Shirin, my friend's 16-year-old sister


I am worthy and 18 years old
I wanted to share with you the first and only memory of my friendship and sex that I had until I was 18 and still continues.
I was in the second year of high school and for a while I had a strange need for a girl who would both love me and be able to satisfy each other sexually, although being with a girl is much more attractive than having sex.
We go out a lot with our best friend Daniel and there is not a day that we are not together, I go to their house a lot and he also goes to our house, Daniel has a sister who is a year and a half younger than her, her sister's name is sweet, she is a very beautiful girl And I was friends with Daniel from the beginning and when I went for the first time, I was very fascinated by his beautiful face and his wonderful morals. I even liked to greet him. Our story starts from there.
A few months passed from our friendship and Daniel and I went out more and more, but I did not see much sweetness and he appeared less often, I think it was because his family did not like him much.
Daniel and I used to play soccer and car computers together a lot, and that was one of the reasons we went to and fro. We had to say.
Daniel and I were very similar in terms of thinking and we both considered it important and useful to have a girlfriend. Of course, Daniel had a girlfriend at that time and I had seen his girlfriend closely.
I was also looking for a good friend when I saw Shirino, but Daniel did not even think at the time that I was interested in his sister because their family, unlike Daniel, who was a modern and rational boy, was a semi-religious and dry family and had a boyfriend. They did not accept their daughter.
I could not tell Daniel that I love your sister, so I decided to communicate with her sister somehow one of these days. That I took Daniel three times in a row, we went to the Internet, then a quarter of Daniel went to get syrup, I also said to go to Yahoo Messenger, I saw that the sweet ID was written in my username, I wanted to log in, but I saw it was not the right thing to do, I wrote Idishu somewhere to add it later, I did not go to my account and I went out of Yahoo Messenger so that Shirin would not doubt that day passed and a few days later Daniel and I went to our house after school and he was supposed to have lunch and then a little Arabic. Teach me, oh, I am a very weak Arab and she knows better, then we went to the computer, she asked me if you found a good girl, I said no yet, because I did not want her to find out before talking to her sister, I asked her about her girlfriend, she said very well They are friends and they are very happy. I did not ask him more, but with this answer, he encouraged me to talk to his sister more.
Two days later, after the gym, we were going home, Daniel's house near the gym, we reached their door and he complimented me to go inside, but I thanked him and said I should go home now, because I smelled of sweat and I had to take a shower, we said goodbye. And I walked towards our blood, a few steps ahead, I saw a beautiful girl coming from the bottom of the street, as soon as I got closer, I realized that it was sweet, my heart started pounding. I was seeing her beautiful face again for a month, I was very stressed, then she wanted to say goodbye, but I told her, "Excuse me, sweet lady." He ran and ran fast.
I was very happy that day to take the first step.
The next day, I saw that my cell phone rang, it was Daniel's house number, I picked up the phone and said hello, my dear, when I saw it, it was sweet and he greeted me. Let me know, how are you, he said so too, I said can you give me your mobile number, he said I do not have a mobile, I told him then we can chat with Yahoo Messenger, he said yes, very good, I said ok if you have nothing to do in Yahoo Messenger, he said I can not now Daniel said behind the computer I said ok later, then we said goodbye that day I did not fit in my skin.
Two days later, when I saw him, he went online. We greeted him and told him that I fell in love with him from the first day I saw him. He also said that he was interested in me. We chatted for about three or four hours that day.
A few days later, I told him to come to the park, and he accepted. We agreed to see each other in the park tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the evening.
Tomorrow and evening I woke up and applied perfume and cologne and I was stylish and handsome at 6 o'clock, I reached out and shook his hand, his hand was very soft and his face was very beautiful, I told him today you are very beautiful, he had a cream coat In blue jeans and a red scarf, he also told me that you are handsome, I said that your eyesight is good, then we went and got two ice creams and we sat on a bench and ate ice cream and talked romantically, it was already night. It was 8 o'clock when we were walking on the sidewalk, I pulled her in a side alley and very gently put my hands around her neck and put my lips gently on her lips, it was my first kiss, it felt amazing, we were really in the sky, after 2 minutes she kissed me I love you so much the first time, I said I love you sweet, I'm the first time, we had a very good feeling for each other, that night we went to their street together and said goodbye together.
