Yaqub Khan Sahib Kass


Scene of one of the rooms in the house where two men are having sex with the moonlight A faint red light is on. Every piece of men's clothing has fallen somewhere on the floor. Ha, the sound of laughter and the sound of crying comes from another. Dariush, I did not think that you would be so fragmented, young lady. Mahtab takes Ishaq, shut up, Connie's mother, this beautiful person's close to me, oh no, darling, Dariush, let 's ask ourselves, who eats whoever eats more, that is, he likes them more. At the same time, the two sprinkle their semen on the face of the moonlight and say, "Hello, lady." The brothel starts after the two men until they reach a room where a piece of paper is glued to the room. Maria, they are knocking on the door, Maria, come on, you two men, hello, Maria, madam, what happened to our account? Where did you find it? Lamasb is something else. It's different from the others. I love her. Suddenly she is interrupted by Maria. He puts it together and adds a few numbers so that Darius, we only had one person. We were crazy. Both men laughed out loud. Maria smirked, Ishaq, yes, you's not bad yourself. They get out there. Maria shows the camera. Maria picks up two travels under the light of Mehta. He gets over his head and when he is sure that they are not counterfeit, he puts them in the second drawer of his desk, on which Yaqub Khan writes, then he takes a thousand tomans from the same drawer, closes the second drawer and pulls out the first drawer, and then He pours a thousand tomans into the first drawer, on which is written the camera of the camera brothel.

Date: July 15, 2018

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