My mom is young


Hello, I am Nima, 23 years old. Let me be honest, my mother is young. Yes, his name is Manijeh and he is 43 years old. At first, I could not believe and accept this issue at all, but little by little, I liked it. I enjoyed giving it to someone. He gives or when I hear his voice that he is moaning, when he dies, I become a bad insect in someone and his ass, but let me start from the beginning ………… ..
We live in a 4-unit apartment, and it's better to know that our upper-class neighbors have a sex party, and he introduced me to this site. My father is in charge of the agency, so he does not come home most nights. It was three years ago that I became suspicious of my mother and her behavior. Suspicious phone calls are very comfortable with her co-worker They do) from talking to touching each other and every bit of lustful butter, of course not in front of me. He wore tight coats with stretch pants that showed his buttocks and chest, and most of the time it was late and you bought dinner from outside. He settled in Iran and Tehran. The first time he was exposed in front of me was when I was returning home from the club with Saeed (sex party) when I saw my mother in a car with a stranger. I changed, but I always thought to my mother what she was doing in her dead car when R. I saw my house, my mother arrived home earlier than me (because she was on horseback and I was on foot). I was very normal and said I was somewhere. Friends's the appearance of his wife, but I was sure that the woman was in my mom's car. It was a sexy joke, but to the girl's names, I knew the names were not real, until I saw an SMS in one of these checks, and I was sure that I thought my mother had forgotten to delete it. I saw that the SMS was from Maryam, but it was written. I wonder who you were. I will sacrifice his breasts, which owe me debt و. My mom answered as if she liked it very much, wait and see the rest, I have not shown you all the art yet ……
I was dry, I was getting make-up, I had brought less, that is, my mother, Manijeh's mother, a bastard? Who gives to strangers? Why does he who has a family, has children, has a husband, most importantly, does not need money at all? I was stained for a week, I was bursting, but I could not tell anyone. You are not in the garden, Nima. I said, Saeed, do not say anything. I am going crazy. We were silent for a few minutes, I asked him why he did not say anything, did you even understand what I said? Saeed said, "If you are not upset, I should tell you. I knew, but I could not tell you that until you found out, your mother had seen strangers many times in their car, and I know this with Mr. Parva (he is upstairs and in charge of the apartment)." We are very selfish and comfortable together, even a few times when you were not there, he would call me with different excuses, you would wear blood and open clothes, but I did not do anything with you because of our friend, but I could not tell you this. I brought him and told him, "What should I do with this disgrace? If I tell my father, I'm sure he will kill him. What should I do?" Saeed said, "If you do not disgrace me, I am not disgraced at all. There was a shortage, so you should not blame me, then he introduced me to the Hanging site and showed me what sexy free thinking means, and there are many who like their wives to enjoy the bag, or there are people who love their mother and love only with her. Sex then introduced me to a bag of chat friends who are all very r They used to say that their mothers were gay and that they enjoyed giving their mothers to someone. When I met them and heard their opinions, I was a little upset. What do you think, how does someone give what he says when they have two breasts and they scream and …… ..
