 tomans on loan. On the other hand, he used to lift him up to see the boy of the company. When he was returning in despair, his head was found once.
- Yes, one of our professors, the son of the deacon's cousin, Mr. Shahram Shams بود, came today and asked something about you?
- What are you asking ?!
- For example, "Why did you get this house, what is your ID number and…
- You mean you gave him all this information ?! Didn't you think it might be bad for me? !!!
- What do I know what is going on, what is he looking for, well he has asked a simple question…
- This is where a simple question goes. Ok, thank you, do you want to go to university like this ?! IQ !!!!
The boy lowered his head and said nothing more. Farzad, when he saw that the situation was getting worse, did not allow him to stay any longer and left. But once he remembered something, he pulled back and turned the bottle down and turned to the boy and said to him, "Please, ”Don't say again, I came and asked you something, this one is good, Barikla, good boy !!!" Then he turned away and left. On the way to the factory, he was thinking about the misfortunes that had befallen him. From this side, he had to take the building costs from Ramin and Farzaneh, but he was happy with the check he had received. He was more terrified of the film he was taken from, he was complicated by the factory issues, he does not have a reliable person to leave Karasho to, he has to satisfy the good news and ……

Episode XNUMX

Bashram spoke on the phone and asked him to keep this issue silent and not to talk about that box.
Of course, Shahram said: If you had given me a night call, I would have had air in my mouth.
Farzad: Baba, you did not have a chance, and you shouted at the trumpet and the horn! Now it does not matter if you have our sub-air from now on!
Shahram: Mr. Engineer's eyes, I'm sorry, I was a child, I just realized what I did wrong. Goodbye!
Farzad: No, Shahram Joon is not transverse, bye.
Farzad shrugged a little, he had to ring a bell for Mitra, who had his number on, his number dialed, after four or five rebounds, Mitra picked up the phone and waited for the other side to start talking.
- Hello… Mitra, my lady Farzad, ‌ Why do not you answer ?!
- ز فرزاد كيه آقا! .. you got it wrong!
- Look, I am a wise friend, did I bother you that day ?!
(With a pause of a few seconds) - Hello, Mr. Farzad, how are you ?!
- I'm not good ! I miss this cowardly friend!
- Look, forgive me for treating you like that, I did not think he would do such a disaster to you, you are a respectable person, Farzaneh said something to me that I felt sorry for and I wanted to give a lesson to the person who bothered him. But when I found out that Karaz had passed away. Farzaneh has three or four other boyfriends. But one of them wants Farzaneh very much, no matter how much we tried her, I only want Farzaneh.
- His name was Reza?
- Yes, yes, Reza was calling. I did not drink.
- Well, after all these words, did you film me ?!
- Mmmmmmmm, no, my dad was supposed to go there, but I do not think there is a movie in the works that Alki told you!
- You're right ?!
- Yes, he told me that you are in a good condition so that I can stab you, but God forbid I regretted seeing you, I even wanted to be with you, I was so upset that you could not touch me!
- Too much time to write… next time !!! … Only if you had news that was important, call me, what hair number do you have ?!
- Well, for sure ", I actually took a couple of hundred tomans from you.
- You drank more than this, it was the truth, I will be ashamed of you at the first opportunity. Bye for now .
- Good bye
Farzad had made a calculation, he remembers that day when he fell, his mouth was watering, he had a very large body, that body should only be looked for in paintings, Farzad had no information about him, only his name and number, and that now, according to him, he is a hairdresser. He thought to himself that if you lose Farzaneh, she will become more friendly with you, her class is much higher.
Farzaneh is looking hard to get the guaranteed check back from Farzadeh, because Mr. Beigi, who had given the check to him, when he saw that he had come out of the house, demanded the check and called Farzad's mobile phone.
- Hello فرز Hello Farzad, how are you ?! are you OK ?!
- Hello, we are not bad. Thanks to you and your cowardice, we are having a hard time.
- So you do not see us very happy!
- almost"
- Look, I want to see you, soon
- What happened ?! What hat did you sew for us ?!
- You come! I miss you! I miss you !!
- Yes, you will die! Henat is colorless! Tell me what to do if it was worth it, maybe my decision was changed!
- Oh, it's not like that, presence, "I have to tell you
- Well, say it first!
- Look, I want to do something, I also wanted to take that guaranteed check from Ramin's friend, he came to the door several times, I want to give him the check so that he does not bother me anymore.
- This check will be returned in return for the payment of building costs.
- Farzad, please give him a check, I will do whatever you say
- What can you do for me ?! Suggest yourself!
- I can be at your disposal overnight صبح
- Another ?!
- Delete the movie I took from you…
- Look, if I am left alone for six months, I will not throw a single one at you. Ha ha!
- Oh… (hung up the phone)
- الو…. What happened? ق Why did you cut it ?!
Two hours later, Mitra called Farzad:
- Hello… Dear sir, you will not call me anymore, you who can not keep your tongue, why did you wear men's clothes, put on a skirt, take that atom deal, take it in front of cats and eat it…
- What are you saying Mitra ?! Wait a minute! What is the issue ?! Heminjori Mi Tazuni!
- What else did you want to happen? You went to Farzaneh and told her that there was no movie. Farzaneh sent two men to beat me so much that I was bleeding profusely. , I complained to the police, my phone can also be controlled by the police, do not call anymore!
- But Mitra, I just wanted to be your friend…
- You go with us, Farzaneh, be friends, enough is enough for you. Good bye !
Farzad's earphone was soaked, it was indigestible for a woman to have enough power to turn everyone on her finger! It was in this mindset that his phone rang again, he was wise:
- Hello… Farzad, if you do not need a check tomorrow, you will see everything from your own eyes! You have a new phone number on your phone, if you want, call and get the address.
- الو…. Hello ?! …. زني جنده !!! Why then does it stop!
When Farzad arrived at the house, he did not greet anyone and went to bed with us. When he woke up, he saw that his clothes had changed. the past . Mojdeh asked: Are you eating something and should I bring it ?!
- Do not just bring a glass of water!
- Did you eat something you do not eat for dinner?
- No, I do not want to.
- Farzad, what are you doing with yourself ?! How many months have you not been like before ?!
- It's not good news, there are problems in the factory that have upset my nerves… That's it!
He drank a glass of water and Roudad's glass was in Mojdeh's hand. But then he was tempted and wanted to read the message, he used the same sixth sense, the message was from an anonymous person who wrote:
Your home phone number: **, Your home address: Tehranpars, street ………
Tomorrow at this address: Shad Abad… .X رو You will get the check, otherwise your life will be wasted….

