

It was the first time I sweated, and that sweat, which according to the children was one in quality, but before I sweated, I always told the children that they get drunk, as they say, and show those drunken states. It's all a movie and it really is not that a person can not control his behavior, so that night the children told me to eat and prove that the others are not right and the person can control himself. That night we were three men and four young and beautiful women. Bahal and one of them named Niloufar had cocooned me a lot and wanted to have sex with me, but in reality I was scared because I saw them for the first time and I was really scared of AIDS and disease because I did not have a condom and although I was very willing, I refused. It was just kissing and flirting. During this time, the children were sweating and eating, and little by little, I felt that my head was gaining weight and I was not in balance. Guys, I got into a pot. I just realized that Niloufar helped me and we went to another room together and he threw me on the bed and said, "Sleep. The beautiful and naked woman came and took off my clothes and started playing with the worm and sucking, and sometimes she put the worm next to her buttocks, and in short, after sitting on the worm and starting to pump, it was very enjoyable, and at the same time, I wish you I woke up to the beauty of this person, and at the same time I felt that he was coming to me, and the gentlemen know that when he wakes up, he wakes up once, so that you may stop him, and importantly, I woke up to catch him once, and I got up once. I saw a beautiful person sitting on my back and he was moaning. At first I thought I was still asleep and he started kissing me. I realized that it was all true. Spread out among all our boy and girl friends

Date: May 12, 2022

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