Resentment of an old girl friend and doing it


Hello to all erotic friends, this is the first memory, the last memory of sex. I am a new member. If my memory is bad, forgive me for your greatness. I was going to school. There was a girl who was always our friend. I saw her in a single line. I was kind of interested in her. Every day I waited for her to come back. I fell in love with you when I was a child. I fell in love with her. Well, I was a child. I hit him until one year after Imam's death. I had agreed to go to Mashhad. Zizat, let's start again. I called her. I greeted her. I said no. I said no. Prove that you really love me, he did not accept at first, then 2 days later, he accepted, I want to summarize, 2 days later, I returned to our city to say that I am from Tabriz, the promised day arrived, my daughter came, my mother goes to school in the morning, my father also goes to the bazaar. He came to my room, I had a room, it was in the basement, he had a cologne with a flower in his hand because he came from Mashhad. I accept the soldier. At his insistence, I denied the summary. I forced him to wear a shirt. Wow, he had breasts. Wad was selfless. I said, "Suck," he said, "I do not want to force it." I did not go out. He was blindfolded and left again that night. I remembered him until he came. In short, he accepted. I will change my line, I swear to my dear soul, it was all the truth, I said it should be an example for friends and acquaintances, so that these girls do not feel sorry for themselves.

Date: October 5, 2018

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