Kun Keni in the guard tower


Hello, I just met this site, don't expose my family. Thank you. Let's go to the main office. I wanted to tell you the story of my cheating in the military service. My name is Amir. I served in Zahedan for 12 months. I couldn't sleep one night, I put my shoes on, I went to sleep, the turrets had phones, if they saw me, they would notify each other, that's why I used to go sneakily, I went to a barracks where I was serving, there were 9 turrets, I reached turret 1, I saw that he was singing, I laughed, I went and reached I saw Turret 2, he is reading a magazine until his time passes, I went to Turret 3, I saw him walking, I went to Turret 4, he was talking with his earpiece because the pedestal was high, I didn't let him sleep, I went, I reached Turret 5, I saw that he was not sneaky, I went to see him sleeping in Turret, I said to myself, Kus Cari's motor has not come yet, he took the number, he was sleeping quietly, I went up and saw that he was wearing a blanket. I said, I will do something for you He said yes, I told him to sleep, he said no, don't do this to me, I said, the only way I can do for you is that you have to give me a break. He pulled it down. Wow, what are we doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I am writing right now. I straightened it. It had white hair. It was in the north. It was plump. I removed it. I threw a piece of wormwood in it. I forced him, he screamed to bring it, I opened it, he jumped up and down, I calmed him down and put him back to sleep. It was obvious that this is the first time he is giving, he said, "Lap" When I saw that he was crying, I was disgusted by my humanness, my water came, I poured it all in, I slept for a few minutes, and then we got together because it was too much. I'm sorry if I hurt your head. There was no writing

Date: August 23, 2018

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