Episode XNUMX

The good news was a little scared, different thoughts came to him, he thought about it until morning and his eyes did not sleep.
The next day, Farzad did not say anything in this regard because he might be upset why he had read the message. Farzad, because he had not seen a message on the mobile screen, did not understand anything about it.
- Farzad, did you not take the issue seriously ?! Not ?! Now there are two people in your house, if you do not need that check in another hour, I will call them to steal your wife and child! Or infect them with an AIDS syringe.
- Stealing Bachi, do you know me at home ?! Or do you know them ?!
- Didn't you read my SMS that I sent you last night ?!
- No نيست There is nothing on my mobile screen!
- Look, then call me, you have an hour, I'm not kidding!

Farzad was going crazy, oh, this was not Farzaneh a month ago, why did it happen like this? Why does he breathe murder and crime ?! That one for me, who gave me a house for about a year. He could not understand what had caused him to resort to this method.
He looked at the messages he had received, he had read the message he had received last night, he was pale, he did not expect such a thing from Farzaneh at all, how could he find this information, he took the check out of his pocket, the amount of one million tomans was not worth it at all, he did not want it A hair fell from the head of his wife and child, he decided to give him the check.
Bafarzaneh made a phone call to give him the check. When Farzad reached the end of the alley to which Farzaneh had given the address, he was blowing his horn in surprise. A silver Peugeot 405 had been parked with the same Mojdeh car with the same license plate. He called Farzaneh:
- Hello… Farzaneh, tell those who are waiting in my house to call me and then call me so that I can hear my wife's voice through her mobile phone.
- Farzaneh, wait!

