Ass to someone who wanted a place for Soft


Hi, one day I was chatting in a gay telegram group and I was looking for someone to come and do it for me. I will find someone with whom I can have sex and it is also possible that I can have a sex group that I always desire and that is why I said that I have a place and come privately. I realized that their face was soft, but I was in the operation and on the other hand I wanted to see how sexy Soft was. I was in the room and they were in the reception room, but their voices sounded beautiful. And I was watching their sex and I wanted to get involved with them. Their sex was over and I left. A few days later, I called one of them and told him, "I have a card office and I want to experience soft sex." And he said that Oniki was working and he could not remember. Anyway, he came and we started and I was sitting while I was on the way and I was licking her breasts, I put her thick cock on my feet and then I dipped her pussy for a few minutes. He first said no and we should not have hard sex, but there was no objection to his actions and he was perfect. He was accompanying me. He used to fuck me, then about a quarter of an ounce came and now that our friendship continues, once in a while they soften and I sometimes mix with them and then he comes for a day or two and we have our own sex, we are very satisfied by Mehran

Date: November 14, 2018

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