هرچی زمان میگذشت به کار مامانم علاقه بیشتری پیدا میکردم و از جنده بودش لذت میبردم تا جایی که فکر این که داره الان کس میده حشریم میکرد و اصلا خودم نسبت بهش احساسی نمداشتم فقط دوست داشتم بکننش کس بده جنده بازی در بیاره همش تو بقل مردای غریبه تجسمش میکردم که داره مثل یه جنده حرفه ای کس میده و اونا هم با تمام وجود میکننش دیگه وقتی دیر وقت میود خونه بوی آبکیرو از سر تا پاش حس میکردم وقتی به این فکر میکردم که تا چند ساعت پیش داشته کس میداده حشری میشدم دیگه این قضیه که مامانم جنده است برام حل شده بود و فقط من میدونستمو سعید ولی سکسش رو ندیده بودم تا اینکه یک روز وقتی از باشگاه امده بودم طبق معمول رفتم دوش بگیرم زیر دوش بودم و داشتم مثل همیشه با فکر جنده بازی های مامان کیرمو میمالیدم که صدای زنگ رو شندیم نمیدونم چیشد ولی یه حسی بهم گفت برم ببینم کیه دوش همینجوری باز بود از حمام امدم بیرون پشت در رخت کن بودم که دیدم مامان داره با یه مرد حرف میزنه ولی صدای آب نمیزاشت بفهمم چی میگن برای همین درحموم رو بستم و نشستم تو رختکن دیدم آقای پروا داره با مامان حرف میزنه و مامان همش میگه نکون دیونه نیما تو حمامه الان یه دفعه مییاد بیرون آبروریزی میشه آقای پروا هم مثل اینکه خیلی حشری شده بود و همش میگفت این کیر رو ببین چطوری راست شده برات دیگه این چیزا حالیش نیست تازه تا نیما بخواد از حمام بییاد بیرون تا دوش رو بست ما خودمون رو جمو جور میکنیم مامان همش ناز میکرد ولی آقای پروا داشت مامانو میمالید ولی کجاشو نمیدونم تا اینکه به مامانم گفت بییا بخورش مامان گفت خوب بزار برای فردا که جلسه هفتگی ساختمونه اقای فاخر چیزی گفت که کیرم از جا داشت کنده میشد گفت نه اونجوری حال نمیده پریزوبهرام لاشخورن به من چیزی نمیرسه شاخ در آوردم آخه آقا پرویز و آقا بهرام دوتا دیگه از همسایه های آپارتمان 4 واحدی ما بودن پس مامان به همه مردای آپارتمان کس میده باورم نمیشد که دیدم دیگه صدای غرغر مامان نمییاد آره داشت ساک میزد برای آقای پروا انم میگفت جون هیشکی مثل تو نمیتونه این کیر رو تا تح تو حلقش جا بده زنم که اصلا میترسه تو دهنش بکنه فکر کنم کیر نکره داشت که اینجوری در بارش حرف میزد مامان همش میگفت هیسسسسس آقای پروا میگفت نترس حواسم هست صدای آب نمیزاره صدای مارو بشنوه مامان داشت همینجوری کیرش رو میخورد که گفت چرا نمییاد پس دارم میمیرم از دل شوره اقای پروا گفت بییاد چی چی بییاد من که هنوز کس خوشکلتو نکردم جنده خانم مامان گفت وایی نه بزار همینجوری برات بخورم زود بییاد تموم بشه نیما الان مییاد من کیرم تو دستم بود از شدت هیجان شقیقهام درد گرفته بود سرخ شده بودم وایی مامانم اونور در داشت برای آقای پروا ساک میزد اونم با سینه های مامان ور میرفت و میگفت وای چقد داغ شده سینه هات دستم میسوزه بعد مامان رو بلند کرد نمیدونم چجوری شلوارش رو در آورد ولی از صدای مامان که میگفت یواش دردم مییاد فهمیدم که داره میکنتش آقای پروا هم میگفت میدونی من ناز کشتم ناز میکنی جنده خانم کس به این گشادی و کارکشتگی که دردش نمییاد همینجوری که داشت این حرفارو میزد صداش بریده بریده میشد معلوم بود که داره تلمبه میزنه و برای همین صداش در نمییاد مامان آهه میکشید من با تجسم حالتی که مامانم داشت کس میداد آبم امد و ریخت تو دستم ولی کیرم اصلا نخوابید همینجوری استوار بود و باز هم به صدای سکس مامان و آقای پروا گوش میدادم که هر دوشون نفس نفس میزدن آقای پروا میگفت خوشت مییاد کستو با کیرم پر کردم برات حال میکنی مامان مگفت آره دوسش دارم دوس دارم بهت کس بدم چرا زنتو طلاق نمیدی که خونت همیشه خالی باشه هر شب بهت کس بدم اونم میگفت جووون و صدای شالاپ شلوپشون بیشتر میشد مامان دیگه منو یادش رفته بود کیر دیونش کرده شنیدن این حرفا از مامانم خیلی بهم حال میداد تا اینکه آقای فاخر گفت دارم مییام مامان گفت بده میخام بخورمش آقای فاخر هم با چنتا آهه آبشو تو دهن مامان خالی کرد چنتا جون گفت و خودشونو جموجور کردن بعد مامانو بوسید و گفت مرسی عزیزم خیلی حال داد دففعه بعد میخوام وقتی شوهره کسکشت خونس بکنمت مامان گفت خوب حالا برو تا نیما نیومده منم رفتم زیر دوش و یه بار دیگه با یاد کس دادن مامانم جق زدم وقتی امدم بیرون دیدم مامان تو دست شویه احتمالان داشت خودشو میشوست وای ی چه بوی آب کبیر و شهوتی میداد اتاق داشتم به گوشه اتاق که ملافه رو مبل کجوکوله شده بو نگاه میکردم معلوم بود روی اون مبل مامانم کس داده اونم وقتی من خونه ام مامان امد بیرون خیلی عادی بود واقعا یه جنده حرفه ای هستش گفتم کی بود گفت کی آهان آقای پروا بود امده بود بگه فردا شب خونه آقا بهرام اینا (بابای سعید) جلسه برای ساختمونه که بابات یا من بریم تو دلم گفتم وای ی ی ی کاش منم میتونستم ببینم فردا شب چطوری سه تا کیرو آبشونو مییاری دل تو دلم نبود تا زودتر به سعید بگم بابای شما هم بله چون اون فکر میکرد مامان فقط به آقای پروا کس میده
All night long, I was thinking about giving my mother to someone. Giving it to him, I thought I would get it right again.
