Pure person and poetry


First of all, let's say that this story can not be criticized, but nothing is unlikely from a good story. Imam Khamenei's words Jaq's words came to the middle I remembered a jake Imam Khomeini played the role of my right hand during the struggle of my wife and in the prison my right hand played the role of my wife and your service to my dear classmates and warm greetings to the service of my dear teacher According to the evidence that I saw with my pair of eggs, oh sir, why did you get up? Why did you wear a ruler? There is no victory. Finally, on a hot summer day when Mr. Donkey also has a fever, I was playing fireworks in the yard when suddenly the loud sound of chickens was heard. I went to see what had happened. I took it and counted it. In XNUMX mins of what class I had, not XNUMX times, he arranged our chickens. This is an example of a violation. Refer to the book Algebra. Probably the third year of mathematics. I was about to go to the kitchen to fetch water when I heard his father say that he was safe from Chinese. Supporting national production. You are not here, a professional is making a fuss, sir, what does he say, let him take it now? A set of girls who do not brush and you brush your teeth, sir, this is your office, sir. They try to save their obscenities, they tell the stories of incest, they wrote the truth of God Almighty

Date: April 13, 2019

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