Game of Thrones and Beds XNUMX


This story is taken from the omissions of the book. The first part was a cold night and was held next to the tree of the gods. Sansa Stark and Ramsey Snow's wedding ceremony was held. Ramsey put her hand and Mr. Muharram made the two of them mahram. There was a party and anthem that night, but Sansa was upset because the wedding was forced and if Ramsey's bride was not killed, the night would end and Ramsey and Sansa would both get ready for the wedding. Arrangements had already been made, but before Ramsey closed the door, he brought a spectator to Sansa. Ramzi raised her eyes to the ground with her hand. Ramzi raised her face to Sansa and wiped her tears and said, "Darling, you will never forget tonight." Ramsey rushes to Sansa and throws her on the bed and starts tearing her clothes. Sansa's bride Sansa did not say a word and only tears were flowing on the mattress. She shivered and her heart was pounding as if her heart was pounding in her throat and Sansa was overwhelmed with fear. Oh, he got up loudly from Sansa and blood flowed from his legs. With each blow that Ramsey hit, Sansa screams got louder. Kirshu came in and said to Sansa, "Yala, my dear, come and kiss Kirmo, because I have to go to your tight corner." Sansa ignored me and Ramzi shouted angrily, I ate a thick cock and coded. After that, Ramsey went to his well-chipped and white ass. Yazd was biting and Kirshu stuck to her ass hole and he was playing with Kirsh with Sansa's ass hole. He would shout and say, "Finish Ramsey, it hurts. Be quick, darling. You still have to wait until the morning until it is finished." He was also pumping as if he was insatiable and he was still thirsty. Sansa was blushing after a while. You are mine and you have to prepare yourself for me every night and you have to fuck the girl like this and go to the bathroom with the same situation. The end of the first part.

Date: January 10, 2019

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