Travel book for sale


I have been reading all the stories every night for a long time, but today I am going to write a real memory of sex with a traveling salesman but a liar. I am single from Zarkhiz province of Khuzestan and I have a shop. A cultural institution introduced that they sell books. He introduced me to some books from inside his bag. I could hear his voice, but my attention was on his white chest, which was clearly visible from under his colored mask. I did not. With the help of a third shopkeeper, I bought a series of his books. He said that he also collects aid for prisoners. In order to have my number, I called him one by one, and from that day on, our messages started. He was supposed to come to my house at the first opportunity. My heart was in my heart and Kir was not in my shorts.I gave him sleep until nightfall. It was not yet nine o'clock when he got up. When I first approached my face, I kissed his forehead, but he took my head and put his lips on mine. I put my hand on her breasts and she sighed deeply from the bottom of her heart. There was one, the same small, portable breasts, and one was that she had cut her hair completely, but she had put a straight line from the top of her tight to her navel. I do not insist that he was very spontaneous during sex, so much so that he shook his head very much. His lust was very high. I had great sex with him several times, until I realized that he had lied about collecting money for prisoners. I found out that I had sex with two other shopkeepers and I had counted the money, but I do not know. Rome or not, friends, forgive me, if I did not have too many wings and wings, it would have taken me two hours to type

Date: July 10, 2020

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