His cell phone rang immediately. ”He put the phone to his ear. He quickly stopped and realized that Farzaneh did not know that Mojdeh was not at home, and that Mojdeh must have read the SMS. The decision he had made was a bit dangerous, he wanted to leave Farzaneh's house, he called Farzaneh and said to her: I have a movie for you, I want to give it to your sister-in-law, Ramin, Aydin and the children of this neighborhood, when you came to that house You were cleaning.
The phone was immediately cut off by Farzaneh. A few minutes later, he called and asked Vatna to take the check and get rid of it.
Farzad: Look, I'm tired of this game. I want to give you a check, but do not think I'm afraid of you. What I have in my hand is more important than something. You also need to be more vigilant about being prosecuted by the police. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I will give you a check at Tehransar Park.
Immediately after cutting off contact with Farzaneh, he called Mojdeh and asked her to leave the neighborhood and go to her father's house and not to her house. The night comes and she explains everything. He did not accept the first good news and said that he was afraid that something would happen to you that he returned with insistence. Farzad walked behind him to make sure there was no news and no one was following him.
When he was sure that he was away from the neighborhood, a return passed through Mitra Alley, but when he saw the windowless windows, he was informed that Mitra had also escaped from Farzaneh's hands. But no sound came, interrupting him in despair.
He could not stand it anymore, he put his expensive bag and equipment in the car and put the check in his pocket and went and rang the doorbell of the house that Farzaneh had taken. After a few minutes, someone opened the door of the building. He asked Ramin, the dead man pointing to the ground without saying a word. Farzad went down the stairs, Amin and Athena were playing in the yard, they did not notice Farzad's presence, Farzad did not see a single one, no matter how much he looked, there was a house engine in the basement, which was supposed to be a parking lot. He guessed that it was the same. It was not from Ramin's famous shoemaker, Farzaneh's voice could be heard, but it was whispered and whispered. Who did not expect to see him at all. Farzaneh, who was lifting her pants, started swearing and threw the pillow she had put under him at Farzad. Finally, he put on his clothes, he seemed to be a child of the city, because the same child went to a corner and sat down and did not wake up. Maybe he had given Kirsch a chance to sleep.
Farzaneh, when she was completely "dressed", cursed the ground and time with indescribable sadness, put her head on her hand and slapped her, said: What, what else do you want to come to film this and kiss me ?!
The unfortunate child of Sally helped me in Kara, I came to give him a present, like a suspended genie, Ramineh's brother,… later turned to the boy and said: Rashid, go out for a minute, the slave boy wanted to go out, and Farzad put his hand on his chest. وجلوشو شد
- He does not want you to go, I'm going to get you to the cartoon now.
Then he took his hand in the pocket of his coat and took out a piece of paper and threw it in front of Farzaneh. His head was hurting, now he saw it in his hand, he unconsciously threw himself in Farzad's arms and took a juicy lip from Farzad, Farzad opened his hand from around his neck and without saying a word, he went out the door, no matter how much he insisted that he stay, he did his job and ignored The more speed he had given his legs so that he would not loosen up for a while and turn around, he was determined to get out of that deception….

