
Mommy Mizareh lare in her corner


This is easily recognizable. Let's go to the sexy movie Story: Morning 1, a cold autumn day

I was sitting drowsy at my dressing table and getting ready to go to a sexy school when my cell phone rang.

Was one of the daughters of the devil class that always when this time

It was ringing in the morning, it kind of gave me a nice old feeling. Oh, I was sure it had found a new subject for laughter.

She was interesting, she always said that I am different from other girls

This sentence reminded me of John Erickson's nipple sentence which says: Girls, no matter how different they are, they are the same thing, and that is that

They all say that I am different from the rest of the girls!

He listened to me with pleasure and eagerness to hear his words. My ear answered: Hello, what time is it this morning? Arezoo: Hello Bita. Are you coming to take a picture of your cousin?

Bring it, no card. I need it. Goodbye. I got ready and went to Iran.

It was raining and it was white everywhere, and I hated white. My dearest things had always been white. I finally got to school. I was even more bored than I was when I woke up. And I did not see him before class. I did not understand what happened to the first bell at all. I was wary of Arezob. Bluetooth's Kenman: What for? Arezoo: I want to be for my cousin, I'm almost old ………………… ..I kind of became one, I do not know what it felt like, jealousy, jealousy… whatever it was, it was a weird feeling. The memories we had together came before my eyes. Amin was 1 years older than me. At that time I was in the second year of high school and he was a student. Our relationship was a special one since childhood. Ghaem Bashk, a doctor, and two police thieves were such that I and the couple would lie down next to each other and two people would be robbed.Once or twice, Kirshu indirectly put it on my feet and, as I mean, his finger, he was licking my paw. Although I did not have any sexual feelings at that age, a kind of curiosity made me say something. A boy, he was a boy who felt a few years older than himself. This continued until I reached puberty. My breasts had just pierced and Amin was in love with my breasts. Let me touch them for a few seconds. That one is from behind the clothes. He was always at home, he helped me in school, but of course he was also very inquisitive and mischievous. This work continued and we became closer and closer to each other day by day. He separated. The families became angry and the traffic was cut off. Children, we should not have anything to do with the elders' fights), but we would not go to each other's house anyway که. what's wrong with u? Bluetooth it again. ”I just realized that for an hour I was drowning in my own thoughts and I was not wishing” I said no, maybe he is not satisfied (I did not want to give a photo) What is he doing? I had not seen him for a long time and our whole communication was limited to occasional SMS or tasteless jackets that we occasionally sent to each other. Amin is mine, my share and no one has the right to take it from me. I was worried that he might not