Early love


Some people experience love very soon. I was in the second year of high school. The girl next door was tormenting me. In the tumult of this torment, I was finally able to win her heart. Our love days were very beautiful. And my family disagreed in two ways, one was the financial side, the second was age and salmon, and the other was the problem. Basic science and every day, under pressure, it ended, he got married and I stayed, and this was the end of a sad beginning for me. I did it a semester later, when my spirit was balanced for the first time, I went back to university, I hated everyone, I just had a job, smoking and music, and walking overnight. It was a dormitory. I took gelofin and codeine and got a cold Good or bad, I found Ehsan, we went to the hospital and gastric lavage and all the trouble, we went back to Ehsan, but I left. It was as if a boy had taken my place of love. I had forgotten Fatima. Sometimes I missed her, but the promises I had made to Ehsan made me pass quickly. When he took my hand in a corner of the dormitory and kissed my lips lovingly, not for a second, it was as if I had forgotten that I was a boy and was playing with a boy who was making love. Later that day, another pain was added to my pain. I could not pass over Ehsan because later Fatemeh had given me a reason to live and on the other hand I was not gay at all. Day by day I fell in love with Ehsan. In my mind, the reality of the university ended and Ehsan left. I will not forget at all when I kissed him from behind the phone, then he said to me, I will turn off my line, by God Faz went on forever and again forever, and I came to Fatima again, and Ehsan, these two people were two parallel lines for me, which were drawn and crossed a distance. Loving knows no boundaries, girl and boy do not know, now I I'm not gay and I'm nothing more than a numb person, and then I'm tired of looking everywhere. And I was embarrassed if I was not sexy, I wrote my story

Date: July 1, 2019

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