Part twenty-one
Two months later, Farzad had returned to his previous days by forgetting Farzaneh. You were now worshiping his family. He did not leave the poppy and no more words or hadiths were heard in that relationship in that house. Farzad does not ride strangers, even if they are stuck in snow and rain, he does not answer suspicious and unfamiliar phones. Farzad Etefaqi passed by the neighborhood that had rented a house for Farzaneh one day, passed by Ramin's barber shop, the barber shop was closed and no one was in the shop, but the same barber shop was still in the shop. He was walking away from there when he stopped with the sound of a whistle ‌, he looked in the side mirror, he could not believe that Ramineh lowered the glass and took his head out. Farzad was confronted. Only after a dry greeting did he want to leave, but Ramin did not allow him to take him home and thanked him for the check. Ramin's brother was having sex, Ramin threw a key in the entrance of the building, Farzad said to Ramin, "Say oh my God," to which Ramin replied: "Mr. Farzad's mosque… Come and do not lust in yourself." Farzaneh's presence Farzad's voice came to him and he greeted Farzad warmly with a warm smile. He was sitting on a sofa calmly and in a state of surprise. Farzaneh was sitting in front of him in the same stylish clothes as before. His cell phone rang on the clock or he answered and continued to procrastinate. He said, "You made a mistake. Ramin: What did you not see, Farzad? Farzaneh: Ramin! … Did you sleep open the pickles ?! فرز Mr. Farzad, it's so surprising to have a nose operation, maybe you are saying to yourself that they are not paying for the construction of our building, they are operating the nose and buying a mobile phone !!! Farzad: Congratulations, it is very beautiful, but what you said was the truth of my heart, but what is the use ?! Ramin: Mr. Farzad, the bag that your hand can hold two people in the house, and then he turned to Farzaneh and jokingly said: Farzaneh, should we wash the bag ?! Farzaneh: Ramin Khan, are you taking my money instead of wanting it badly ?! رتو برم. Then he went back to the kitchen. Farzad accompanied her from behind that he was picking fruit in the container to bring it, their eyes met, how beautiful Farzaneh had become with this small change, but the hatred she had in her heart did not allow her any extra movement. Seeing that deal no longer moves, let alone getting it right. Ramin learned a nice gasp and an empty glass of jam and a teapot and started making goodies, he insisted that he kill my son but he did not go under. After Farzad's hour, he got up and said goodbye. Ramin said goodbye, saying: I will repay your loan. Three quarters of a month had passed since Farzaneh and Farzad's last meeting. Farzad, in a meeting with the CEO, was discussing new plans to be a factory. He put a difference in his mobile phone so that the vibrating sound would not distract the members of the meeting. The number appeared on his mobile screen a few more times, but each time the bell rang so much that he cut himself off. Let's see who might have a job that is so urgent. He apologized for attending the meeting and went out to answer it, confirmed the call and put the earphone in his ear. On the other side was the voice of a woman who just said hello and cut it off again. This time it was Farzad's turn to say hello several times, but he was interrupted and did not call until the end of the meeting. He was very curious who he could be, why was he so stubborn and why did he not call anymore ?! He picked up the phone and dialed the number on the phone, waited, the glass rang seven times. This time he was angry, Farzad asked: Excuse me, four or five times this number was called on my mobile phone, I wanted to see who and what is wrong with me ?! - Are you sure this number ?! Well, maybe you made a mistake ?! - No, sir, I did not make a mistake, I am getting this number again. - Look, my dear, I do not have a daughter here that you want to be friends with, I do not have a son with whom you can play and have children, this technique is very old, so do not call here. - Excuse me sir! - زت زیادددد! Farzad was no longer carefree. In the evening, when he was going home, his cell phone rang, "immediately" he looked at his number, it was an unknown number, he pressed the green button with his hand and listened to it, a woman's voice brought him to him, his speed He got less and dragged himself to the lane line, that voice said: Do you know ?! - No, but the voices are very familiar to me! - Yes, another person, when his tail gets thick, he no longer answers the phone of strangers, I called five or six times in the morning, but you did not answer ?! - Mitra you! Oh God, I was looking for you in the sky, but I found you on the phone. - Well, don't taste anymore, now why didn't you answer your phone ?! - I was in the meeting but then I called and both times a gentleman picked up the phone, he was also very angry. - That was my husband's guidance! - Ahhhh do you have a husband ?! - Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?! - I want to see you, right now! - Oh oh oh do you order ?! - No, this order is not a job, I must see you, I told you on the phone. - Well, even though I'm going home, but tell me where to come! - Come to Tehransar Park, will you reach another quarter ?! - I'm not far from there, but I'm coming to call you. - Well, right now "Goodbye Farzad, when he reached the park, he called Mitra, Mitra quickly picked up the phone and said: Did you reach the park ?! Farzad confirmed. Ten minutes later, Mitra opened the car and sat down in front of Farzad, - Get out of here quickly, go to Shadabad - Shadabad, why ?! - Not a Brutus card! - See, do not make a problem for me, we just had everything, I forgot everything, do not take me to Farzaneh, do you want to reconcile ?!

