Ass to cousin


Hello, my name is Amin, 19 years old. I want to tell you my own story. I hope you like it. About 2 years ago, when I was 17, we all went with my cousin Mohammad. Mohammad is 1 year older than me. My body is not very beautiful. When Mohammad and I were alone in their house, we were smoking hookah in the yard when we talked about Kir and Kun and things like that. Then I saw that Kir Mohammad had grown up. I told him to go and get out of this situation. My hand was going up and down hard. I spat in Kirshu's hand. I did not let him wash my hands, he said, Al-Ablala, I must come, I went to him, he said, Amin, let me have a laptop Oh, let me tell you, I'm dying, I did not accept, oh, I had not done this until then, but Mohammad was begging, he was getting angry, I said it's a condition, he said, whatever it is, accept it soon, I said I have to do something for you, he accepted, he came and stood behind me and took off my pants He was kissing my neck, he was biting me, I slept on my stomach, I rubbed the cream on my hand, he came to my feet, I went to sleep for 10 minutes, he laughed with me, he got up, he said, "Amen to God, it's not fair for you to be under me Lie, why when Kirsh was at my feet and he was eating eggs, I was having a good time and I was having fun. I was a little cute, but I was satisfied. I was very scared. I was completely naked myself. I was going down, I was bending over, I was kissing her with thatSly Kunmo had blushed. A few minutes later, he said in a loud voice that he was coming. I clung to him. He emptied all the water in my butt. We did not get up, we all walked together, we slept naked until the morning, Mohammad hugged me from behind, I put Kirshu on my legs, there was an insect on my legs, he kicked me, he kissed me 3 times that day, once he emptied the water in my mouth, tomorrow morning he told me to walk for you. Come on, I said, I do not want to be alone, I want to be alone with you. Now, every time I see each other, we kiss each other instead of Robusti.

Date: July 27, 2018

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