Kir Asghar and Saeed Parmada


Hi, my name is Saeedeh, now 32 years old. This process started about 20 years ago. I was a child from 12 to 15 years old. They were always looking for an opportunity to let me go. Among them was Asghar, the neighbor boy, who went to my tail several times, but each time I got rid of Kirsh with randy, cleverness and luck, and I was happy. He was, but he could not let me go, and I am a smart person. Summary The rest of the story is about 6 months ago. We did it, he was building alone, and he was taking bricks from you alley, but no one was bleeding, slowly talking about old memories and Asghar told me, do you remember that you were just a child who always ran away from me for fear of me Ella, you are fine and you are fat, and you look like us, let me tell you, I'm fat now and I weigh 20 kilos, I'm not bad now. You turned around and yelled at them and you were looking for me too, but well, you could not kill me. You were not an idiot who lost your temper right now, take it back, otherwise I will take you away now and leave you alone so that you will not forget me for the rest of your life. Asghar was under my feet and lifted me completely off the ground. He put his shoes on me. I was resisting, but when the corpse was opened a little and he spat big and thick, I went to the other door and hoped that it was called. I drank for about an hour, I was in Rome, and I was crying. My last hand, when I was no longer there, I drank water. He put me down and made me angry. I was forced to eat in my own way. Then he told me that you had a rash. This story is written to learn a lesson from it

Date: August 1, 2019

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