Fucking and charging


This happened to me, now believe it or not, it's up to you. There was a very cute boy named Morteza, who was called Morteza the girl. He and I were close friends and we used to chat and make love. It is written in Rome that I will give a charge to anyone who makes a porn in front of the web. I immediately sent him a PM and said that you mean a girl's porn. He said that it is a boy too. I will give a charge. It was charged step by step. I ordered with Morteza that we should take turns to charge our phones. I was playing with Malonden Kirmo in front of the web and I was playing with him, when he was sure that there were two of us, he gave the first charge and Morteza hit his phone, then he pulled down his pants and showed his cute pussy in front of her, and the other party said hit him in the ass, I hit him in his ass, I hit him in his ass, and I charged him in Kirmo's ass. He gave it the second time and Morteza hit it again, then I rubbed his hole and I stepped in front of the web and he saw me, and he gave me a charge, and I called on my phone, he told me to dola. I pressed it and it went, oh, it felt amazing, then he said, with your head, you have a hole in it, which I asked God to do quickly, and once he said press it, Morteza said, don't, he said, just give it to him, I'll charge you whatever you want, Morteza also said. Ok, I pressed it quietly, and you went to my head. Oh, you're very cool. Morteza gave a 5 and hit his phone. I pressed it, and Kirem went to it. Then Morteza said, "Hey, what are you doing?" I'll charge it as much as you want, Morteza said it's not necessary, it hurts, I said don't be afraid, my dear, the pain will end soon and you're doing now, I pressed it one more time, you left and Morteza said, "I don't want to put my foot in it, bring it in." I said, Morteza, don't move. He stayed like that and I hugged him and gave him a charge and let Morteza hit him. He was charging me. When I fell into Morteza's hole, he opened it so much and ate my cock. It would be my luck, he is the ass of twenty twenty Morteza Morteza, his voice came out and he said, "You idiot, bring a change." He was upset with me, he came back, slapped me on the ear, pulled up his pants, cursed me, and left. The boy also said behind Weiss that you are hot and gave me a charge of 5. We said goodbye. It's true that I did a great job, but I lost Morteza and I am still here. Kahirim wrote together

Date: March 14, 2024

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