In the morning, I saw that my mother had gone to the bathroom to prepare herself for tonight's feast. I called Saeed and told him to come and have a card. Saeed was happy, my mom, I like it too) I told her, "Come on, I want to introduce you to one of those zero adulteries of my mom." My father, this is not the case, Omra, when will my young mother do that to you? Come on, joke, I'm serious, we're serious about you. We went to your room. Yes, when I told you, Saeed told you, well, what should we do now? I suggested a camera I gave a sigh, but Saeed said, "Don't tell anyone, Dad, have you seen a lot of movies?" If Alkieh understands the panel, then he said that he has an MP3 Player with 1 gig that can record a lot of sound.
Saeed had been recording since he left when he put the MP3 player on and left it in the bedroom. My father was supposed to go to the building after the meeting. It was another way that he thought that he wanted to give Parviz and Bahram and Ghodrat (Mr. Parva) someone's night. It was about 8 o'clock. Dad went to my mom's agency. He said, "I'm not bored, nor is it time for you to go. My mother, who already knew Baba's answer, said, 'Okay, I'm going.' Well, Mom, who left the house, I got up and called Saeed. I called Saeed. It was about 9:30 when I saw that my mother had turned red. It turned out that she was very active His condition was not as good as the first time he was gone. The worst smell was watery and the smell of power and Parviz and Bahram. My mother came now, I'm sure she did the calculations, Saeed said, "I know, I called myself now. I told my father, 'Do you know where your mother is?'
Until Saeed came, I did not have a heart in my heart, I called him every ten minutes, so when did Mian finally come, I went and saw him walking up the stairs. I said, "Yes, go soon. Let 's listen to him and see what happened." Saeed said, "Okay, wait. Now I'll go." I said let's go to my room to listen and see what happened.
We went to my room and we both listened to what he said at first that he was not in the bedroom and nothing could be understood, but the sound of loud laughter came from mom, who was laughing like a jerk. I bet you's half the weight of the juice that you put in your cup (it turned out that my mother took it and brought it to the bedroom). This time, when I was not fit, you poured a lot of cream on me and you made me angry. Tonight, I want to unite Kasu Kunmo. I haven't been with three people for a long time. He did not come until the power said that he wanted a little pump. I would like to open it tonight. Mom said, "Come on." My dear, do it, kiss me, then he said to Parviz, "Why are you yelling around? Come on, Kirto, I want to eat (oh, what a mom!" He went to start and said, "Wow, what an opening you have. You don't want to prepare at all. ? I said no, Mom said, well, then do whatever you like, do it, I like it. Saeed Kirmoon was very angry with me, but we did not say anything, we just listened to the sound of my mother's moans, which was due to the pleasure of her and her assing. Sucking and pumping, changing their places a few times, and finally, when I was watering, my mother was there. Bahram Kaft, I have water. I was always sacrificing his truth, what water was drawn from them, Jon, who was Jon, who was Connie, after he was silent, Parviz, who had Kirshu's mother, was sighing. Then the two who were drunk and their voices were heard I did not feel like my mother was not there. As Parviz started again, look at Jon Kasu Conto.
Then Saeed said, "Okay, I'll go again. This is your mother Jund from tonight, but I do not believe it was my father." Sex tonight has made her very tired

And then, my father used to send one of the rannies to buy. My mother and I bought a tiger. Usually, a man named Mansour, who was about 5, XNUMX years old, came one morning to look for my mother. I told my mother to go out with Saeed. We went to Kaschrokh, but it was not until the hour when Saeed's mobile phone rang and he was his girlfriend. But I said no, he's not from his house. manij was a pair of orange leggings with a bad top on the tail of the sofa when Mansour said that he could not take it anymore. Bad Yehu brought Kirshu, it was not Kir, who was an elephant's snout, he told manij with a laugh, "I will not go to you today." Who else am I? My mom said no how? He said, "Oh, your person has become more open!" He did and took a kiss and left, my mother went the same way in the bathroom, I went and lay down on my bed. I said XNUMX minutes said why did you come early? I said that this Saeed planted me, he said do not say this, that boy is very good [he said in a special way], then he said that today I am very tired for shopping, I am going to take a nap [yes, you bought it for yourself], I also went to call Saed to see what is going on

Date: March 6, 2018

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