Episode twenty-two

Farzad turned on the car and started walking slowly. He said something to the frightened people near Shadabad.
Mitra frowned and said in confusion: ‌Farzad, forgive me, I did not want to upset you ?!
- Please, there is no problem, it was my fault that I asked a question! Carefree Dad!
- The one I do not miss!
- Excuse me, I do not understand what you mean ?!
- I will tell you what I want to tell you !!! … Then he turned around and stared at the glass.
- What do you want to tell me ?! شده Something happened ?! …. Has Farzaneh beaten you again? Yeah ?! آدم A very dirty person if he raises his hand against you again ?! Why do not you inform the police ?!
- No no…. Farzad, a corner of Vaisa, turn off the car!
Surprised, Farzad held a corner in worry and pulled the handbrake and turned off the car. say ! And when he looked at Mitra with a flushed face, his heart was pounding.
- Farzad, do you remember I told you that Farzaneh had a friend who brought her to my house, her name was Reza…
- The same wave?
- Yes, it is, but it is not a wave. The two people who came to hit me, to be Reza's friend, to be on the front line for a while, say that Reza is an informant (he said this calmly), Farzaneh and Reza had fallen in love for two years when they had a relationship, but their relationship was secret and never in the car. The street does not appear. Whenever he wanted Farzaneh, he would get up and go to his house and sleep with him. Recently, Ramin had also understood that when he saw that nothing could be done about him, he would tell Hassan. Given that, Vazavan did not interfere in his work after that.
- Let me see how you got acquainted with Farzaneh ?!
- I was working with a hairdresser friend until we got a job and we needed to hire a handyman. Many people came, but Shahla chose Farzaneh. Shahla did a lot of wrongdoing. In fact, she had brought Farzaneh to cover up her wrongdoing. It was not a few weeks ago that I separated from Shahla because of this and her misdeeds. Shahla encouraged the beautiful girls who had made their way to the barber shop to run away from home and hoped to take them out of the country and return next month with 10 million. They did not succeed in the entrance exam or were rejected by their parents in Egypt to do their job. Shahla had formed a gang that would take the girls to Karaj on the pretext that in order to obtain a residence permit in Darby or Pakistan, they would have to temporarily marry them to rich Arab men in a temporary marriage and pocket good money for this. I heard this from one of the girls who had eaten Golshu. After she had been raped several times, she noticed a trap that had been spread on her and she was able to escape from them, and when she saw me in the street, she took refuge in me and exposed Shahla a few nights ago. It was me and he went to the police at my request. The police were able to arrest the gang and its members by placing bait. The same day that Shahla found out that the gang members and their whereabouts had fled, although several others were fleeing the country, I no longer knew about them. But the police also suspect Farzaneh, who worked in a barber shop, and they arrest me. She stays in detention for a few days, and then "one of those officers, who was Reza, first tried to befriend Farzaneh to find out the truth, but she is unaware that she loves him." It becomes wise. The rest of the story you know.
- So all the money that Farzaneh took home belonged to Reza ?!
- Reza had given money to Farzaneh to operate on her nose, bought her a gold service, taught her to drive, bought her a mobile phone, treated her like a husband and wife. Took. Reza could no longer bear Farzaneh's distance and asked Farzaneh to divorce her and give her mercy to Ramin, but Farzaneh did not accept and wanted their relationship to remain the same. Farzaneh had come to me several times to find a way to stop me and do something for her, but she was denied. Because that Reza would cut off the way if someone hindered his work, and he was also afraid of Farzaneh, who, if she was not with him, would prosecute him as someone who took the people's girls to Dubai, and his sentence was nothing but execution. Reza even entered into negotiations with Ramin, took advantage of Ramin's weakness, entered into a friendship with Ramin and brought him materials, and later asked him to divorce Farzaneh. He did the same and bought Peykan for Ramin, but Sandro did not call him by his name to finish his work. Farzaneh was stuck in a fist. She went to her mother's house for a while until she saw Reza. She loved Reza very much, but she did not think about it here. You have to stay with your dad. Ramin also pressures Farzaneh to divorce her out of fear.

