

Sarah was one of our family friends who was 1 year younger than me, sometimes she would stay in our sister's house overnight, but she was mostly in my room and I would watch movies together or we would be at the computer, I mean, she was not from Lash. I also liked her very much, but because she was serious, I was less close to her.
I always imagined that the valley would turn red.
One or two times it happened that when I was joking or at the end of the night, I bit Sarah a bit and ate her neck, but she was throwing herself that way, for example, she asks a question about the movie in that sense. میومد!
We continued until I once decided to dare to see what happens ..
One day Sara and her mother were bleeding and she was lying in my sister's room .. she was not my sister and the rest of us were talking warmly in the upstairs hall of our blood .. I sat down, put a blanket aside and caressed her legs, very soft .. she was still asleep, then I slowly put my hand under her T-shirt and rubbed her breasts from the side of her bra, she opened her eyes and said, "What are you doing as usual?" As if he did not know!
I told him not to say anything, let me have some fun…
She was very calm, I was falling asleep .. I also took the opportunity and put my hand in her shirt…
Wet, my wet hand was clinging to his body .. It was very hot, I was slowly shaking my hand from top to bottom, his body shook and he was satisfied at once .. I put on my pants .. I tried to get rid of it but it did not work well ..
I put my hand in his shirt for a while and rubbed it with some water, I rubbed it once, the water came and I left the room quickly ..
That night passed and in the air while I was in the dark, I smiled at Sarah's softness and what kind of cream she was eating.
2-3 weeks passed and one night we went to the cinema with some of the children of the family .. The movie ended at 12 o'clock at night .. Sara was supposed to come to our house beforehand. I introduced myself to the other children.
We went home and it was time for Sarah to sleep with my sister in her room and me with 3 boys upstairs in front of the TV ..
It was midnight and I was still watching TV .. I always thought to Sarah that she was sleeping downstairs and that if I had not agreed, it would be night to watch a movie together, maybe…
In short, it was 3 o'clock at night when I turned off the TV to sleep with every trick ..
An hour and a half passed /… The worm was bursting in my shirt .. My thoughts about Sarah were all in my head .. I do not know how but I dared to go down to see Sarao's condition ..
I walked slowly through the middle of everything and went downstairs .. Mom and Dad in their own room with the fact that my mom sleeps very lightly .. Saram had placed my sister on the floor in the middle of the room so that my sister who was on the side had a view of Sarao ..
In that darkness I went slowly .. I did not think for a moment what would happen if my sister opened her eyes .. I jumped and went to sleep under Sara's blanket ..
He noticed me, he was both complaining and he did not like it .. he was telling me to go without a sound .. I understood from the twitching of his lips in the dark… but he could not .. I came here…
Regardless of Sarah, I went to the bottom of the blanket, pulled my pants and shirt together, and took down my own pants and shirt.
For this moment, I had drawn all the plans, but now it was not Josh at all ..
I fell asleep, Sara and Kirmo rubbed my wet pussy .. I rubbed my breasts with my hands 2 times and kissed my lips ..
As I thought, the worm was eating so badly that it was possible at any moment to grab a lamb in someone Sara ..
He did not resist .. I was slowly lowering my back up and down .. I was getting watery but I did not want to get up from the cup .. which at one point seemed to explode .. I was always 3 times bigger and I emptied someone's hole Sara ..
My right foot was shaking from the pressure I had put on him .. I was also shaking when I felt the sound of my knees hitting the floor of the room ..
I jammed myself and went upstairs…
The next day, Sarah said softly in my ear that you messed with me with that filth of your work ..
But I was thinking that I had not seen him yet because the room was dark again .. After that if my sister opened her eyes or wanted to be side by side !!!!
I was healthy, my worm had commanded my brain…
Of course, the next day when we came to go out with the children… so that the others would be present .. I locked myself in my room and it was there that we saw Sara .. Once again, like the night before, I walked around my back, but this time I emptied my water into a handkerchief ..


From then on, Sara twisted it a little and she could not find it much to stay overnight, but we opened it once or twice .. until Vaseh always left Iran!
This is the story of my courage .. Do not forget your comments

Date: February 18, 2018

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