have forgotten me at all. I picked up my phone and sent him a message. You? I love to see you. Something happened today that made me realize how much I love you. How much I miss you. Bamneh came to you too. "I'm glad" and this was the beginning of a new world for me. Our messages and phone calls continued until he asked me to see him somewhere. And we arranged to go to the cinema together on Friday. It passed slowly and I was only thinking about Friday. Finally, Friday arrived. I got an account. I wore a green body coat. I ironed my hair and wore a nice blue scarf. The cinema ticket office was waiting for me. As always, it was good. I arrived at 6 o'clock and he was waiting for me there. Nothing had changed. Even his hairstyle and clothes. And the Italian glasses that used to change from year to year, and this seemed to be new. When we got there, he stole my eyes, slowly greeted me and extended his hand to shake hands with me. Not in the movie. We were no exception. Amin broke the silence that had been established between us: I know I should not have worn white, but believe me, beer I was in a van, my work took a long time, I did not have time to go home. دستشو رو دست و بازوم تکون میداد و حرف از روزای بدون من میزد.میگفت که همیشه تو فکر من بوده.همیشه دوست داشته بامن حرف بزنه اماخوب موقعیتش پیش نمیومد.وسط حرفاش یه دفعه منو کشید سمت خودش وآروم تو گوشم گفت خیلی دوست دارم بیتا!آخرفیلم که شد ومیخواستیم بیایم بیرون ازم اجازه گرفت و یه لب کوچولو گرفتیم از هم و خداحافظی کردیم و رفتیم.(ازین اخلاقش خیلی خوشم میومد،بی جنبه و گستاخ نبودو واسه هرکاری اجازه میگرفت)اون روزهم گذشت وتلفناوقرارای ماادامه داشت تا اینکه بعدازحدود1ماه بم گفت خونوادش امروز دارن میرن مشهدوخونشون چندروزخالی میشه.اصرارکردکه برم پیشش.باهاش خیلی راحت بودم.گفتم و اگه بیام قراره اونجا چی بشه؟گفت منو که میشناسی،همینقدر بگم که هیچ کاری نمیکنیم مگه اینکه تو اجازه بدی.باشناختی که ازش داشتم اعتمادکردم وگفتم باشه.به مامی گفتم که فردابادوستام میخوایم بریم کوه،با آرزو هم هماهنگ کردم که اگه احیانا مامی خواست آمار بگیره درجریان باشه و سوتی نده.شب ازشدت استرس وفکراینکه فرداچه اتفاقی میفته اصلا خوابم نبرد.امابالاخره صبح شد،پاشدم موکنم رو بردم و رفتم حموم.یه دوش گرفتم وحسابی به خودم رسیدم.لباس زیرست مشکی تنم کردم ومانتوی آبیمو ازکمد درآوردم.یه آرایش ملایم کردم.لباس پوشیدم وازخونه زدم بیرون.خونه عموم نزدیک بود.رسیدم وزنگو زدم که بدون هیچ سوالو جوابی دربازشد.درو بستم ورفتم تو.جلودرهال منتظرم بود.یه تی شرت مشکی بایه شلوارک آبی تنش بود.تارسیدم بغلم کردویه ماچ محکم کردوگفت بیاتوقربونت برم.گفتم یه نفربه من گفته بود اینجاهیچ کاری نمیکنیم مگه من اجازه شو بدم!سریع عذرخواهی کردوگفت چشم عزیزدلم.بیاتورفتیم تو اتاقش.یه سی دی از جیپسی کینگ گذاشت و اومد نشست پیش من.شروع کرد ازگذشته حرف زدن.ازینکه بعضی وقتا میومده در مدرسه واز دور منو دید میزده.ازینکه دیدارهایی که مثلا اتفاقی پیش میومده که تو خیابون همدیگه رو ببینیم هیچ کدوم اتفاقی نبوده وعمداجلوی من سبز میشده و…حدود1ساعت به همین حرفا گذشت که گفت برم یه چی بیارم بخوریم.رفت وبا 1سینی برگشت که توش یه کنیاک بود بایه کاسه ماست موسیر وچندتا چیپس ودوتا پک خوشکل.گفت هنوز میخوری؟(تو خونواده مامشروب کاملاعادیه و هرازگاهی بابا به من هم اجازه میداد بشینم باشون بخورم) گفتم خیلی وقته نخوردم.حالا بشین.منم چند پک میزنم بات.