Days passed and we fell in love more and more every day, but still no one knew about our relationship, not even Daniel.
Until one day when Daniel came to our blood and we went to the internet, Yahoo Messenger was also open when Shirin suddenly went online and his name came down, Daniel looked at Shirin and clicked on Shirin's name and all my previous chats with his sister came. , Then Daniel looked at me and laughed, gave me a kiss and said who is better than his brother but I was upset that you did not tell me, I said we thought maybe upset, he said I was very happy but my parents And Shirin should not understand, I said yes.
That day passed and for a month or two Saxon was on the verge of licking and licking my upper back, but we felt the need for both of us was more than that.
یه روز جمعه که پدرم کوه بود و مادرم نوبت دندانپزشکی داشت به شیرین پی ام دادم که امروز میای خونمون؟،اون هم قبول کرد.من صبح اون روز رفتم حموم و به سر و وضعم رسیدم تا ساعت 3 شد و زنگ در خورد،دیدم شیرینه،گفتم بفرما گلم،اومد بالا،همون مانتوی کرم تنش بود با شلوار مشکی و روسری آبی آسمونی،براش میوه آووردم و بهش گفتم راحت باشه،روسریشو در اوورد موهای بلند و سیاهش مثل آبشار ریخت بیرون،خیلی زیبا بود،بعد از خوردن میوه رفتم کنارش زانو زدم و لبامو به لباش رسوندم،چند دقیقه ای داشتیم بوسه می گرفتیم بعد بلند شدم و بهش گفتم دستتو بذار تو دستم،دستشو گرفتم و بردمش به سمت اتاق خوابم،رفتیم داخل اتاق بهش گفتم تخت خودتونه رفت لبه ی تخت نشست، من هم کنارش نشستم در همون حال که پاهاش روی زمین بود دراز کشید روی تخت،من هم همین کارو کردم،در همون حال از هم لب می گرفتیم،لب های نرم و معصومی داشت،بهش گفتم کاملا روی تخت دراز بکشه،آروم آروم دکمه های مانتوشو باز کردم،زیرش یه تاپ سفید داشت،از رو تاپ سینه های کوچیکشو بوسیدم بعدش تاپشو آهسته کشیدم بالا و درش آووردم،وای چه بدن سفیده داشت،همه جای پوست نرم شکمشو لیسیدم،دور نافش فوق العاده بود،سر و صدا و آخ و اوفش در اومده بود،ازش اجازه گرفتم شلوارشو در بیارم،گفت در بیار عزیزم،آروم دکمه های شلوار مشکیشو باز کردم و درش آووردم،وای چی می دیدم یه شرت سفید و رون های زیبا تر از اون،شلوارشو کشیدم بیرون،حالا یه فرشته ی زیبا با شرت و کرست سفید جلوم بود،دیگه نوبت لباس های من بود،یه شلوار گرمکن سورمه ای و تی شرت قرمز داشتم،ازش پرسیدم لباسامو خودم در بیارم،گفت نه،من در میارم تی شرتمو از تنم در آوورد بعدش شلوارمو ،شرتم هم سورمه ای بود،تا چشمش به کیر نیمه شق من افتاد گفت اوهوه،من کمی خندیدم،بعد این که کاملا شلوارمو در آوورد من به پشت خوابیدم رو تخت و بهش گفتم بخوابه روم،افتاد روم و شروع به بوسیدنم کرد من هم صورت و لب و گردنشو می بوسیدم،بند کرستشو گرفتم و یواش بازش کردم دو تا سینه ی کوچولوی قشنگ می دیدم جاهامونو عوض کردیم و من خوابیدم روش اونقدر سینه هاشو خوردم که صداش بلند شد ،بعدش نشستیم و با دستم مو ها و صورت نازشو نوازش می کردم،گفتم خیلی دوستت دارم اون هم گفت دوست دارم شایان جونم،گفتم شیرین منی،شروع کرد به در آوردن زیر پیراهنم،حالا هر دومون فقط شرت داشتیم،گفت اول من مال تو رو در میارم گفتم حرف حرف شماست،شرتمو کاملا از تنم در آورد موهای کیرمو کاملا تیغ کرده بودم،صاف صاف بود،بادستش کیرم رو گرفت و دست مالی کرد،گفتم دوست ندارم بخوریش،گفت منم دوست ندارم بخورم،حالا دیگه نوبت شرت شیرین بود،اول از رو شرت یه بوس به کسش دادم،بعد شرتشو آروم کشیدم پایین و درش اوردم،وای که چی می دیدم یه کس بی موی سفید با لبای صورتی بوسیدمش و شروع به لیسیدن کردم،آخ و اوخش دوباره بلند شد،کسش خیس شد،زبونمو داخلش میچرخوندم سر و صداش بیشتر می شد،سرمو بلند کردم و با دست کسشو معاینه کردم،پرده اش معلوم بود دوباره لیسیدمش،گفت کیرتو بذار توش،دارم میمیرم،گفتم آخه تو هنوز دختری،گفت من فقط تو رو میخوام،گفتم منم همینطور،ولی باید بهم قول بدی همیشه باهام باشی تا با هم ازدواج کنیم،گفت قول میدم،منم یه بوسه ازش گرفتم و آروم کیرمو گذاشتم جلوی کسش،بهش گفتم اگه دردت زیاد بود بگو بس کنم،آروم گذاشتم تو کسش،گرمای کسش وجودمو فرا گرفت اول یه کم دردش اومد چون پرده اش چند قطره خون اومد ولی کم کم آخ و اوفش در اومد و داشت مثل من حال می کرد تلمبه هامو شدید تر می کردم که آخ و اوفش رفت بالا و گفت داره آبم میاد،کیرمو سریع کشیدم بیرون که دیدم آبش فواره زد رو تن و گردن و صورتم و پاهاشو که می لرزیدن به هم می زد،آبش که تموم شد دوباره کیرمو کردم تو کسش و دو سه دقیقه ای تلمبه زدم تا وقتی داشت آبم میومد،خیلی دوست داشتم بریزم تو ته کس گرمش ولی کیرمو در آووردم و تمام آبمو رو سینه و دور نافش خالی کردم وبعد افتادم روش و در آغوش هم به بغل خوابیدیم.
I woke up, it was five-thirty, my mother came at 6, I kissed Shirino and told her the best girlfriend in the world, she said I was very happy, I love her, I said I love you Shirin, she said I wish we were always together I said God forbid Do not separate, then I kissed her lips and we put on our clothes and I put on my clothes and we went hand in hand to get to their street and the end
Truly, God does not insult you, sweetheart, and me

Finally a few points:
1. This was my first sex with my girlfriend Shirin and we still have sex at least once a week, God willing, we are going to get married.
2. All names were pseudonyms.
3. I suggest everyone to look for a good friend and healthy sex and to avoid reading sex stories with incest because it is not human.

Date: April 2, 2018

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