Twenty-third and final part

Farzad: Wait a minute for me to get something. Your mouth is very dry!
Mitra: No, I do not want to, I have to tell you my words and leave soon, my husband is coming home now! … continued:

    • Reza looks for Farzaneh until he finds her mother's house. From there, he takes Farzaneh's hand and takes her with him. For about a week, no one knew about him. , He takes Farzaneh with him to the north, Farzaneh regrets it on the way and wants Reza to give up his head and he does not want to be with her anymore, Reza's slapping this word slaps him in the ear, Farzaneh opens the door to jump down and Reza takes his hand And to prevent this from happening, at the same time, Reza Xantia deviates and flows down the valley.
      Farzad, pale, asked with trembling lips: So Farzaneh… What happened to Farzaneh ?! ‌

    • The car catches fire when it hits a rock and….
      Mitra could not continue and leaned her head against the back of the chair, tears slid down from her face on her clothes, Farzad opened the car and went out, put his hand on the hood of the car and, remembering the happy moments he had, tried to stop her from crying. Molding and spilling on his cheeks. This was the second time he had lost a close friend, and he was upset that he had broken up with them before they died.
      He got in the car and asked, "How did you find out about this ?!"

    • I heard this in court, I, as an informant and witness of the trial, Farzad, you were very lucky, there was no name from you. The court deviated from its original path of abduction, and the mere mention of the secret relationship between the two and their death was considered an accident. Some time ago, I saw Ramino in a Peugeot 405, which he had left with his children, and was taking them to the park. For example, Reza bribed him to drop his complaint. The court also owed Farzaneh's ransom to Ramin as a parent, with whom Ramin bought an apartment but did not do so, because Farzaneh, who had now agreed to sit down, was sitting here for free.
      Farzad went to Farzaneh's house in disbelief and without delay, a black placard hung on his head and wrote on it: We offer our condolences to Mr. Ramin در on the death of a kind mother and a devoted wife.
      Farzad, seeing the words "kind mother and devoted wife" in his heart, thought of all the deception, hypocrisy, lies, betrayal that took place around him, although everyone knew that this woman was separated from her family, but the adjective of devoted wife . Mitra shuffled her thoughts and asked:

    • Don't you want to see Ramino ?!

    • No ش I'm upset by her, that woman who's a hobby's messy victim was offered the same Ramin game,

    • I was not happy about Farzaneh either.
      Farzad returned to the distant past and fell in love with his student friend Roya, recalling happy memories. He had taken the path of hatred. History had repeated itself to him, the first dream and now the wise. The hatred he had for Farzaneh suddenly turned into a feeling of pity and longing.
      He took Mitra to his house and said to her: Goodbye forever.
      On the way home, a woman from Santi Mantal was standing on the side of the street where she had been riding Farzaneh one day. Farzad slowed down, took a step forward.
      Farzad put his head on the pheromone and hit him with his fist. The lady, who had now perfumed the whole space of the car with her perfume, turned to Farzad in a gentle tone and put her hand on Farzad's shoulder and said: Sir, can something help me ?!
      Farzad Arum turned around and blew the woman's eyes, paused, and continued staring at Dadu's gas pedal as he stared into her eyes.

Date: June 15, 2018

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