امین ساقی شدو شروع کرد به ریختن.به ترتیب به سلامتی افراد مختلف رفتیم بالا.یکی امین میگفت یکی منامین: میخوریم به سلامتی درخت که سایه شوازهیزم شکنی که داره تبر به تنه ش میزنه هم دریغ نمیکنهمن: بزنیم به سلامتی کلاغ،نه به خاطرسیاهیش،که بخاطر یه رنگیشامین: میخوریم به سلامتی دیوارکه هرمردو نامردی بش تکیه میده پاپس نمیکشهمن : بزنیم به سلامتی کرم خاکی،نه بخاطرکرم بودنش،که بخاطر خاکی بودنشامین: میخوریم به سلامتی سه کس،غریب و یتیم و بی کسمن: بزنیم به سلامتی دو تن،یکیش تو،دومیش منکم کم چشام داشت سیاهی میرفت.گفتم دیگه بسه امین.دارم گیج میشم.گفت باشه گلم برو لباستو عوض کن رو تخت دراز بکش و استراحت کن.مانتومو دراوردم،همینطورشلوارمو و یه دامن کوتاه پوشیدم و رو تخت ولو شدم.اومدکنارم وگفت میخای ماساژت بدم سرحال بیای.خیلی خوب میفهمیدم چی میخاد.گفتم آره عزیزم اما زیاد فضولی نکن.یه چشم کشیده گفت و افتاد به جونم.ازنوک انگشت پام شروع کرد.خیلی آروم ماساژ میدادومیومدبالاتاساق و مچ پامو هم ماساژ دادوبعد انگشتای دستم و تابازوهام اومد بالا.بعد گفت کمرتو هم ماساژ بدم؟ گفتم آره.دست گذاشت روکمرم واومد بالا.خیلی آروم کارشو میکرد.بعددست بردزیر پیرهنم.منم دیگه واقعا تو حال خودم نبودم.مستی کنیاک و ماساژ امین منو تو آسمونا برده بود.امین: بیتا؟من: جانمامین: میشه یکم فضولی کنم؟من: یکم اشکال نداره امازیاد نشه.دوباره یه چشم کشیده گفت و رفت روی رونام دست گذاشتو شروع کرد به مالوندن رونا و باسنم.پیرهنمو داد بالا و آروم تو گوشم گفت سوتینتو بازکنم؟گفتم نه.گفت باشه و ازپشت سوتین به سینه هام دست زد.برم گردوندو به کمر روی تخت خوابوندو پیرهنمو داد بالا و شکمم رو با داستاش میمالید.یه جوری شده بودم،گفتم امین نکن،کافیه دیگه.گفت چشاتو ببندو سعی کن لذت ببری،کاریت ندارم قربونت برم.سعی کردم به حرفش گوش بدم و بش اعتماد کنم.چون واقعا هم داشتم لذت میبردم.دراز کشید روم وشروع کردازم لب گرفتن و بوسه های ریز از گردن و گونه هام میگرفت.دوباره آروم توگوشم گفت بیتاجونم؟! I said in front of me, I'm scared. He said, "I'm not afraid to sacrifice myself." Jon, my breasts. Wow, how it was. I was wrapping myself in it badly. I said, "Amin, I like to shout." He said, "Okay, shout. He started playing with me. Bam was talking and trying to calm me down. After a few minutes, he started again, I was not alone at all, I just closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the ozone moments. Continuing his work was not about getting permission, he tore my skirt and shirt together. He put my feet up and started to go up to my hole. He told me to go back to sleep on my stomach. I did the same. He asked me to put Kirshu under my belly. He started slowly, put his head in the hole. He pressed. But nothing happened. Kirsh was thick and I was the first time. I just screamed in the air again. I got up from the room. He started blinking: Bita, my dear, you know that I love you very much. You know that I will never bother you. But we will never be alone like this again. Let 's try again. For about 1 minutes, he would walk around the hole and lick my lips and eat my breasts. She oiled her pussy and asked me to get ready. I opened my legs and leaned my head on it. , He will not die. He went and brought me a glass of syrup. I do not want you to be upset with me. I like it very much. He hugged me again, then asked me to let him pour the juice on my chest. I accepted.

Date: August 5, 2019
actors: Veronica Rayne
Super foreign movie اخهگفت Hairdresser My makeup Wish you finally Are you wishing: آهردست Arhman: Asmona I brought up Anînخودمونو Room glass Accidental Maybe Disagreement Ethics Relationship Communication Ericsson From permission Of himself Marriage From my friend From the past from school Rest Approval I trusted I fell down The majority of the audience Aluchih Good Amaziyad Exam I believe Dropped an organ Fingers Fingerprints Italian Injahich This way So much The rest Batamine with yourself he opened I opened it My hips are old hole Bashkکدتربازی To be something Okay Okay ok like باکونمحود Finally Above Finally So much Above with my hair with us Sorry Absolutely You are welcome See you today Let's see See you بهاطرکرم I sleep Eat again To eat bad speed بداما بدبعداز بدیباشنختی badimdstmoke Easily I took Birdzir Establish Go back I came back I have to go back expand I said I am angry They are bigger Is bigger The elders be told باشونهونم Bashikhili باشیمبذار بشنمنم After about a month Next year Take it again Take it easy He got up Bluetooth The best Anyway Buddhism Budama Budamine: Budangarz It was Was finally there Budbaye بوپیام I was scared It was almost Was my eyes Budget Budres Was again I arrived Buddhism Was ungrateful Budget only Budfilm Was my model I was working I said: Was always Be Shamin: بودشکه بودزارجور Has always been بودیچ Was fast بوومن Budiki come to your neighbor bring card bring me Biambamoham come on The end of the movie Hello, good day my dear Betadari Bitumen: It doesn't die not yet Outside the interface between us Pashdekirshu my feet Autumn jump yourself My son your cousin Uncle Arzoo's son: Boy Police I wore I wear my hair Worn We wore I twisted I'm old old man his eves Peshmarzo: Tabazoham flat Submitted Change Contacts Tanikish Tujloderhall Urinary tract in your hand تودوميش two family I listen to you Janmamin: Forward Sort of Jorias Way Junmaznok Cheshamamine What do you wish for: Several days how many years Chita Arzoo: Tiştامو Borderline bathroom Memories Memory Black Khakineh Goodbye Purchasing Xewوندو The reader why خودوخالی خورآرزو I did not eat Happy well said Bloody Khunazinke His family Family Street The tailor my brother Grandfather nothing his shoe Dadman: Giveings after داربا How much do I have? I am saying goodbye I have it again You know his story Story my story I had how much we had Student High school Girls little girl cousin The girls are different Took out دروردمیه درازکردتاباها دراوردمهمینشرشلوارمو در بازشددرو take out During Derneomhdoos دزیدیآرم Napkin Handkerchief heart written Again دوس اله my friends Friends Meetings Other than that He said Wall that Receipt Receipt of breasts Receipt of clothing Receipt Behavior Wentimazin Rangishamin: Abandoned badly on my back Come and kiss me Ronamjorike throw away Shot: Bita بزنازینکه Zanas said at Class White pants the health hello my story old age sotinto your bra Cinema We have: He came I burst I woke up came to my side I'm sorry I said I knew I don't know Shadmiumdaghati شدرچند shorts Shamkhili I am happy his mischievousness Good morning: Apology dearest Dear Zambia, we went Dear you dear someone Photo Summary indirect Sacrifice Forget it Tomorrow Tomorrow Sended the solution Small pressure I thought I understood understood thank you Champion Absolutely normal I do did later He got up It's good for me Kurdish family I did a lot Kardsarkirshu کردازپشت کردامابخدا کردلباس کردمچبندای I did the roof کرددختر did it Kardokarboon he said کردوی a stranger Crow Belt Next door Curiosity Konmantomo کردنچون I said کنمن: don't mind کردناگه Small کونمآرم My pussy is pressed I didn't say I left Labeled We left turned around we took Goshito گلیمو لبدسایلنت lablash Go your clothes Continue Massage Massage I'm with you to wear we drink Mantua Different Approximately Mettakkirshu I hate From school Snow school Exceptions محمدوخونشون Occasion Menamin: Waiting Source I love you kind my mobile His position You are raining Maybredmadraz I was wearing I turned around, I said can We were proud I would say I wanna I want to She eats You eat we eat Midadakhe bad Midadomiumdbaltasaq we go for a walk The best I know U know He left You are new He was saying I was going I was going I will He would say ميزدهازینکه ميزننسوتینمو مينهمیگه could you Could be میشیدکنارهم I would say You know so much میشهاشرارکردکه I understood was doing this would do later He was doing next was stealing was going to I was doing I was doing He was doing it again used to do He was dancing Did, of course I was doing it We were feeling was doing We were pulling ميمواقعی It does a lot It was passing Took could get He took it again He said the hour Says the girl they say you rub You are rubbing He threw I did not understand You are polite is coming I'm upset Cowardice lunch Don't be necessary I did not want to Battle but finally There was no body There was only I was not drunk I was not We were not Do not eat now I did not have Did not have ندممشزنگ closer نشدارسارنمیکنمپاشه Did not come we sat He didn't hear it never again I did not نردردزد I did not get I did not say Not enough I look I did not say I could not I do not want to I did not say We did not go نمزدممثلا It is not possible I do not kill I can not I do not know: We do not نمومدوسط I do not know did not fall Humvee Hamishdo once in a while Everything every man استنخوب They are Coordinated each other each other right there همکارو Airlifter He said never Dependent and read I returned And personality and salt and the best and telefnavqarai And how many And a few hours And account and my senses And wanted and myself its movement mischievous and on purpose And think that ولباسشمویی and coat And we wanted

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